Wednesday, August 26, 2020
regional paper essays
territorial paper expositions William Greider, a national undertakings reporter was cited as saying the extraordinary, unreported story in globalization is about force, not belief system. It's about how fund and business routinely, persistently embed their own self-intrigued arrangements and special cases into decides and understandings that are then reported to people in general as facilitated commerce. Obviously this being just one keeps an eye on supposition, provincial incorporation can carry neighboring nations closer to more liberated exchange. This essayist will clarify the job of territorial coordination with worldwide business and talk about the focal points and burdens of local reconciliation between those nations taking an interest in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). What's more, this author will thoroughly analyze the financial improvement phases of those equivalent nations and address the implications of monetary advancement for worldwide businessAs of December 1999, there were 214 un derstandings introduced to the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) and the WTO (World Trade Organization), with 134 viewed as a result. From an overall point of view, one of the general objectives of the GATT and WTO is to decrease exchange obstructions. In any case, a few nations have decided to move the procedure of diminished exchange boundaries along by going into territorial exchange concurrences with other neighboring nations. Financial hypotheses anticipate that these territorial exchange understandings advancing more liberated exchange advantage all part nations. A portion of the advantages from more liberated exchange because of local coordination can be distinguished through more noteworthy world creation, nations being perceived as an increasingly proficient maker of a particular decent or administration and incitement in monetary development. Likewise, political collaboration is set up when close by economies meet up and depend on one another. Having this relationship can altogether decrease the potential for rough clash between the states and can improve the general political influe... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Difference between Structured and Unstructured Observation
Distinction among Structured and Unstructured Observation At the initial step of this evaluation I have to plot what is associated with organized perception. The two primary systems that analysts can as a rule use to record their perceptions of occasions are the organized and unstructured perception. The previous includes the chronicle of occasions of predefined types happening at specific focuses in time, or inside specific interims. Organized perception normally creates quantitative information (data about the recurrence of various sorts of occasions or of the extent of time spent on various kinds of movement). This type of perception regularly includes various dangers to legitimacy. Among the perils with organized perception is that the predefined classes utilized, will turn out not to be plainly characterized, so that there is vulnerability specifically occurrences about which classification is proper. There may likewise be significant occasions that don't appear to fit into any of the classifications. This, in any case, is just picked up at the expense of the data being gathered on various cases or at various occasions frequently not being practically identical (Research Methods in Education, Handbook, p. 44). Besides, organized perception is anything but difficult to be portrayed yet hard to be acknowledged without really captivating all the while. Simply, it includes putting an eyewitness in a social setting to watch all exercises characterized as important to the examination. Generally, the strategy is gotten from member perception in social human sciences and the differentiation which is now and again made among member and non-member perception doesn't completely hold by and by: some level of investment is inescapable. As William Howard Russell, the Victorian war reporter for the Times said I stand and glance around, and state in this way does it appear to me and therefore I appear to see so does the organized perception. The structure of organized perception is forced by the points of the examination similarly as such points force structure upon any strategy for information assortment. Similarly just like the situation when open inquiries are utilized in meetings or self-finished surv eys the specialist utilizing organized perception perceives that not the entirety of the structure can be resolved ahead of time and that some structure must be forced on the information after they have been gathered (Roberts, 1975, p. 309). Scientists undertaking organized observational research normally hope to utilize low-deduction classifications at the end of the day, classes that can be applied to occurrences with at least contestable judgment with respect to the eyewitness in the desire for bringing about just little components of blunder and vulnerability. For instance, low-deduction classes for watching a gathering may incorporate such things as Asks an inquiry, Expresses understanding and Makes a proposition (E891 Educational Enquiry, Study Guide, p. 145). Besides, it is practically certain that a few information acquired from organized perception contain mistakes, particularly if perception is done under significant tension of time, driving the possibility to make wrong judgment in wrong boxes. Anyway organized perception as a quantitative research has additionally been guided by probably a portion of the presumptions of positivism from lab tests, through organized observational investigations of homeroom inst ructing, to enormous scope social overviews of the perspectives of educators, understudies, guardians, training supervisors and others. In reality, through the span of the twentieth century, a lot of instructive research was impacted by a positivist methodology worried, for instance, with distinguishing the overall adequacy of various showing methodologies and procedures (Dunkin, 1974, p. 6). Going to the second piece of the task, I will attempt to acquaint agreeing with the best of my insight, the methodological way of thinking of positivism. In worry to the principles of sensible experimentation, logical advancement in any order starts with the untainted perception of the real world. This reality is required to furnish the scientist with a picture of this present reality from which intellectually produces a from the earlier model of the procedure to be examined. The word positivism is these days utilized in such a wide scope of ways that it has gotten practically pointless, then again, actually it is generally utilized urgently to excuse perspectives or types of research of which the speaker objects. The first significance of the term contained some significant components. Broadly, positivism can be described verifiably as a perspective about information and enquiry that takes normal science, as it created after the seventeenth century, as the model, and which looks to apply the logical technique to new fields. Despite the fact that the term positivism was not designed until the nineteenth century, this thought was a focal strand of eighteenth-century Enlightenment thinking, in spite of the fact that it was in no way, shape or form the one and only one and was surely not acknowledged by all Enlightenment masterminds (E891 Educational Enquiry, Study Guide, p. 78). One of the fundamental components of positivism is the possibility that it is the undertaking of research to recognize standard repeatable examples among circumstances and logical results, distinguishing specific instructive methodologies that dependably achieve an attractive instructive result. Notwithstanding, there are inquiries concerning whether such examples exist, what character they have in the event that they do, and how we can know them. Another element of positivism is the possibility that exploration must follow an express strategy, with the goal that the quirky impacts of who is doing the examination can be killed and the replicability of the discoveries checked. Attempting to expand on this, the idea of proof based arrangement making and practice is regularly advanced because it is straightforward, since it is guided by expressly indicated information whose legitimacy is available to examination despite the fact that this thought is exposed to debate. Conversely, the positivist way of thinking, experiences a few restrictions, particularly when applied to sociologies. To begin with, this methodology, sums up an all inclusive explanation of truth from perceptions of a specific number of positive examples. The severe inductionist approach is regularly improper on the grounds that theory and production of a from the earlier speculation are basic for a methodical methodology of hypothesis building. Besides, the empiricist approach depends on the idea of unadulterated perception, which is unimaginable in inquire about, particularly in sociologies, since perceptions are consistently dependent upon estimation mistakes. At long last, this methodology accept that information is gotten from a target translation of suspicions, with no of the emotional predispositions or from the earlier information on the researcher becoming possibly the most important factor. Besides, positivists have would in general accept that the accomplishment of normal science in current occasions has originated from researchers refusal to go past what can be bolstered by experimental proof. It is anything but difficult to overlook how radical a direction this was in before hundreds of years, maybe still is in certain quarters. It moves strict cases to information about the world, different sorts of theoretical way of thinking that don't give close consideration to what is justified by exact proof, and even any intrigue to what is evident to sound judgment. (E891 Educational Enquiry, Study Guide, p. 79). The third part of my article is the qualities and shortcomings of organized perception in worry of positivism. In spite of the fact that positivism has been a repetitive subject throughout the entire existence of western idea from the Ancient Greeks to the current day, it is generally connected with the nineteenth-century French logician, Auguste Comte, who was the principal scholar to utilize the word for a philosophical position. In his investigation of the historical backdrop of the way of thinking and philosophy of science, Oldroyd (1986) says: It was Comte who intentionally designed the new study of society and gave it the name to which we are acclimated. He felt that it is conceivable to build up it on a positive premise, much the same as different sciences, which filled in as essential starters to it. For social wonders were to be seen in the light of physiological (or natural) laws and speculations and researched observationally, much the same as physical marvels. Moreover, o rganic marvels were to be seen in the light of substance laws and speculations, etc down the line (Silverman et al, (2000), p.18). Besides, Comtes position was to prompt a general convention of positivism which held that all veritable information depends on sense understanding and must be progressed by methods for perception and examination. Right off the bat, Positivism here suggests a specific position concerning the social researcher as an eyewitness of social reality and second the finished result of examinations by social researchers can be detailed in wording corresponding to those of normal science. This implies their investigations must be communicated parents in law or law-like speculations of a similar kind that have been built up according to normal. Positivists frequently had high expectations that science, and particularly a study of human public activity, would prepare for significant social and political advancement, by subverting convictions and practices that depended entirely on odd notion or convention, and supplanting them any place conceivable with ones established on logical proof. To an enormous degree, positivists have, embraced test material science as their model. Therefore to this, it has been a solid propensity for them to demand that it is basic to utilize the trial technique, and the types of factual examination demonstrated on it, to participate in the cautious estimation of marvels, and to search for causal or measurable connections among factors. These responsibilities unequivocally infer the utilization of quantitative information (E891 Educational Enquiry, Study Guide, p. 89). Another trait of positivist way of thinking is the view that, to create information, it is fundamental to follow exceptional or str aightforward
Friday, August 21, 2020
The important things in life
The important things in life A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter.He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up the remaining open areas of the jar.He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous Yes.Now, said the professor, I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things your family, your partner, your health, your children things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else, the small stuff.If you put the sand into the jar first, he continued, there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party, or fix the disposal.Take care of the rocks first the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.Author Unknown
The important things in life
The important things in life A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter.He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up the remaining open areas of the jar.He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous Yes.Now, said the professor, I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things your family, your partner, your health, your children things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else, the small stuff.If you put the sand into the jar first, he continued, there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party, or fix the disposal.Take care of the rocks first the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.Author Unknown
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Obedience Is Not A Bad Thing Essay - 1465 Words
Obedience is defined as compliance with an order, request, or submission to another’s authority. Just about everyone obeys someone or something on a daily basis without even thinking about it. It is normal and useful for keeping law and order in a common civilized society. Obedience is not a bad thing, it is just a way of controlling people. However, the opposite end of obedience is disobedience which is usually viewed as bad, especially in the context of a societal view. Both obedience and disobedience serve a purpose, from positive control through obedience, to denying control to avoid being influenced to do something immoral. Erich Fromm, Doris Lessing, and Stanley Milgram reveal how the effects of obedience can be negative and how hard it can be to disobey. Obedience can be catastrophic; during the holocaust, many men obeyed orders only to find they were puppets in an evil scheme. However, thriving obedience in the human species is a cause of the need to please, a difficul ty to disobey, and social pressures that are displayed among groups. Many war crimes and horrific historical events involve the forces of obedience especially within groups. These tragic events as time has passed have sparked curiosity in many behavioral scientists. Research through experimentation has occurred and helped explain some of the behaviors witnessed such as in the famous Milgram experiment. Stanley Milgram performed an experiment that revealed some truly baffling facts when it comes toShow MoreRelatedObedience Is Not A Bad Thing Essay1420 Words  | 6 Pagesauthority is obedience. Just about everyone obeys someone or something on a daily basis without even thinking about it. It is normal and useful for keeping law and order in a common civilized society. Obedience is not a bad thing, it is just a way of controlling people. However, the opposite end of obedience is disobedience which is usually viewed as bad, especially in the context of a societal view. Both obedience and disobedience serve a purpose, from positive control through obedience, to denyingRead MoreObedience to Authority Essays836 Words  | 4 Pageseven human being’s life; along with this, is the expectation of obedience to that authority. Through this obedience, many great things have been accomplished, as well as many instances of cruel and immoral acts. Defiance of the established authority, though, has also lead to great things, such as the creation and founding of the United States of America. In his writing, Obedience to Authority, Stanley Milgram examines the obedience to authority without questioning or taking responsibility and theRead MoreReal Life Implications Of The Milgram Experiment1698 Words  | 7 PagesReal Life Implications of the Milgram Experiment One of the most controversial studies in the history of psychology is Stanley Milgram’s Obedience experiment, which revealed the power of obedience and the horrendous acts people would commit when faced by an authority figure. Milgram selected male participants to be part of a learning study. He got people to be either the learner or the teacher. It was fixed that they were always the teacher. The teacher would shock the learner if they would getRead MoreA Few Good Men By Erich Fromm1403 Words  | 6 Pages Studying obedience to authority most often reveals human nature repugnantly; however, it teaches society individual capability and, thus, it can prevent unethical actions. In the film, A Few Good Men, Col. Nathan R. Jessup, the commanding officer at Guantanamo Bay Cuba orders a â€Å"code red†– an unsanctioned disciplinary action against Pfc. William T. Santiago. Lance Cpl. Harold W. Dawson and Pfc. Louden Downey, two U.S. Marines, are the fellow platoon members that implement the code red, and LtRead MoreA Few Good Men Analysis1331 Words  | 6 Pagesauthorization, specifically in the military (Zimbardo 116-117, Kelman and Hamilton 139-142). Zimbardo would consider Dawson’s following of the Code Red to be a product of his environment, in this case, the military (116). Based on â€Å"When Good People do Bad Things,†Dr. Phil, Ph.D., agrees with Zimbardo that ordinary people are capable of carrying out heinous acts, depending on the situation. Dr. Phil interviews a military Ranger, Alex, who robbed a bank inadvertently. The Ranger was under the impressionRead MoreEssay on Obedience to Authority574 Words  | 3 PagesObedience to Authority Today our society raises us to believe that obedience is good and disobedience is bad. We are taught that we should all do what we’re told and that the people that are disobedient are almost always bad people. Society tells us this, but it is not true. Most people will even be obedient to the point of causing harm to others, because to be disobedient requires the courage to be alone against authority. In Stanley Milgram’s Perils of Obedience experiment, his studiesRead MoreWhat Can Social Psychology Teach Us About What Happened At Abu Ghraib? Essay1023 Words  | 5 Pagesthe line to gain information by the centre intelligence agency, tier 1A was known as the interrogation hold. One detained was mentally ill, he covered himself in faeces every day, the soldiers would have to role him in sand so he wouldn’t smell so bad and they named him ‘Shitboy’. What was he doing in an interrogation hold? This is one example that shows the level of humilia tion and dehumanisation that went on. Philip Zimbardo was an expert witness for U.S. Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Ivan â€Å"Chip†FrederickRead MoreCustomer Service And Employee Satisfaction1604 Words  | 7 Pagesthat good leadership directly relates to the quality of business. Meaning that the better the leadership, the better the business. Quality leadership one of the major keys of developing good customer service and employee satisfaction. Considering obedience defines whether we obey or disobey the authority, many individuals today have no choice but to obey. Leaders of businesses are far along being autocratic to their leadership style instead of democratic. Individuals feel afraid and feel like slavesRead MoreDisobedience Vs Obedience1700 Words  | 7 PagesIn society, obedience to authority is ingrained in humanity from an early age, causing some individuals to blindly obey orders without contemplating the credibility of the source. In psychoanalyst Erich Fromm’s article â€Å"Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem,†he explains that throughout human history obedience has been associated with virtue and disobedience with sin (Fromm 127). Fromm suggests that our conscience is an internalized voice of authority (126). Fromm claims individuals needRead MoreResearch Paper on Child Behavior1597 Words  | 7 Pagesoblivious to the respect that parents deserve and everything centers on their own needs. Throughout this paper many things have been explored such as: attachment issues in psychology, history of childhood behavior problems in biological relatives of boys with ADHD and conduct disorder, dealing with disrespect in your teenager, the seven keys to child obedience and how children’s bad behavior gives insight to academic achievements. New Research Suggest â€Å"New research suggests that children entering
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Truck Culture of Pakistan - 3173 Words
1. Truck Culture of Pakistan: Art in any form is joy to the eyes. In Pakistan there is this great art (known as Truck Art) which has captured the imagination of tourists and art lovers from all over the globe. Its not cheap, it’s not easy but a truck owner without a truck art is not acceptable in the Truck Drivers fraternity. 1.1 History of Vehicle Painting in Pakistan The extraordinary tradition of decorating trucks has its roots in the days of the British Raj when craftsmen made glorious horse drawn carriages for the gentry. The 1920s the Kohistan Bus Company asked the master craftsman Ustad Elahi Bakhsh to decorate their buses to attract passengers. Bukhsh employed a company of artists from the Punjab town of Chiniot, whose†¦show more content†¦The most common features are landscapes, womens face, birds, tigers and flowers, but sometimes technological motifs like airports and trains can also be found. Two basic types of paintings can be distinguished in the way the truck sides are done. The first is simple painting, which is basically a picture on each segment on the sides with some additional ornaments. The second type, which leaves no square inch uncovered, is the Disco Painting’. These disco trucks are the real master pieces. Every time you look at them, you discover new images and decorations. But whether â€Å"simple†or â€Å"disco†, the paintings on the sides are never identical, and not only because the name of the owing company is written in Urdu on one side and in Roman on the other. [pic] 1.3 Night view of a Beautiful Truck 6. Motifs: The motifs on the trucks can be categorized in five groups: 1. Idealized elements of life, such as the romanticized village, landscapes or beautiful women. [pic] 1.4 Beautiful scenery painted on a Truck’s back 2. Elements from modern life, such as pictures of political figures or patriotic symbols. FIG:1.5 [pic] 3. Talismanic and fetish objects, such as horns, yak tails and items of clothing. FIG: 1.6 [pic] 4. Talismanically or religiously loaded symbols, such as eyes and fish. [pic] 1.7 Painted Eyes painted on the front top of a Truck 5. Obvious religious symbols and images, such asShow MoreRelated The Culture of Pakistan Essay examples1064 Words  | 5 PagesThe Culture of Pakistan I am always fascinated with other peoples cultures. The New York or Californian culture always amazes me although these states are in the United States. These areas of the nation seem very different than Texas. I do not have any friends that have recently moved here from another culture so, I set out to my neighborhood Stop N Go. The clerks at this convenience store are all from other countries. 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There s many reasons why people, states or countries may not take education seriously. Pakistan is one country that has the most curtailment on education towards women. Malala Yousafazi became a young activist, she stood up for her people in Pakistan to restore the rights of education to women. Her journey began when she was just the age of fifteen; she was shot on her head near the school bus by the Taliban in 2012Read MorePorters Five Forces Analysis of Automotive Industry in Pakistan and Bangladesh1734 Words  | 7 PagesEnterprises) that is engaged in (Vehicle or Electronics Item) manufacturing and selling business in US and Europe. As per Company’s Global Expansion Plan, ALPHA Enterprises desires to expand its business network (Both Manufacturing and Selling) either in Pakistan or Bangladesh. Your Department has been tasked by CEO to conduct a Strategic analysis of Business/Industry for both the countries. Keeping this in mind Q1: Conduct a Strategic Analysis using Michael Porters Five Forces and on the basis of said analysisRead MoreAnalysis Of Sattar Buksh And The Common Wise Man On The Street Who Has A Strong Entitled Opinion On Every1751 Words  | 8 Pages whether we were a political/apolitical. We needed to find our niche. Pakistan being the biggest tea importer of the world and yet all our cafà ©s served only coffee. So we started discussing that there needed to be a cafe that served a cup of tea without making it seem like it was a poor man’s beverage. We aimed to combine the western culture that Pakistan had adopted with Pakistan’s own tea drinking truck art painting culture. 2. Do you think business plans are necessary for entrepreneurship? AbsolutelyRead MoreAuto Industry Analysis in Pakistan8638 Words  | 35 PagesINDUSTRY IN THE ECONOMY OF PAKISTAN ITS GROWTH. ITS IMPACTS NEGATIVE AS WELL AS POSITIVE.†Syndicate # 3 Syndicate Adviser: Dr. Shagufta Zareen Members: Muhammad Naeem Arshad Abbasi Ghazala Nasir Romana Alam Naveed Akhtar Khurram Mangi Mahmood Alam Directorate General of Training Research, Federal Board of Revenue, Lahore Outline: ïÆ'Ëœ Introduction ïÆ'Ëœ Literature Review ïÆ'Ëœ Evolution of Automobile Industry with special reference to Pakistan ïÆ'Ëœ Automobile Industry in Pakistan and comparison with the IndianRead MoreThe Indian Pakistan Conflict That Is Affecting Cricket991 Words  | 4 PagesThe Indian-Pakistan conflict that is affecting cricket Issues over beef lynching India visas denial to a group of U.S religious freedom group Photoshopped politics in India What did you learn about India that you think is relevant to this course? (Mention at least 3 separate topics and write a paragraph for each one) The Indian-Pakistan war had started since 1947 and these two countries had been involve in four different wars and many borders conflicts. All these wars had seriously impacted cricketRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Nyc907 Words  | 4 Pagesthe fruit stands on the streets, reminding you that New York City even has choices for everyone even for healthy conscious ones. I lived and liked Brooklyn borough of New York City because it has so many Pakistani people, that it’s called â€Å"Little Pakistan.†There you will find tasty Indo-Pakistani food. Your taste buds will thank you for the spicy aroma, and tenderness of chicken or beef kabobs perfectly done on clay oven called â€Å"tandoor†. Chicken curry, beef curry with freshly clay oven baked Naans
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Juvenile Delinquency Essay - 2036 Words
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Juvenile delinquents, or youth that have been convicted of a crime, seem to be the norm these days. Citizens, families, and poliy makers want new programs and policies within the juvenile justice system. Researchers have found that the family structure can be a precursor to delinquent behavior, and families do not have the control or blance that they once did. As such, mew measures need to be implemented to help these families in crisis. Rehabilitation of the family unit is the answer, say many, not punishment. In response to this, new ideas have formed to rehabilitate the family unit, but first, the family structures that are precursors to delinquent behavior must be identified. â€Å"Family Life, Delinquency,†¦show more content†¦The researchers have found that single parent families correlated with juvenile delinquency, and children from single-parent homes were more likely to increase their delinquency as they passed through adolescence, whereas, children raised in two parent homes were more likely to desist from delinquent behavior as they matured. Family structures, such as, single-parent families and stepfamilies, seem to disrupt a child’s normal socialization process. In conclusion, the authors and researchers come to the agreement that â€Å"a healthy home environment is the single most important factor in preventing delinquent behavior,†(32). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In â€Å"The Path to School Failure, Delinquency, and Violence: Causal Factors and Some Potential Solutions,†the author also supports the theory that poor parenting is a key risk factor or precursor associated with delinquency. The author recognizes key risk factors of delinquency such as, â€Å"poverty, dysfuntional and chaotic families, incompetent parenting, and negative parental attitudes toward education†(Walker, 1999, p.2). These risk factors provide a fertile breeding ground for the development of delinquent attitudes and behavioral styles among the children exposed to them. At the core of Mr. Walker’s article is the fact that these risk factors need to be reduced and/or eliminated. Parents need to recommit themselves to raising their children safely and effectively.Show MoreRelatedJuvenile Delinquency1154 Words  | 5 PagesDiscussion In common parlance, there is an understanding of juvenile delinquency as meaning adolescents breaking the law or participating in mischievous behavior. Defining juveniles as being under the age of 18 years is the general rule of thumb because, in the current legal system, upon reaching this age individuals can be tried as adults, serve in the military, and, in some states, consume alcohol. (Reckless, 1972) One may ask why juvenile delinquency is viewed as a separate construct from adult deviantRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency2109 Words  | 9 PagesJuvenile Delinquency 1 Juvenile Delinquency: Features, Causes and Solutions Shen Cheng Class: 110 Teacher: Stephanie February 29, 2012 Juvenile Delinquency 2 Outline I. Introduction Thesis statement: Nowadays, there is no denying that Juvenile Delinquency has become one of the hottest social issues. The features, causes, and solutions of Juvenile Delinquency will be discussed about in this research. II. The features of Juvenile Delinquency A. The average age of juveniles who commitRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency2343 Words  | 10 PagesOpener: B. Thesis statement: This term paper explores how family issues attribute to juvenile delinquency and how to overcome it. II. First and foremost, an unstable family structure is one of the contributing factors to juvenile delinquency. A. Single-parent household vs. two-parent household B. Child maltreatment 1. emotional neglect 2. physical abuse III. Secondly, studies have shown that juvenile delinquency is conclusively related to the family environment. A. Family cohesion B. Increasing numberRead MoreJuvenile Crime And Juvenile Delinquency1322 Words  | 6 PagesVersion). Juvenile crime, in law, term denoting various offense committed by children or youth under the age of 18. U.S. official crime reported that in the mid-1900’s â€Å"about one-fifth of all persons arrested for crimes were under the age of 18†(Funk Wagnalls, 2014). Such acts are sometimes referred to as juvenile delinquency (Funk Wagnalls, 2014. Offering constructive programs reduces juvenile delinquency and reduces recidivism. â€Å"From the beginning, the principal consideration of the juvenile courtsRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency : Adult Delinquency2861 Words  | 12 PagesAlexis Kelly SOC 333 William Franks Spring 2015 Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Programs What is juvenile delinquency? Juvenile delinquency relates to minors who commit law violations. Instead of adults commiting â€Å"crimes’, juveniles are considered to commit â€Å"delinquent acts†. Society sees juvenile delinquents as immature and in need of guidance, which is different to adults, who are seen to be responsible for their crimes. Juvenile delinquency can occur in any community, neighborhood, and schoolsRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency2264 Words  | 10 PagesJuvenile Delinquency is the participation of illegal behavior by a minor who falls under a statutory age limit. A delinquent is a minor who commits a crime or a status offense. A status offense is conduct that is illegal only because the child is under age i.e. smoking cigarettes (Senna 10, 20). The cases of Eric Smith, Lionel Tate, and an unidentified NJ child are similar only because, they are guilty of killing another child, but the Criminal Justice System treated and punished them very different lyRead MoreJuvenile Crime And Juvenile Delinquency1458 Words  | 6 PagesDay in and day out residents and visitors to the Boston area are affected by juvenile crime and delinquency. Though the crime rates in MA and across the nation are on a steady decline, these juvenile crimes are still considered a serious matter that needs attention. It is thought that juvenile offenders do not cope as well with the criminal justice system as well as adults may be able to and therefore there needs to be a focus on how the system can better aid in the rehabilitation of these youthfulRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency Essay1646 Words  | 7 PagesA juvenile delinquent offense is an act committed by a juvenile for which an adult would be tried at a criminal court. New statistics give an alarming picture: juvenile delinquency is higher as never before. According to the census bureau, in 2008 there were 1,653,000 recorded delinquent offenses in the United States. This is a 23.6% increase from 1990 when 1,337,000 delinquent offenses occurred. Today, a lot of people demand lowering the age of criminal responsibility and draconian penalties (JensonRead MoreThe And Prevention Of Juvenile Delinquency970 Words  | 4 PagesJuveniles in the justice system is an issue relevant not only to people in the criminal justice system but to society in general. There have been a number of studies done that link serious behavior problems in children to adult criminal conduct. In more recent years, there has been more research done regarding the causes and prevention of juvenile delinquency. The Department of Juvenile Justice lists 3 broad categories with many subcategories to help us understand what contributes to juvenile delinquencyRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency Is A Problem1508 Words  | 7 PagesJuvenile Delinquency When looking into the history of United States and elsewhere juvenile delinquency is a problem and has been one for over a century. Like other systems in place, the system involving juvenile delinquents has gone through many stages. In the case of the juvenile delinquency, it has gone through four stages, with us presently in the fourth. The causes behind juvenile delinquency are still unknown even today. Some blame it on the current culture, the over-exposure to violence
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Brand Community Management
Question: Discuss about the Brand Community Management. Answer: Introduction Brand community has the ability to increase the loyalty of the customers who are engaged with the specific product, service or brand. From the starting of 21st century till now, brand communities have been a very famous topic for the researchers in the marketing literature. There are both positive as well as negative impacts of brand community on the buying behavior of the consumers. Positive impact includes increment of the customers loyalty as brand community is considered as the positive path to the brand loyalty. Along with this, it improves oppositional loyalty towards the brand of competitors, influence the behaviors of the customers creates value and impacts on the purchase intension of the customers. On the other hand, there are some negative impact also i.e. Feeling pressure due to the rival of brands and the users, inter-group stereotyping and demeaning rival brand communities etc (Sahay Sharma, 2010). The concept of brand community provides a better understanding of relat ionship between specific brand and the customers. This report describes the review of most important and relevant definitions of the brand communities. Further, the characteristics of the consumer communities are described in the report. Along with this, the way of brand community which impacts the consumers purchasing behavior towards the particular brand is described. At last, report provides some implications for brand management for the future research (Grzeskowiak Sirgy, 2007). Concept of brand community: Literature review Brand communities are considered as the instrument which contributes towards strengthening consumer-brand relationships. According to Muniz and OGuinn (2001), brand community is the specialized and non-geographically bound community which is based on the set of social relationships among the admirers of the particular brand. It is clear that they considered the community to be specialized as it creates the branded products and services. But, the discussion of brand community is not limited to geographically and it means that customers are not compelled to live in the same physical area (Gentile, Spiller Noci, 2007). The concept of brand community is based on the consumers who have developed the attachment towards a specific brand. Another point of view related to brand community has given by Bagozzi and Dholakia (2006). According to them, brand community is basically a group of consumers who share interest for the brand and well-developed social entity. In this, members are engaged jointly in a group to complete the common goals and commitment. In the marketing literature, brand communities are described on the basis of culture of consumption (Mathwick, Malhotra Rigdon, 2001).. Consumers and their community are focused for the particular brand but they can move towards another brand due to strong competition in the market. Recently it was verified that the brand community can be formed around the dominating brand such as Coca-cola and Red Bull. Further, the key concept of operations of brand community is engagement. The engagement of the customers towards specific brands has various reasons. The engagement of the customers depends upon multidimensional set of reasons. According to Hollebeek (2011), customers brand engagement is the level of motivational, brand related and context depended state of mind of consumers having the specific level such as behavioral, cognitive and emotional activity in the brand interaction. So, the consumers engagement towards the brand community depends on the different level of intensity (Fischer, 2011). Hennig-Thurau argued that there are eight factors by which consumers can be motivated to engage within the brand communities and among those factors social benefits are the most important factor. Those factors are expelling negative feelings, self-enhancement, advice seeking, and concern for other consumers, economic benefits, helping the company and platform assistance. Consumers are inspired to join any brand community due to specific benefits and advantages. The consumer engagement towards the specific brand provides them the rise to experience and interact with the members of the community. The deeper level of customers engagement creates, builds and improves the relationship of consumers with the community. Building brand community According to Richardson, OSullivon and Collins (2011), one of the important features of the brand community is that the formation of brand community happens sometimes with any organization or company as the brand community is usually originated by the consumers rather than the company. Based on some studies on the brand community, it is observed that the input of companies by the investment in the brand community can improve the growth of the community. The growth can be obtained by the interaction between the companies and community members and provide them the services and products based on their needs. The formation of brand communities takes various steps and some factors which are necessary for the brand community. According to the researchers, building brand community needs one or few people who are strongly involved in the specific product category and highly committed to the brand. For the formation of brand community, interaction is also important between the customers and t he brand. There are many other researchers who considered that to establish and form the brand community is an ongoing entity in which some conditions must be satisfied i.e. prior membership of sub-culture and willingness to take part in the sub-culture activity etc. having the good understanding of formation of brand community enables the companies tri forecast the information about the particular brand by analyzing the opportunities to interact with the members (Hellier et al, 2003). Brand customer relationship by Brand community Every brand has the specific identity and consumers can connect and share the identity by experiencing the brand. Brands can ultimately provide the identity to the consumers. In this way, the concept of the brand goes beyond the benefits and features and develops the psychological the deeper level of psychological connection with the customers. Relationship marketing has now become the important part of the business in recent years. It focuses on maintaining the relationship with the existing customers rather than attracting new customers for the products and services. By doing this, the aim is to gain the greater proportion of the existing customers who purchase the products. The relationship marketing focuses on the interaction between the sellers and buyers and concerned for the winning the customers by maintaining the link between the customers and the services provided by the company. To build the strong brand provides various financial rewards to the company. In the various mar kets, brands are becoming instilled with the personalities of the customers and they are maintaining and developing relationship with the brand. A study in UK demonstrates that the strong brand loyalty is the habit, intergenerational influence, emotional security and fir with the personality of the consumers (Capece Campisi, 2013). The Brand Ladder: Advancement of brand towards relationship Brands are the first and foremost identifiers in the market. The brand of every person is different. Basically, brands are the assurance of the performance, quality and functional benefits. The customers and individual consumers build the relationship with the brand. So, the brand has become the symbol of personality of the consumers. Brand of the specific product or service is anthropomorphic in nature, personal for the customers and becoming the essential parts of the life of the consumers. If the brand is missing in the market then consumers fell that they are missing something in their lives. Now, brand has established itself as the milestone in the individuals life. Customers always feel connected with the brand of the particular product or service. On the basis of brand attributes or brand personality, consumers are able to develop the strong relationship with the brand (Brogi, 2013). Putting together the perspectives of the consumers and based on the evidence in the research, it is observed that in the brand ladder, customers are connected with the brand and brand relationship for the long-term are developed based on some dimensions: Brand quality- Brand can be considered as the trustworthy and reliable partner who gives sense of being respected and presence of brand in the market. Self-connection- This is dimension by which the brand of the particular product or service focuses in the life of consumers. The past, present and future of the brand depends upon the choice of the customers. It also includes the encouragement to face the diverse circumstances. Intimacy: It represents the strong beliefs about the good performance of the product and the service in the market. It combines the brand relationship memory and experiences by the customers for the particular product or service (Sicilia Palazn, 2008). Commitment: Any relationship in business is based on the commitment. The commitment in the brand depicts the long term of stability and brand relationship of company with the customers. Commitment is important to maintain the relationship in the market. Love and passion: These are the affection based feelings of the customers for any particular brand. These feelings indicate affection and passion, warmth, feeling of uniqueness, possessiveness or the specific brand, and positive feelings towards the desired brand (Grewal, Hardesty Iyer, 2004) The ladder of brand towards the customer relationship can be depicted by the figure which is given blow: Figure 1: Brand Ladder (Source: Casal, Flavin, Guinalu, 2010) The brand community of the products and services has an important role in establishing the long-term relationship with the customers. Customers have different attitudes and behaviors towards the different brands. The brand community provides a kind of passion to the customers towards the brand. By the brand community, customers are able to know about the message of a particular brand. Along with this, brand community establishes the long-term commitment for the customers in terms of quality and prices. Brand has become the important part of customers life so, the customer always feel self-connected and concerned about the brand. The customers and users take part in co-creation of brand value and this process includes high mutuality. The evolution and development of relationship depends upon the needs of the customers. On this basis, there are some factors in the brand community which support the long-term relationship with the customers (Casal, Flavin, Guinalu, 2010). Those factors a re as follows: Trust- Trust is the main factor in building long-term relationship and partnership in the business. The perceived trust of consumers can affect the customer satisfaction related to the product or service. Trust impacts the prior experience and satisfaction of the customers. So, trust can be an outcome related to the number of attributes in the purchasing behavior of the customers (Okonkwo, 2007). Satisfaction- This is the overall level of customers delight and experience with the service. Satisfaction can be considered as the consumers fulfillment response. Customers are dependent on the direct experience of the services. Brand loyalty is the result of customer satisfaction and the customer satisfaction provides the basis of ling-term relationship with the particular brand. Customer satisfaction has the direct impact on the brand loyalty having quality (Zaglia, 2013). Conclusion From the above discussion, it is observed that the value and importance of the brand relationship and brand community are increasing. It is most important to develop and maintain the long-term relationship with the customers as brand is becoming most important part of consumers life. A successful brand relationship requires the analysis about the brand such as where the brand is working in the brand ladder. Further, from the discussion in the report, it is analyzed that there is the need to define the nature of the brand to build up the long-term relationship with the customers in the market. Customers like to stay connected with the brand as they develop strong relationship with the particular brand. Consumers are inspired to join any brand community due to specific benefits and advantages. Companies are using relationship marketing as Relationship marketing focuses on maintaining the relationship with the existing customers rather than attracting new customers for the products and services. In the relationship marketing, brand community plays an important role. Customers always feel connected with the brand of the particular product or service. On the basis of brand attributes or brand personality, consumers are able to develop the strong relationship with the brand. References Brogi, S., (2013), Online brand communities: a literaturereview, ProceedingsofWCBEM2013?2nd World Conference on Business, Economics and Management Capece, G., Campisi, D.,(2013),User satisfaction affectingtheacceptanceofane?learningplatformasameanforthedevelopmentofthehumancapital: BehaviourInformationTechnology,32(4), 335?343 Casal, L.V., Flavin, C., Guinalu, M., (2010), Relationship quality, community promotion and brandloyaltyinvirtualcommunities:Evidencefrom freesoftwarecommunities.InternationalJournalof InformationManagement,30:357367 Fischer, K., (2011), Brand Community Management, MarkeZin,specialedition Gentile, C. Spiller, N. Noci, G., (2007), How to sustain the customer experience: an overview of experience components that co-create value with the customer: European Management Journal,25, pp.395410 Grewal, D., Hardesty, D. M. Iyer, G.R. , (2004), The effects of buyer identification and purchase timing on consumers perceptions of trust, price fairness, and repurchase intentions: Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18( 4)pp. 87-100 Grzeskowiak S., Sirgy M. J., (2007), Consumer Well Being(CWB):TheEffectsofSelfImageCongruence, Brand Community Belongingness, Brand Loyalty, and Consumption Recency: Applied Research in QualityofLife,2(4):289?304 Hellier, P.K., Geursen, G.M., Carr, R.A., Richard, J.A., (2003), Customer repurchase intention: a general structural equation model: European Journal of Marketing, 37(11-12), pp. 1762-800 Mathwick, C. Malhotra, N., Rigdon, E., (2001), Experiential value: conceptualization, measurement, and application in the catalog and Internet shopping environment: Journal of Retailing,77,pp.3956 Okonkwo, U., (2007), Luxury Fashion Branding: Trends,Tactics,Techniques,NewYork,NY:Palgrave Macmillan Sahay, A., Sharma, N., (2010), Brand Relationships and Switching Behavior for Highly Used Products Amongst Young Consumers,: Vikalpa Sicilia,M., Palazn,M.,(2008),Brandcommunitieson the internet? A case study of Coca?ColasSpanishvirtualcommunity.CorporateCommunications:AnInternationalJournal, 13(3):255?270 Zaglia,M.E.,(2013),Brandcommunitiesembeddedinsocialnetworks: JournalofBusinessResearch,66: 216223
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Weight Training free essay sample
Weight training is a type of strength training that uses weights for resistance. Weight training provides a stress to the muscles that causes them to adapt and get stronger, similar to the way aerobic conditioning strengthens your heart. Weight training can be performed with free weights, such as barbells and dumbbells, or by using weight machines. Weight lifting is a crucial part of any athlete or active person, but studies show that weight lifting can be beneficial to the every day person, and can even aid in pain relief for the elderly. Weightlifting improves the coordination of muscles working together, which increases an athlete’s power. Many athletes have the impression that if they lift weights they will develop bulkier muscles which would slow them down, however this is untrue. Weightlifting can create non-bulky muscles that have stronger thicker fibers, which with power training has shown to enhance performance in endurance sports. We will write a custom essay sample on Weight Training or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It also increases the strength of connective tissue, muscles, and tendons. This leads to improved motor performance and a decreased risk of injuries. Weight training helps to tone, lift, firm, and shape your body. Stronger muscles can improve your posture and help keep your body in balance. Weight training can help to reshape problem areas, or areas with stubborn fat that is difficult to get rid of. The combination of a low-fat diet and aerobic activity burns total fat from all over your body. Weight training can increase your lean body mass and therefore increase your metabolism. An increased metabolism speeds up your bodys natural process of breaking down and storing foods. Not only does strength training increase your physical work capacity, it also improves your ability to perform activities of daily living. You will be able to work harder and longer with the proper weight training activities. Strength training is crucial to weight control, because individuals who have more muscle mass have a higher metabolic rate. Muscle is active tissue that consumes calories, while stored fat uses very little energy. Strength training can provide up to a 15% increase in metabolic rate, which is enormously helpful for weight loss and long-term weight control. Building muscle tissue increases the muscles’ demand for glucose. More than 14 million Americans have type II diabetes. This is a three-hundred percent increase over the past forty years, and the numbers are steadily climbing (American Diabetes Association). In addition to being at greater risk for heart and renal disease, diabetes is also the leading cause of blindness in older adults. Fortunately, studies now show that lifestyle changes such as strength training have a profound impact on helping older adults manage their diabetes. In a recent study of Hispanic men and women, 16 weeks of strength training produced dramatic improvements in glucose control that are comparable to taking diabetes medication. Additionally, the study volunteers were stronger, gained muscle, lost body fat, had less depression, and felt much more self-confident (Joslin Diabetes Center Boston, Massachusetts). Weight training causes the muscles pull glucose from the bloodstream so that blood sugar levels don’t rise dangerously. This can also help with the prevention of diabetes for younger people later in life. Studies have shown that people who weight train had better blood sugar control than those who did not weight train. Weightlifting, as helpful as it is for physical strength, is also extremely beneficial for heart health. It helps to melt away visceral fat as well as fat that builds up around the body’s organs, which has been associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Strength training is important for cardiac health because heart disease risk is lower when the body is leaner. One study found that cardiac patients gained not only strength and flexibility but also aerobic capacity when they did strength training three times a week as part of their rehabilitation program. This and other studies have prompted the American Heart Association to recommend strength training as a way to reduce risk of heart disease and as a therapy for patients in cardiac rehabilitation programs As we age, our bodies are less able to create new muscle tissue. Sarcopenia is age-related loss of muscle, and with it comes a reduction in the ability to do functional everyday activities. When you lose weight, you inevitably lose muscle mass as well as fat. By doing strength training exercises, you can reduce the amount of lean muscle tissue that you lose during weight loss. When trying to maintain a stable weight, strength training reduces the age-associated loss of muscle tissue. In addition, strength exercise programs can be a significant help in maintaining our metabolic rate, which ordinarily declines with age and with weight loss. Other issues people face as they age concern balance and flexibility. Most to falls and broken bones in older adults can be linked to poor balance and flexibility. These injuries may not be extremely detrimental to someone of a younger age, but for older people they can end in significant disability and, in sometimes there may even be fatal complications. Strengthening exercises, when done properly and through the full range of motion, increase a persons flexibility and balance, which decrease the likelihood and severity of falls. Arthritis relief is another benefit to weightlifting for people aging. A study done by Tufts University using older men and women with severe knee osteoarthritis showed that weight training decreased pain by 43%, increased muscle strength and general physical performance, improved the clinical signs and symptoms of the disease, and decreased disability. This study concluded that this weight training regimen was just as effective, if not more, as medications used to treat the disease. Similar effects of strength training have been seen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (Growing Stronger). Strength training provides similar improvements in depression as anti-depressant medications. Currently, it is not known if this is because people feel better when they are stronger or if strength training produces a helpful biochemical change in the brain. Many scientists believe it is most likely a combination of the two. When older adults participate in strength training programs, their self-confidence and self-esteem improve, which has a strong impact on their overall quality of life. Weight training also improves your quality of life as you gain body confidence. Strength training will not only make you strong, but will also help you to feel strong about yourself. People who exercise regularly also enjoy improved sleep quality. They fall asleep more quickly, sleep more deeply, awaken less often, and sleep longer. As with depression, the sleep benefits obtained as a result of strength training are comparable to treatment with medication but without the side effects or the expense. Weight lifting has been shown to improve the quality of life for everyone; from athletes preparing for a long season to elderly adults just preparing for the future. Keeping your body in shape at all ages of life is essentially to living long and healthy. Lifting weights can be an easy and effective way to achieve both of those things.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Que and Other Relative Pronouns of Spanish
Que and Other Relative Pronouns of Spanish Relative pronouns are pronouns that are used to introduce a clause that provides more information about a noun. Thus in the phrase the man who is singing, the relative pronoun is who; the clause who is singing provides further information about the noun man. In the Spanish equivalent, el hombre que canta, the relative pronoun is que. Que Tops List of Spanish Relative Pronouns Common relative pronouns in English include that, which, who, whom and whose (although these words also have other uses). In Spanish, by far the most common relative pronoun is que. As can be seen in the following sentences, it usually means that, which or who. Los libros que son importantes en nuestra vida son todos aquellos que nos hacen ser mejores, que nos enseà ±an a superarnos. (The books that are important in our lives are all those that make us be better, which teach us to improve ourselves.)Comprà © el coche en que à bamos. (I bought the car in which we rode.)El politeà 0smo es la creencia de que hay muchos dioses. (Polytheism is the belief that there are many gods.Mi hermano es el hombre que salià ³. (My brother is the man who left.) In some cases, que isnt translated as a relative pronoun in English because the two languages structure the sentence differently: Necesitamos la firma de la persona que ayuda al paciente. (We need the name of the person helping the patient.)No conozco a la nià ±a que duerme en la cama. (I dont know the girl sleeping in the bed.) Other Relative Pronouns If youre a beginning Spanish student, you likely wont need to use the other relative pronouns of Spanish, but you certainly will come across them in writing and speech. Here they are with examples of their usage: quien, quienes - who, whom - A common mistake by English speakers is to use quien when que should be used. Quien is most commonly used following a preposition, as in the first example below. It can also be used in what grammarians call a nonrestrictive clause, one separated by commas from the noun it describes, as in the second example. In that second example, que also could be used instead of quien. Es el mà ©dico de quien le dije. (He is the doctor whom I told you about.)Conozco a Sofà a, quien tiene dos coches. (I know Sophia, who has two cars.) el cual, la cual, lo cual, los cuales, las cuales - which, who, whom - This pronoun phrase must match the noun it refers to in both number and gender. It is used in formal writing more often than in speech. Rebeca es la mujer con la cual vas a viajar. (Rebeca is the woman with whom you are going to travel.)Conozca los principales riesgos a los cuales se enfrentan las organizaciones en la era digital. (Know the main risks which organizations are facing in the digital age.) el que, la que, lo que, los que, las que - which, who, whom - This pronoun phrase must match the noun it refers to in both number and gender. It is often interchangeable with el cual but is somewhat more informal in usage. Rebeca es la mujer con la que vas a viajar. (Rebeca is the woman with whom you are going to travel.)Hay un restaurante en los que los meseros son robots. (There is a restaurant in which the waiters are robots.) cuyo, cuya, cuyos, cuyas - whose - This pronoun functions something like an adjective and must match the noun it modifies in both number and gender. It is used more in writing than in speech. It normally isnt used in questions, where de quià ©n is used instead, as in  ¿De quià ©n es esta computadora? for Whose computer is this? Es la profesora cuyo hijo tiene el coche. (She is the teacher whose son has the car.)El virus se autodistribuye a los contactos del usuario cuya computadora ha sido infectada. (The virus spreads itself to the contacts of the user whose computer has been infected.) donde - where - The Spanish and English words as relative pronouns are used in much the same way. Voy al mercado donde se venden manzanas. (Im going to the market where apples are sold.)En la ciudad donde nosotros vivimos existen muchas iglesias. (There are many churches in the city where we live.)
Friday, February 21, 2020
Certified Organic, Fair Trade, and Civic Agriculture Essay
Certified Organic, Fair Trade, and Civic Agriculture - Essay Example Fair trade foods have entered the market in response to socially conscious advocates that promote the long-term economic well being of farmers in developing countries or disadvantaged areas. Civic agriculture has responded to the call of local community groups and consumer cooperatives that seek to link food to local production as an alternative to the mass-produced and distributed food chain. Organic foods, fair trade products, and civic agriculture all serve separate demands in the marketplace, each with differing drawbacks and a limited ability to serve the needs of the world's demand for food. Organic foods are a specialty type of farming that has risen in popularity in recent years as a response to the widespread use of pesticides and herbicides that are used in commercial farming. Many of these products have been linked to cancer and a variety of childhood ailments. Controlling weeds and pests in organic farming is accomplished through alternative methods that rely on weed control, instead of killing, and natural pest repellent systems. In addition, under the Federal Organic Food Production Act of 1990 fertilizers are strictly limited and prohibit the use of "fertilizers containing synthetic ingredients or any commercially blended fertilizers containing materials prohibited", such as "phosphorous, lime, potash, or any materials that are inconsistent with the applicable organic certification program" (Federal Organic Food Production Act of 1990). To be labeled as an organic food, it must be grown in accordance with US Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines and certi fied by the Department. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), "More than 40 private organizations and state agencies (certifiers) currently certify organic food, but their standards for growing and labeling organic food may differ. For example, some agencies may permit or prohibit different pesticides or fertilizers in growing organic food" (Organic Farming). The rigid guidelines and lack of standards has made organic foods difficult to market, and added complexity and confusion to the consumer wishing to consume organic foods. The organic foods market has been developing for over fifty years in the US, and while it has experienced significant growth, it is limited in its scope as a source of food. The low prices that are paid in the US for food have come about as a result of large scale and high production farming techniques. These agricultural practices are not conducive to organic methods and they rely on the significant applications of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. In addition, much of our agricultural production goes to animal feed. The millions of acres of corn and soybeans that cover the Midwest could not be organically grown. Organic foods are an excellent product for the home gardener that is concerned about the risks of agricultural chemicals, or the small producer that is serving a niche market. The EPA states that "the industry has grown from experimental garden plots to large farms with surplus products sold under a special organic label. Food manufacturers have developed organic pro cessed products and many retail marketing chains specialize in the sale of "organic" products" (Organic Farming). However, these products are located on specialty shelves in the supermarket, are more expensive, and the
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Galen Strawson Considers Freedom of Will to Be Profanation Essay
Galen Strawson Considers Freedom of Will to Be Profanation - Essay Example I disagree with Strawson’s position and posit that humans can and should be held responsible for their actions because, as Strawson points out, even if the situation is such that you have a gun to your head, you still have a choice. The unpleasantness of the choice does not nullify the presence of the choice or the fact that we always have the option to choose either the pleasant or more tolerable route over the unpleasant option and vice versa.According to Strawson’s analysis, humans lack the capacity to make free choices. The influences of society, parents, friends, teachers, and all of the contributory factors that shape each of us into the unique individuals we are countermand our ability to freely make decisions. Since we do not control who we are and who we determine the decisions we make, logic dictates that we are not engaging in free will because we did not have the power to shape who we are. Additionally, Strawson states that, even if a person changes who they are, this does not mean they have free will because heredity and experience have already affected you in ways that you can never change. The way a person is ultimately has a significant effect on how they are able to change and what attributes they are able to change, which causes the redundancy in the whole concept of change to facilitate free will. Strawson begins by presenting the gamut of views concerning free will from the perspective of the Compatibilists and the Libertarian and No-Freedom Incompatibilists. The philosophical view of the Compatibilist is that humans have free will and are morally responsible for their actions (Strawson, 1995). According to Strawson, Compatibilists base their analysis of the condition of free will on the fact that it is compatible with the concept of determinism, which states that each action creates a pattern that makes subsequent actions or reactions unavoidable.This theory deems the determining factors that aff ect personality irrelevant and maintain that free will is absolute, despite the inclusion of determinism. However, the presence of determinism in the Compatibilist view of free will actually nullify the viewpoint because how can you freely choose an option that has been predetermined?Â
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Stock Market Values Of Usec Finance Essay
The Stock Market Values Of Usec Finance Essay The report values the existing operations and future projects of USEC and analyses whether the stock market is significantly over or undervaluing the business. USEC is the worlds leading provider of enriched uranium to the commercial power plants with a 50% market share in the North America. The current share price fairly reflects the existing operations and future growth of those operations. However, there are two important valuation issues. Firstly, the company has initiated the American Centrifugal Project (ACP) which will use new technology. It would reduce costs and double the current capacity. The total capital investment is expected to be $1.7 billion and the plant is expected to start production in 2011. The NPV of the ACP is -$220 million implying that the share is overvalued significantly. Secondly, the company has a very high amount of uranium inventory and if its market value is included then the market is significantly undervaluing the liquidation value. However, the liquidation value is likely to be lower than the market value of inventory because it will be difficult to sell all inventories without resulting in sharp drop in uranium prices. Overall, considering the high risks involved in the ACP, the market price is higher than the true worth of the company and hence the trading strategy would be to short USEC. Introduction USEC is the worlds leading supplier of enriched uranium fuel for commercial nuclear power plants. This report analyses whether the company is over or undervalued and suggests an appropriate trading strategy. The USECs share price of $10.80 fairly reflects the expectations of the cash-flow potential of companys existing operations. However, there are two main issues that can result in USECs valuation being significantly different from its market valuation. Firstly, the company was in the initial stages of implementing the American Centrifuge Project (ACP) which will not only double the scale of the company but also significantly improve its competitive position. The usage of a new technology in the ACP will reduce electricity costs substantially, a major cost contributor in enriching Uranium. Secondly, as a result of USECs contract with the US government and the Department of Energy (DoE), the company has a high inventory of uranium acquired at a cost which is less than 50% of the current market price. This could give a potential valuation boost. The above-mentioned two points are analysed in detail to understand their potential impact on the valuation of the company. Finally, a trading recommendation is made on the basis of the above analysis. Company background USEC operates the only uranium-enrichment facility in the US, a diffusion plant in Paducah, Kentucky. Uranium fuel for nuclear power plant is sold as Separate Work Unit (SWU) and USEC uses, on average, one pound of uranium to produce one SWU. The capacity of the Paducah plant is 3.5 million SWU. USEC has another plant which is placed in cold standby under a contract with the DoE. USEC also provides contract and consulting services to the DoE. The company supplied 50% of enriched uranium fuel to commercial nuclear power plants in the North America. Its global market share was 30%. Its main competitors are AREVA/Eurodif, Tenex and Urenco. USECs revenues and net profit for the year ended 31 December 2005 were $1,559 million and $22 million respectively. Rationale for investing in the ACP The company has recently initiated the American Centrifuge Project (ACP). ACP is a major investment and will cost $1.7 billion. The company is pursuing the ACP due to the following factors. USECs operating costs are significantly high due to its usage of a technology that consumes more electricity for enriching uranium into SWU. The electricity costs of the company have risen recently because a long-term contract with a power supplier has expired. The operating profit margin declined from 5.2% in 2004 to 4.3% in 2005. The new technology at the ACP will reduce enrichment-process energy consumption costs by 95% and overall enrichment costs would be cut by 50%, relative to the existing process. This would allow the company to target higher profit margins and/or higher market share by positioning itself as a low-cost producer. US government has entered into the Megatons to Megawatts contract with the Russian government under which USEC is bound to purchase 5 million pounds of uranium each year from Russia. The Paducah plant can process only 3.5 million pounds of uranium per annum. The higher purchase than consumption over the years has resulted in an inventory of 29 million pounds of uranium. The capacity of the ACP is 6.5 million SWU per annum. The high capacity will reduce the existing inventory over time. One of companys competitors, URENCO, is planning a new plant in New Mexico. The ACP may deter URENCO from opening the new plant. USEC will also save $8m and $30m in lease and capital expenditure costs respectively annually by putting Paducah plant in cold standby once the ACP starts production. NPV of the ACP currently implied by the stock market The stock market implied NPV of the ACP can be deduced from the difference between the market value of USEC and the NPV of its existing business. The current share price of $10.80 fairly reflects the discounted cash flows of the existing operations as well as the future growth of those operations. This implies that the stock market is assigning no NPV to the ACP. In spite of the new technology reducing costs and inventory, and increasing sales, the stock market doesnt seem to think that the ACP will change the value of the company. This could be due to a number of reasons. Firstly, USEC already has a very high market share and it would be difficult for the company to significantly increase its market share with the near doubling of production capacity. Secondly, ACP will be the first commercialisation of a new technology and actual benefits in terms of energy savings may not meet the projected figures. Flyvbjerg et al. (2009, p. 172) state that projects underperform due to numerous uncertainties such as project complexity, technological uncertainty. This would reduce the NPV of the project. Thirdly, the plant is expected to cost $1.7 billion and take 4 years to build. Large-scale projects typically cost much higher than the initial estimates (Touran and Lopez, 2006, p. 853). The time required to complete the project may also exceed initial estimates and could end up further increasing the cost. This could have a severe impact on USECs financials as the company will have to pay interest on high borrowings. Finally, the company may not be able to recoup a large part of its investment if the things did not go to plan because of the specialist nature of ACPs assets (McLaney and Atrill, 2007, p. 510). USECs WACC The WACC formula is given below. WACC = Cost of debt*(1-Tax rate)*(Debt/(Debt+Equity)) + Expected return on equity*(Equity/(Debt+Equity)) The expected return on equity is calculated according to the Capital Asset Pricing Model (Pagano and Stout, 2004, p. 14). Expected return on equity = Risk-free rate + Beta*(Market risk premium) The risk-free rate is 5.04%, yield on the 10-year US Treasury bonds. USECs beta is 1.3 and the market risk premium is expected to be 5.5%. Substituting values in the above equation, Return on equity = 5.04% + 1.3*5.5% = 12.19% The current yield on the companys debt is 9.04% and this will be the cost of debt. The tax rate (tax / profit before tax) in 2005 was 40%. The amount of debt was $475 million on 31 December 2005. It is assumed that the amount of debt has not changed in July 2006. The share price is $10.80. The number of shares was 86.1 million which gives the company a market capitalisation of $930 million. Substituting values in the WACC equation, the WACC of USEC is 9.90%. This WACC will be used for discounting APC. However, there are key issues in doing this. It assumes that the APC will be funded with same gearing as the existing business. This would require a large amount of equity funding which is unlikely. The APC will most likely have a different gearing and hence, its WACC will be different. Using same WACC also assumes similar risk profile. However, this ignores two important points. Firstly, the company will be using a completely different and new technology and additional risk should be reflected in higher WACC or risk-adjusted cash flows (Genus and Coles, 2006, p. 116). Secondly, the risks associated with long construction period should also be taken into account. Additionally, Lobe (2009, p. 45) states that a constant WACC rate must fail if the implied leverage ratio is time varying. It would be difficult to maintain a constant leverage ratio as the operating profits will change the gearing in the later years. This implies that constant WACC based on current gearing is incorrect. In light of the above points, the WACC of the ACP is likely to be different than that of USEC. NPV of the ACP The NPV calculations are based on the following assumptions: Same capital structure as the existing operations. The debt required to fund the ACP will be $817 million based on the current gearing and remaining investment of $1.6 billion. SWU price in 2006 of $127 per unit. Uranium cost in 2006 of $43 per pound. 2006 enrichment cost of the ACP of $21 per SWU. Annual increases in SWU and enrichment cost at long-term inflation rate of 3%. Selling and general expenses at 4% of revenues, in line with 2005 figures. 1% of revenue paid as royalty to the DoE. Tax rate of 40%. Appendix I shows the sales and cost data used in projecting profit and loss of the ACP. Appendix II shows the profit and loss projections over the useful life of the ACP. Appendix III shows the NPV calculations of the ACP. The NPV is $597 million. After deducting debt of $817 million, the net value addition to equity holders will be -$220 million. The negative NPV to equity implies that the companys equity will be destroyed by the ACP and hence, the current market price is significantly overvalued. The NPV is based on a number of key factors including sales volume projections, sales price and cost per unit. The sensitivity of the NPV to key factors is analysed below. Sales projections The table below shows the sensitivity of the NPV to changes in sales units, expressed as percents of the base case. Table 1 Sensitivity to change in sales volume of SWU NPV decreases with reduction in sales volume. The highest NPV is -$220 million because the plant cannot produce more than 6.5 million SWU. Inflation rate The sales price of SWU, the cost of uranium and enrichment are assumed to grow at the inflation rate. The table below shows the sensitivity of the NPV to changes in the inflation rate. The NPV is positive at inflation rate of 4.5% or higher. Table 2 Sensitivity to change in the inflation rate WACC The WACC is based on a number of assumptions and the actual WACC is likely to be higher because of additional risks in this projects. The table below shows the sensitivity of the NPV to changes in the WACC. Table 3 Sensitivity to change in the WACC The negative NPV means that the project is value destroying. However, higher production will help the company release a large amount of its working capital and reduce debt early. That could be the reason behind markets implied nil value of the ACP. Liquidation valuation USEC has a large amount of uranium inventory. The balance sheet values inventory at its cost price of $20 per pound. The current market price of uranium is $43 per pound. The more than double market price can have a significant impact on the value of the company if its business is liquidated immediately. The assets liquidation value per share based on the book value of uranium inventory is $5.1, which is 51% lower than the current market price. The assets liquidation value per share on the basis of market value of uranium is $13.1, which is 22% more than the market value. There are two important issues associated with the liquidation valuation if market value of uranium is used. Firstly, the amount of uranium held by the company is much more than the global annual requirement from the commercial nuclear power plants and it would be a major struggle to even sell a significant amount of uranium immediately. Secondly, the oversupply due to 29 million pounds will result in significant fall in the price of uranium. It is more likely that the company will realise a lot less than the market value if uranium stock is liquidated immediately and hence, market value of uranium should not be taken into account for the liquidation analysis. Conclusion The current share price fairly reflects the existing operations and future growth of those operations. However, there are two important and contrasting valuation issues. Firstly, the company has initiated the American Centrifugal Project (ACP) which will use new technology. The NPV of the ACP is -$220 million which implies that the share is overvalued significantly. Also, there are additional risks due to new technology and higher amount of funding. Secondly, the company has a very high amount of uranium inventory and if its market value is included then the stock market is significantly undervaluing USEC if the business is liquidated immediately. However, it is unlikely that the market price of uranium will be achieved if the firm is liquidated because the high inventory will result in a sharp drop in uranium prices. Overall, the company is facing higher operational costs and its reliance on the ACP to increase value is risky with a negative NPV. Costs and time overruns in implementing the project could severely impact the financial health of USEC. The investment strategy would be to short USEC as negatives of the ACP overweigh its positives, at least until the time the ACP becomes operational. Exhibit I Sales and cost data of the ACP Exhibit II Profit and loss of the ACP Exhibit III NPV of the ACP
Monday, January 20, 2020
Narrative- Amazon Woman Essay examples -- Personal Narrative Writing
Narrative- Amazon Woman I need to recover a rhythm in my heart that moves my body first and my mind second, that allows my soul to catch up with me. I need to take a sacred pause, as if I were a sun-warmed rock in the center of a rushing river. I am crouching still near a tree on a loamy ridge, my two hands spread around the trunk. I am feeling grateful for this tree that I remember because of its mossy smell and thick crevassed bark. It tells me that the beaver pond is near where one white pine shoots 100 feet up out of the tannic water, which means I am close to camp and food and sleep. I get to the pond’s edge, across from the point where my tent sits. There are no trails and the boreal forest is thick with scrub pine and dead-fall. Early afternoon sun brings out the wave of deer flies; I shake my head so that my two braids might hit the little buggers in mid-air. Undeterred, one begins to chew on my shoulder blade and prickers dig into my shins. I can see my tent across the pond, 100 yards as the crow flies, probably a mile walk around the edge. I decide to take off my clothes, leave them on this rock by the shore, swim across and come back for my things later in my canoe. Even though the whine of the deer flies’ wings beating around my head intensifies, I just stare at the water. It is only two feet deep here at the edge, but it is so dark that I cannot see the bottom. Darker shapes appear as I stare, including a large fallen pine tree which leads from the shore and disappears into the darkness. A fear takes hold of me, as it does every time I conte mplate diving into this dark water. I shake my head to loosen its grip, feel a deer fly land on the small of my back and I dive. I swim as hard as I can, my heart bang... ...Today I am smiling wide and proud of this body that carried boat and gear down to the water’s edge; that paddled against the wind across the bay to the foot of the wetland stream. The body that hoisted the laden canoe over five beaver damns, that carried boat and canoe up the trail for a mile to the secret pond; that sleeps comfortably in a tent alone out here listening to the hoot owl, and the loons and the cacophony of bullfrog music; the body that jerks upright at midnight with the sound of a buck’s snort and heavy stomp of his hoof; the body that gets up early and bushwhacks to the top of the mountain. I lie down on the warm rock at the edge of the pond and I close my eyes. My breath feels easy and light, my belly is soft and where a hard gnarled knot used to be under my sternum, a warmth spreads beyond my skin, around the blue sky and sun and back in again.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Arrivals and departures: Essay
Meeting the child’s needs: Helping the child to feel safe and secure and to reassure them that their parent will come back for them. Agreements with parents : Share any dietary requirements , agree to any sleep pattern , parent to be encouraged to develop their own departure routine . The participation of children: Child will know where to hang coat , put belongings and were to go to begin the day. School / pre-school runs: Meeting the child’s needs: Time to talk about the day ahead ,good preparation routine to ensure no rushing Agreements with parents: Take child to agreed school at agreed time The participation of children: Encourage older children to be independent and carry their own belongings and to be organised Meal and snack time: Meeting the child’s needs: Ensuring the child is aware of when to expect snack times, have a basic hygiene routine before snack Agreements with parents: Ensure parents pass on information about meals , when a child needs to eat and what a child should or shouldn’t eat at certain times. With babies , ensure times of feeds are clear. The participation of children: Children must have a clear hygiene routine before eating , They must be clear about where meal and snack times will take place Sleep and rest: Meeting the child’s needs: Children will need a sleep routine to ensure they do not get over tierd Agreements with parents: Ask parents how much sleep their child will need , when their child should sleep and how the child likes to sleep The participation of children: Children should understand that sleep time happens at certain times of the day for example after lunch Play and activities: Meeting the child’s needs: The child knows when play time will be and can predict when they will be doing play or activites Agreements with parents: Any specific activities the parent may require to happen , for example a child to read their reading book when arriving home from school. The participation of children: Children need to to be aware of key times when it is time to stop play or activities , tidy time will be signalled by a certain piece of music or noise for example whistle or bell Off site visit and outdoor activities: Meeting the child’s needs: Ensuring children are safe at all times Agreements with parents: Agreeing with parents where you will go with their child The participation of children: Children must have specific routines for crossing roads , being at toddler groups or playing in the garden to ensure their safety Home and evening activities for school aged children: Meeting the child’s needs: Many children are tierd and hungry at the end of a school day so a routine is needed to help let the child rest and eat before any activity Agreements with parents: Parents need to inform childminder of any homework they would like the child to do whilst at the setting , for example reading books learning words The participation of children: Children will have a frim routine of collection from school , snacks , quiet time and homework Adapting routines Good routines help children to know and expect and understand what will come next, even young babies can fit into day to day routines. It is important to adapt routines to suit all of the children in a setting. An arrival routine can be adaped for a baby, toddler and school child . A parent and child will arrive at the setting they can then choose an activity thats set out in the morning , for example lego for a school age child, a farm for a toddler and noisey toys for baby. Once child settled the parent and childminder can share information needed to know and then the childminder takes over care sharing play with the child. During snack all children and babies can sit together at the table and drink , babies will need highchairs and the correct cups etc for their age . This will encourage a social time for all of the children. sleep routines can be adapted to suit all the individual needs, some children will need milk before bed others may need a story this could be shared and then children encouraged to sleep or this can be adapted for quiet time for older children. Welcoming and valuing Children that arrive into my setting will be welcomed with open arms , they will be made to feel completely at home, there will be familiar objects around to help them settle in. Each child will have their own space to put their coat and belongings. The children and parents will be asked what activities they like and what they like to do so that daily plans can be shaped around all children and their individual interests , this will create a good foundation for them to discover new things together , it will also help each child to feel valued to know that im interested in them and what they like to do . View as multi-pages
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