Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Comparison And Contrast Of The Importance Of Religion And Secularism Essay
Comparison And Contrast Of The Importance Of Religion And Secularism - Essay Example In the prince Machiavelli does not direct reference to religion or secularism because his view is the well being of the community and security. He does not give so much emphasis on morality in political actions. For him moral acts were just part of instrumental in achieving political expedience. So for him the social and political consequences f acts interested him more than th moral intent of any action. For Machiavelli in human nature all actions are bound to be either good or evil. Machiavelli feels that the violation of personal morality is not justified. But quickly points out the fact that the violations of the standards of personal morality can excused in ceases of public interest. The honors are thrown upon statesmen according to Machiavelli to know when to act in the interest of the common good. Machiavelli himself was a Christian though he had attacks on the church which was nearly directed at the clerics. These attacks can never be considered as anti religious but rather o n the scandalous live of popes and their political activities. His critic on religion was mostly on Christianity since it helped the some minority to achieve political expediency and the socially undesirable ends. This led him to call for the return an original creed. He promoted the idea of social pragmatics in religion than encourage secularism. According to Machiavelli Glory is rendered to acts that are cherished and remembered by mankind. In his view finding religion involves the founding of religion, establishing commonwealths, creating literature and through process of commanding armies as well. . John Locke’s views on religion tend to align to those of Machiavelli. In the simple respect that lock views religion as an individual decision and not one imposed by the common wealth or state. According to Lock religion should only be addressed in private sphere. This has to an impression that john lock in actual sense trivializes religion not seeing not seeing the importance of having it in the public. Especially when celebrating religious activities publicly. In the treatise of government makes a categorical attack on religion labeling those who disagree with him as not being part of the body of Christ (23). Lock further notes that the authority of the church merely comes from the priests and in his view does not come from God. He further notes that orthodoxy in religious belief and adherence comes from individual belief. According to lock churches should not be involved in worldly maters and therefore it has no impact on what people do (32). Lock view on religion is that individual should find their own path and does not understand which path is the right to follow. This is in respect to the fact people follow different paths. He actually trivializes the Christian traditions by claiming that Christ mention that he is the way is not right. Since some people do not see that as right (36).Jons hn lock’s attack on Christian traditions include an attack on baptism and the holy communion. He mentions how the two traditions are in respect to individual discretion for example how others are allowed to take the Holy Communion while others are not allowed. Lock also mentions the different baptism to justify himself on individual discretion on the practices  lock presents himself as secular holding no traditional religious beliefs or practices. Quite different to Machiavelli who despite his philosophy does not parapet religious beliefs. He himself was raised and died as a Christian. This is quite different john lock who is secular in his views and perspectives. The
Monday, October 28, 2019
Alternative and Activist New Media Essay Example for Free
Alternative and Activist New Media Essay New Media Introduction            New media is the access to content by use of digital devices like phones and computers anytime and anywhere across the globe. Harries (56) believes the content of new media is being accessed in purely uncontrolled ways in real time. It is a space dominated by creativity and interaction inform of information sharing in a feedback motivated set up. The new media space is prone to manipulation and is usually networkable and highly interactive. The range of such media is large extending from internet, video programmes, CD-ROMs to multimedia just to mention a few. New media is paperless and does not include television programmes usually propagated on analogue signals, books, articles and other written media.            Wikipedia is arguably the best example of the new media according to Harries (56). It displays a great volume of digital information inform of text, videos, pictures and various links leading to their sites of location. The information therein can be altered by editors and writers to benefit those clients who may not be familiar with the language used-English. The interaction is manifest in the way feedback is accessed in the site by users. Users are also exposed to a variety of information at just a click on one site. Facebook and Wikitude are also examples in this pursuit. Users of Facebook for instance have a higher level of interaction, exchanging instant information in a bidirectional feedback mechanism. Wikitude on the other hand has a capability to show images in three dimensions, recognise such images and give a clear photographic view to realise an amplified reality.            The benefits of this trend can never be underestimated. Lievrouw (1980) says globalisation is the major impact of the new media. It has increased exchange of information amongst people all over the globe over the internet. People exchange information in form of texts, pictures, drawings, videos among other forms in such platforms that allow blogging and posting of such information on various websites. Social relationship has increased a great deal to the extent it now demeans the distance between people. Globalization is seen as a form of interaction that is not restricted by the borders of one nation but extends across the globe defying the distances over the large land and water masses of the world. What a relief over travelling that was prompted by the need for communication in the past times!            Lievrouw, however, maintains that the benefits of globalisation are experienced at the expense of a tension free public space. The new media environment creates a lot of tension amongst different faculties a cross the world. The uncontrolled communication sometimes may become a leeway for the unruly people to use such platforms for their personal gains. The information dissemination disconnects from various authorities both political and cultural. Public relationships between people can be very indented as a result of the geographical trespass. Social restrictions that existed in the past are continuously being eliminated by virtual communities that are speedily mushrooming in the online platforms.            He says the American Digital Consumer views the users of the social media as a people who are in constant exchange of pleasantries, ideas and goods online. It praises the role played by new media in the business world especially in advertisement. Although there may be arguments that the internet world does not affect the morals of a society, it is true that the moral decadence in play around the world today is all borne by this trend. Mention any sexual vice like pornographic movies and the propagator will be named internet. From the foregoing argument, it is true that the decadence in the societal morality has being caused by developments that are seen in the new media.            Sparks (275) says that the media equation asserts that people treat computers like fellow human beings. This implies that new media is also very pivotal in fostering social change in our society. According to Sparks new media has been used to communicate interact and in mobilization of many social groups around the world. The first group to use the new social media to bring changes in organisation and communiquà ©s in the year 1994 was the Zapatista army. Since then the new social media has been used in many ways around the world. The protests around the world are all based on the new media to propagate the information in one way here and there. In big organisations, protests are organised and communicated through the new media. The new media is used to educate members on the various requirements on their engagements. The democratic championship has also been made possible through this platform. The access to information is highly increas ed and hence an increased enlightening citizens. Various people take advantage of the new media to mobilise the support from grassroots levels an endeavour that was almost a dark cat in the dark over the past.            Sparks (300) also argues that even so scepticism has been part of these developments. Sceptic scholars cite imbalance in the access of the new media around the world as a hindrance to attempts aimed at broadening the base of movements. Sometimes this may result in the oppression of the minority in the same movements. Some scholars still doubt how new media may be of value to social movements not only for the ones without access of it but also for them that use it. The movements can also use the new media wrongly as in the case for constant mass action by the university students around the world. If such actions have no grounded base on democracy then their propagation on such media is of no value to the society.            National security is a priority to any government. The new media is very important role player in this field. All the information on security is stored in a data based and secured. The information can be accessed easily and at once using various data base tool by the authorities in times of need hence improving the reactions in times of security shocks. Surprisingly the recent trend of terrorism shows sophisticated use of the new media in the accomplishment of their merciless attacks on innocent citizens of various countries. New social media has become a very good platform for terrorist to organise their malicious acts. After a massacre you can hear those giving talks that are evident of claims for responsibility.            Industries also use new social media to pass across information regarding various duties. Employees within different departments can share information and ideas culminating to quality improvement in the industry. Politicians also use social platforms nowadays to rally support. Their manifestos, pictures and achievements on behalf of people can always be posted to keep people abreast of their good deeds. In summary new media has a great impact on the present societal trends. It all depends on the individuals who use it and the reason for which the use it. It is very beneficial if used well across different fields to bring positive change. References Harries, Dan. The New Media Book. London: British Film Institute, 2002. Print. Lievrouw, Leah A. Alternative and Activist New Media. Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2011. Print. Sparks, Glenn G. Media Effects Research: A Basic Overview. Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013. Print. Source document
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
Hello Mr. Schneider and classmates. Are you aware that more than 443,000 people die annually in the United States from cigarettes including deaths from second hand smoke, so why is smoking still legal? Although there are specific restrictions such as where smoking is permitted and not permitted in certain states of the U.S. it should be banned completely throughout the United States of America. By banning cigarettes it would help people who smoke and people who don’t smoke. As I said before more than 443,000 people die from cigarettes but, 50,000 of those people do not even smoke. Most of the people who do not smoke die from second hand smoke because of lung or heart disease. Nearly 20 percent of women and men smoke in the United States. Their is another variation of the cigarette called smokeless tobacco, that is thought to be better than smoking regular cigarettes In June 2010 smokeless tobacco companies had to put these warnings on their products; Warning: This product can cause Mouth cancer, Warning: This product can cause gum disease and tooth loss, Warning: This product is not a safe alternative to cigarettes, and Warning: Smokeless tobacco is addictive.These warning signs would surely bring attention to my eyes if I were using the product nevertheless putting the product into my mouth. There are many advertisements that have smoking in them either promoting them or going against them. TobaccofreeCA is a company that is highly against tobacco in the state of California. You probably have seen some of their advertisements on television. They have a new couple of commercials when they show old family footage where the people are happy, but in those commercials the people are coughing and after it says â€Å"Lost Moments.†This... ...ers started because of their friends smoking and peer pressure. I believe smoking should be banned in the U.S. not only do the harmful fumes hurt you, they affect others. Why keep a harmful product that kills not only the people that smoke but ,also anyone around them. Many cigarette smokers claim it's their body their harming but it affects everyone. Imagine how many people would still be living if they never started smoking. Many children live with parents who smoke, and imagine how many times they are made fun of because the way they smell. Cigarette smoke can't just disappear, or be covered up with products that use smelly fumes such as Lysol. Many people who try to stop give up because they think they can't give smoking up but, it is possible to stop. So do yourself a favor and don't give your hard earned money and your life to those nasty cigarette companies.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Does the Media Dictate Our Life? Essay
They will view all the notifications first before doing anything else. Such is the situation today where people are very dependent on Social media. Media can be classified into two main types old and new media. Where the old media consist mainly of newspaper while the new media consists of the television and the social media etc. While some may argue that Social media may not be dictating our lives, it is indeed true that it has taken control of our lives in many aspects from our behaviour, perceptions, culture, fashion and more. Thus I strongly believe that media plays an important role in dictating our way of living. Some may argue that media does not dictate our life to a very large extent today mainly due to the fact that people have the ability to categorize what is true and what is not such that they do not easily get influenced by what is shown in the media. Due to people’s ability to critically evaluate all that is shown on the media their lives are not dictated by the media alone but instead, they also have a say in deciding what is important for themselves. However, in reality, it is true that the media does dictate a large portion of our life today. Media plays a deciding role in many aspects of our lives starting from our perception, culture, advocacies, behaviour, environmental awareness as well as political believes. Media plays a vital role in influencing our perceptions of the public as well as the celebrities as the Media chooses what it wished to portray to the public based on what it believes the public would wish to see example Tabloid News about the latest celebrity gossips. In this process, the media has the ability to change the information that they release in order to make it more appealing to the general public. As a result, this causes people to believe the false information that is given in the media mainly because of the fact that people do not truly intent to cross check with other sources. This prevents them from being able to fully distinguish between what is and what is not reality. Moreover, since the media only focuses on sensationalising the news and not merely portraying the message to the public, it leads to the public conjuring up the wrong image about certain people or events. This proves that the media does indeed play a vital role in dictating people’s perceptions on various aspects. Also, the media has now allowed for different culture to spread around the world and has led more people to find out about the popular culture of others around the world . This has now allowed people to embrace the traditions and popular culture that is followed by people in other countries and so influencing people’s willingness and ability to embrace other cultures. For example, Korean Pop also known as K-pop is famous world wide mainly due to the Media. Media paved the way for this popular culture to travel around the world allowing people across the globe to know about it. It is not uncommon to identify a Shinee (a K-Pop band) fan among people not only in Korea but around the world. That is the extent to which media has now allowed people to learn more about others cultures. At the same time, it has also allowed people to understand more about their own culture and roots so that their own heritage is not forgotten. Anyone who wishes to find out more about their own heritage only have to type into google or youtube and they will be bombarded by various information both in terms of articles as well as videos which they could use to improve their knowledge about their own heritage. Thus media plays a vital role in allowing people to understand their own culture and also embrace the culture in other countries The media also plays a vital role in dictating peoples lives due to the fact that it is a platform for governments to spread messages to the public and it is also the platform for people to voice their opinions and raise awareness about the other political systems. Media serves as the basis through which governments may engage in propagation so as to brainwash people into believing that their ruling is the best and they could also influence people into believing that they are happy mainly through censorship where people are not aware of what is actually happening around them. An example pertinent to this would be what is happening in North Korea whether the government is engaging in propagation by controlling the censorship such that it decided what the people should view. During World War II the government decided to portray to the public to the image that the soldiers were doing well though in reality they were not doing very well. As a result, this led people having a false hope and belief that they were doing well and thus affecting their perception of what is happening around them. As a result, people were misinformed about the actual situation yet they were unaware of it as they had fully trusted what was shown in the media. Therefore, it is true that the media completely dictates people’s lives in terms of the information that they receive and thus the type of image that is being portrayed to them Also, the media is responsible for changes in people’s behaviors as well. Media in terms of television, internet, constantly portrays image of celebrities dressed in a particular way and this does to a large extent influence people to follow the same trends as they conjure up the image that that is the latest fashion. Thus results in their changing taste and preference for certain goods and services. This proves that people’s taste and preference is influenced more by what is shown on the television rather than just what they actually like. Moreover, the media can also influence people in terms of their behaviour example, media is one of the main factors for the changing crime rates, violence, sexuality and more. For example, there was a case in India where a student had stabbed his teacher as his teacher had complained to his parents that his proficiency in Hindi was poor and that he had to do something to improve it. When asked what had actually motivated him to do so, the boy had mentioned that he was influenced by a recent Bollywood film called ‘Agneepath’ which had a lot of violent scenes. He mentioned that it was only after watching that movie that he was inclined to stab his teacher. This indeed serves as evidence to show the extent to which the media in its various forms could influence people into believing that certain deeds are fine to do though in reality it may not be therefore causing them to engage in the wrong behaviour In conclusion, it is true that while people choose what to believe and what not to believe, the media ultimately plays a large role in influencing people in various aspects of their lives. It thus becomes a necessity for people to be cautious of what they should believe and what they should take with a pinch of salt. It is of great importance that people do not just blindly believe what is shown in the media but instead practice some critical thinking to decide what is really true and what is not.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Apple Inc. and the Macro Environment Essay
Economic Environment: More or less, every economic factor has an effect on the operations of Apple Inc. These may include; current economic situation (boom, recession, etc.), credit terms, inflation or deflation, strictness of interest rates, unemployment levels, stability of exchange rates, stock exchange trend, etc. Apple’s business can be affected by all these factors either positively or negatively. For example, during the inflation periods in the United States of America, the purchasing power of the people had decreased and as a result of this, the sales of Apple’s products had decreased with it. To make matters worse, The US dollar had also decreased in value, and so, Apple decided to purchase itself foreign currency to minimize the effect of inflation. This will allow for their revenue from international markets to increase. Socio-Cultural Environment: Social factors such as consumer preferences, life priorities, income groups, and perceptions about different brands have a huge impact on the sales of Apple’s products. People all over the world are well aware of its brand image. The social environment has a huge positive impact on Apple for their products are seen as an image for today’s modern individual’s life. People see it as highly reliable and innovative, however they are also seen as highly expensive and the software very limited for people who wish to use their iPhones for more than just phone calls and emails. This regrettably influences people to seek a competitor’s products for a lower price or with more features. Technological Environment: Apple currently has the spotlight as the market leader in innovation. However, what Apple fails to realize is that technology can become outdated quite quickly (sometimes over-night) and yet Apple casually cruises through the years releasing new models of products with very little hardware or software changes compared to the previous models. Their refusal to continuously bring innovative products will result in other market leaders stealing their throne. For example, Google’s Open Source Operating System, Android, has resulted in the migration of many Apple users to Android smartphones due to the reduced costs and in some cases such as with the Sony Xperia or the HTC One, their hardware specifications far exceeded that of the latest iPhone model. Political & Legal Environment: Apple has to duly adhere to all the rules and regulations for each company that they do business with such as tranquil rules and regulations, tax rates, tariffs. Etc. If they do not keep an eye on the changing government behaviors and patterns, it may be rather difficult for Apple with regards to marketing and the selling of their products and in severe cases, their products may be banned altogether. Apple also has to ensure that there is no copyright infringement in their products, or that of competitors. There have been many cases where Apple and Samsung confront each other in a legal battle over copyrighted material/ideas/names such as the rounded launch buttons in Apple’s home screen. Physical Environment: Apple is always finding ways to reduce their carbon footprint and as a result, they have a positive reputation with regards to their care for the environment. Apple has very few disagreements with environmentalists because the manufacturing process of their products usually follows all of the laws and regulations regarding the environment. Furthermore, Apple also encourages its users to dispose of harmful products such as used batteries and fluorescent backlighting systems properly at their nearest iStore. Apple’s packaging is usually made of either plastic or glass, which is easily recycled and only a few products are distributed in cardboard boxes. Apple’s data centers are also 100% powered by renewable resources! International Environment: Globalization describes the mobility of goods, services, labour, technology and capital throughout the world. Apple has increased dramatically as an international business and have harnessed globalization and used it to their advantage. For example, by using their most famous piece of Apple software, iTunes. A large variety of songs are available on iTunes and because the business has offered this on the Internet and as software has increased their sales internationally as it has become accessible internationally. The products that Apple provides are sold internationally. Stores exist all over the world, allowing the business to become an international company. Not only does the use of stores help Apple to become an international company but the use of the Internet also allows this to occur. However, by going international with their products, they have also broadened their spectrum for competition. Not every country is as passionate about Apple’s products as America is and this as a result, could have a negative effect on their sales. However due to their strong brand image and good reputation, many people around the world seek the glorious Apple Logo for their brilliant, bright, innovative products.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
#1 Business Writing Recommendation for Everything You Write at Work
#1 Business Writing Recommendation for Everything You Write at Work There are two fundamental questions that you should ask yourself before you write anything in business. Actually, you should ask yourself these questions before any kind of business communication in business, whether it takes the form of meetings, discussions, presentations, email, or major documents. This is my most important business recommendation that frames much of the work in our business writing courses. These two questions ensure that everything else about the document falls into place. It frames the essence of the communication. Skip these questions, and your document will not work in the most important way:helping your reader know or do what you seek. This is how you elicit the business response you seek. Business writing is a rhetoric entirely dependent on your audience, and it is also very results-oriented. We shouldn't be writing, or discussing, or presenting, if we don't have something to say. If you can't answer these questions, stop! There is no need write or say anything. My #1 Business Writing Recommendation Ask yourself these two important questions before you write anything at work: Question # 1 - Who is my reader? There are really two aspects to this question. 1.a - Who will actually be reading this document (or listening to your presentation or discussion)? Name them, so they are clear in your mind. Writing this down will help you frame your readers in your mind more clearly. 1.b - What is their unique perspective? (We summarize this in business writing trainingmore bluntly, and ask participants to explain "What's their deal?") Consider those readers you identified and analyze them. For example: Are they skimmers? If so, you need to consider format more, and likely include headings and white space and even graphics so it's easy skim. Are they focused on budget? Be sure you include clear cost/benefit content since that is important to them. Are they stubborn? You need to include specific, concrete facts to sway their opinion. You may also need to include some content that lets them change their opinion and still appear right. Are they a grammar perfectionist? You need to proofread very, very carefully. Are they a hot head? You may need to buffer the document, since you know they're quick to react and disengage before they read your good justifications. Are they familiar with your subject? You will need less background information, if so. Are they unfamiliar with your subject? Conversely, they will need clear background or context information. Are they committed to a particular viewpoint? If so, be sure to address how your information relates, because you know that will be their implicit question. And so on. Ask yourself what matters most to this reader. Do this, and your content will match audience needs. Skip this, and your content will likely have gaps or over-explanation or be off the mark. Question # 2 - What do I want my reader to know or do? This clarifies the purpose of your document. This question helps you guide your reader directly to the business outcome you seek. It pushes the information into the enterprise information flow. The answer to this question should be reflected in your conclusion. Make it easy for your reader to respond. This way, the document works. Do you see how these essential questions dramatically reframe every document? By considering your audience carefully and defining purpose, you will be able to provide the relevant content for your particular readers. Your readers will be able to understand or do what you are requesting. And, they will bemuch more amenable if you address their perspective. The Outcome Your document advances your business goals. Your reader is able to respond or understand the significance immediately. That is always the essential goal of all business writing. Always, be certain to ask these essential questionsfor every document you write. If you do, you can be confident you will have a framework of content that works. These simple steps change everything.
Monday, October 21, 2019
A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal The WritePass Journal
A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal Introduction A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal Introduction1. Spatial Scope1.1 Transport Links1.2 Employment2. Life-cycle of activities and Physical Presence2.1 Materials2.2 Temporal Scope2.3 Dimensions3. Assessment of Environmental and Socio – Economic Effects/ Reasons for Scoping Report3.1 Flora and Fauna3.2 Air and Noise Quality3.3 Groundwater Problems3.4 Light Pollution3.5 Sewage, Waste and Litter3.6 Socio-Economic4. Mitigating Measures 4.1 Table of Mitigation Measures and Alternatives4.2 Potential Dangers or Hazards5. Legislative and Policy Context 5.1 Introduction to EIA Policy and Context5.2 Need for EIA (Schedule 2)5.3 Need for EIA (Schedule 3)BibliographyRelated Introduction 1. Spatial Scope The proposed site for the Beighton extreme sport park is located on the A57 which is the road connecting Sheffield city centre to junction 31 on the M1. Some of the local residential areas that surround the site include: Woodhouse, Hackenthorpe and Crystal Peaks, all of which could make up some for some of the workforce. Other local places of interest which could have an impact on the site include: the Shirebrook Nature Reserve, Westfield Sports Centre and Crystal Peaks shopping centre to the south. This can be seen more clearly in figure 1 and 2 below. The plot of land is currently owned by the Sheffield City Council and the developers are LBX Holdings Ltd who is based in Newcastle. 1.1 Transport Links As I mentioned before the site is located near the M1, which is the main motorway linking the south of Britain to the north. There is a tramline that runs from Sheffield city centre to Crystal Peaks one of the neighbouring residential areas and a bit further afield on the other side of the A57 there is Woodhouse railway station which again runs into the Sheffield city centre. The site would also be easily accessible for people living in the local areas that surround the proposed site. This can be viewed better in figure 1 and 2 below. 1.2 Employment The project information (2011) states that 140 full time jobs will be necessary during a 25 year operation period. More on employment will be discussed in section 3. This image is courtesy of (2003) site accessed on (2011) from google images Figure 1. This map shows the proposed site for the sports park which is highlighted in blue. As you can see it is located directly on the A57 and is very close to residential areas. The M1 is located just off to the right of the picture. (Law) Motivation and managing diversity Second Draft  Photo courtesy of Stephen Jay (2011) Figure 2. This is an aerial photograph of the site which is circled in orange, again showing the A57 on the left and some of the residential areas surrounding the site. 2. Life-cycle of activities and Physical Presence 2.1 Materials Where possible materials will be used from local areas for the six major constructions in the proposed area. The access for the lorries bringing the materials should be fairly easy due to the M1 and A57 being so close. Particularly for the snowdome, skate park and canoe area, specialised materials will needed to be brought in to make them successful. Basic construction materials will be needed for the administration building and hotel such as; steel, timber and glass and tarmac would also be needed for the car park. The project information hand out (2011) also states that 10,000 tonnes of topsoil will also be needed for landscaping. 2.2 Temporal Scope According to the project information hand out (2011) the site will give 100 jobs for a 16 month construction phase with over 200,000 tonnes of materials being needed to complete the park. The hand out also states that these materials will be transported in 10,000 trips over a six month period assuming it is done in a six day week. 2.3 Dimensions The dimensions, materials and layout in section 2.3 of each building are given in the Beighton Extreme Sports Park project information handbook (2011) Snowdome – This building would be the largest, (2011) state that the square footage of the Xscape in Milton Keynes is 55,000m2 with a 44m roof. Beighton snowdome will be a lot smaller compared to this with only a small selection of restaurants so the dimensions will total 5,000m2 with a height of just 30m. Skate Park – This is an outdoor activity and will be 450m2; the height will be around 8m. A few bars will surround the skate park too adding to the area slightly. Canoe Park – (2011) states that their canoe run in Lee Valley is 300m long, again Beighton has a smaller area so the canoe run will only be 200m in length, with picnic areas surrounding the run and some restaurants. Coach and Car Parking – Because this is a unique project and its easy accessibility the car park will be around 18,720m2 and floodlight. This includes all the circulation, floodlighting and bay parking areas. In total there will be enough bays for 590 cars 45 of which are for disabled drivers and in addition to this 120 spaces for overspill, plus 10 spaces for coaches. Hotel – The hotel will be two floors and have a square footage of 3700m2, it will include the usual hotel amenities such as bar and two restaurants, there will also be 20 rooms on the ground floor and a further 80 on the second floor. Administration Building – This will be 180m2 and will be built out of the same materials as the hotel which is timer steel and reinforced concrete. Photo courtesy of Stephen Jay (2011) Figure 3. This is another aerial photograph giving more detail into where the proposed buildings will be constructed. 3. Assessment of Environmental and Socio – Economic Effects/ Reasons for Scoping Report 3.1 Flora and Fauna Currently the site is attempting to replant some trees and other smaller plants as shown in figure 4 below, this would ultimately be disrupted by the project. However new shrubs and trees would be planted if the site were constructed and many of the areas round the hotel, admin building and canoe run could retain the local flora and fauna. Figure 4 shows some areas of Beighton Tip that has tried to be rehabilitated with trees and plants, some of this may be lost due to the construction plans. 3.2 Air and Noise Quality The Park will undoubtedly increase traffic in the local area which in turn will increase noise and air pollution, this will partly be due to the proximity of the M1. In popular seasons such as the summer months And weekends the car park may reach its maximum capacity leading to some overspill into the local residential areas, which again would increase noise and air pollution. Because canoeing and skiing are very specialist sports and the site is not a natural habitat for either of these sports, a lot of energy will be used to pump water into the canoe run and ski slope for freezing, this process will lead to a decrease in air quality and may add to problems on a global scale. 3.3 Groundwater Problems The project handbook (2011) states that 1 tonne of snow per day will be used and that inside the snow dome the temperature will be kept at around -2 C .In order for the snow to be produced 1500litres of water will be used per day with an underground tank storing 20,000litres. This could lead to some groundwater problems on the site if the tank were to break and lose water. 3.4 Light Pollution Because the park will be open well into the night, it may cause problems for the local residential areas in terms of constant light during late hours. With the lights from the M25 so close by, the park may add significant light pollution to the local area. A strategic environmental assessment of Devon transport links (pp37:2006) identified some of the main problems linked with light pollution: Light trespass: the intrusion of light into homes Glare: unshielded bright lighting may be hazardous in a relatively small area Sky Glow: the broad orange glow that prevents appreciation of the night sky They discovered that these types of light pollution led to a loss of insects such as moths, disrupted bird migration patterns and even stunted tree and shrub growth. 3.5 Sewage, Waste and Litter Currently there is a river running through the site which for the most part is underground. This is already has been polluted which is clear from the reddish  colour which is most probably iron oxides and large amount of litter, figure 5a and b highlights this ; the construction of the site will only increase the amount of sewage in the area which could cause some problems. There is water quality testing points all over the site which are clearly visible in figure 6. Before any work can take place a lot of the rubbish and graffiti will need to be cleaned not just in the site but on some of the walkways leading to the proposed area, this is shown in figures 7 and 8. Recycling points and rubbish bins will be put in place all over the proposed site so as to limit the amount of litter when the project has been constructed. Hopefully the extreme sports park will deter vandalism and litter in the local residential areas. Figure 5a b indicates the iron oxides (on the left) and possible other pollutants that inhibit the local stream that runs through the site Figure 6 shows the water quality stations over the site Figure 7 8 highlights the litter and graffiti problems that the sites has and will need to be addressed. 3.6 Socio-Economic The site will increase traffic in the local residential areas as I have mentioned before and may cause problems in parking if the sports park is full. It could encourage people to use the local shopping centre at Crystal Peaks which in turn would improve cash flows for other local businesses and as I mentioned earlier it would also provide jobs for the local area. Hopefully with more money being pumped into the park and its local businesses improvements could be made by the council on local problems such as: litter and graffiti in other areas outside the park, better transport links, better residential facilities or improvements on current roadways. There is some competition in Xscape Castleford outside Leeds and Milton Keynes which are similar projects; however the main competitor is Sheffield Ski Village which has a dry ski slope. The proposed ski slope at Beighton uses real snow from frozen water which I believe would make it a lot more popular and with the other attractions more successful. 4. Mitigating Measures 4.1 Table of Mitigation Measures and Alternatives Problem Mitigation Alternative Car Park Overspill Reduce the size of some of the other proposed constructions and increase the size of the car park Using another site close by as extra car parking space Increased Traffic Improve local road networks such as expanding either the M1 or A57 allowing more cars on the road at one time. Encourage more bus routes or easier access to tram lines meaning people from Sheffield would use public transport over cars which would reduce traffic Relocate proposed site to somewhere less residential, which would affect less residential areas and at a site that has even better transport links which could manage the amount of traffic generated by the sports park. Flora and Fauna Loss Leave areas of current restoration as much as possible Introduce a new programme allowing restoration in other parts of the local area Sewage and Waste Build more recycling and rubbish points on the site Recycle rubbish at legally and dump other waste and legal landfill sites Air/Noise Quality Closing the park earlier and opening later, would reduce the amount of emissions and energy used, it would also decrease the noise created by the park at the later hours Using the site for other sports which require less energy and generate less noise such as indoor football, tennis etc. 4.2 Potential Dangers or Hazards With such extreme sports there are always going to be risks and possible dangers. At each of the main constructions there will be first aid equipment and in each area there will always be a certified first aider. With the local transport links to medical centres in some of the local residential areas and the A57 leading to central Sheffield there is easy access to medical attention when needed. In terms of the sports themselves, maintenance teams will need to be on site at all times ready to fix any dangerous problems, such as any malfunctions to the machines converting the water to snow or problems with the waterworks in the canoe run. 5. Legislative and Policy Context 5.1 Introduction to EIA Policy and Context Carroll and Turpin (2009) state that the need for legislation when it comes to Town and Country planning which was introduced in 1990 is because it allows developers to apply to local authorities for guidance on whether an EIA is necessary to build on a certain plot of land. They go on to explain that the projects are split into schedule 1 to 3. Schedule 1 projects always require an EIA as they are potentially polluting projects, schedule 2 only need an EIA to establish whether it meets certain criteria or exceeds any thresholds established by the government. Schedule 3 is classed as the criteria needed for screening schedule 2. Due to Beighton extreme sports park not being primarily build for any natural resource extraction or used for any waste disposal it cannot be classed as schedule 1, therefore it must be classed as schedule 2 and 3, therefore screening is needed in order to establish whether the project proposal will meet the necessary thresholds and criteria 5.2 Need for EIA (Schedule 2) All policies and legislation mentioned in section 5.2 and 5.3 was used from from looking at the (1999) the town and country planning regulations it clearly states in schedule 2, section 10 infrastructure projects part b that, ‘Urban development projects, including the construction of shopping centres and car parks, sports stadiums, leisure centres and multiplex cinemas;’. It also mentions that all areas of development that exceed 0.5 hectares will require and EIA. The size of the proposed car park is 18,720m 2 which exceeds the criteria in this section of the schedule. Still referring to schedule 2 of the town and country planning 1999 in section 12 Tourism and Leisure it states that in order for, ‘Ski-runs, ski-lifts and cable-cars and associated developments;’ to be constructed the threshold is, ‘the area of the works exceeds 1 hectare; or the height of any building or other structure exceeds 15 metres’. The proposed area of the snowdome is 5,000m2 and the height is 30m which exceeds both thresholds. Later on in section 12 it also says that, ‘Holiday villages and hotel complexes outside urban areas and associated developments;’ are also included, the proposal also shows that it exceeds these thresholds with the hotel being 3,700m2. 5.3 Need for EIA (Schedule 3) According to the Town and Country Planning 1999 the criteria for screening include, ‘characteristics of development, location of development and characteristics of potential impacts’. Included in some of these characteristics are criteria such as, ‘size of development, pollution and nuisance, the risk of accidents, having regard in particular to substances or technologies used, proximity to nature reserves and parks and the extent of the impact (geographical area and size of the affected population)’. Also these factors may be affected by the proposed project and will need to be taken into consideration for example as I mentioned earlier some of the sports are considered extreme and accidents could occur, a scoping report would be beneficial in understanding more about the possible dangerous and what can be done to prevent them. The site is also located in very close proximity to the Beighton Marsh Nature Park Bibliography Wood, C. (2003) Environmental Impact Assessment – A Comparative Review 2nd Edition, London: Pearson Press DTLR Transport Local Government Regions (2000) Environmental Impact Assessment – A Guide to Procedures, London: Telford Press Carroll, B. Turpin, T. (2009) Environmental Impact Assessment Handbook 2nd Edition, London: Thomas Telford Ltd (2011) Details on large buildings on a global scale for skyscraper enthusiasts (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) Jay, S. (2011) Photos of Beighton Tip (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) Devon County Council (2004) Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Devon Local Transport Plan 2006-11 Scoping Report (Online) Available: (15th March 2011) Coughtrie, N. (2011) Photos of Beighton Tip (9th March 2011) (2011) The Home of UK Legislation (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) Jay, S. (2011) Beighton Extreme Sports Park Project Information (9th March 2011) (2003) Map of Beighton tip and surrounding area (Online) Available: (9th March 2011)
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Word Choice Adapt vs Adopt - Proofeds Writing Tips Blog
Word Choice Adapt vs Adopt Word Choice: Adapt vs. Adopt There are many English words which are spelled similarly but have completely different meanings. The words adapt and adopt, for instance, are separated by a single vowel in terms of spelling but differ significantly in use. In cases like this, it is important to use each word properly. Doing so will help you to avoid easily preventable mistakes and ensure that you communicate your ideas clearly. As such, we’ve prepared the following guide to help you know when to adapt and when to adopt. Adapt (Change to Suit a Specific Purpose) The term â€Å"adapt†means to make something suitable for a specific situation or purpose. You might therefore want to â€Å"adapt†a novel into a film or a recipe to make it gluten-free. It can also refer to the ability to adjust to new circumstances: Being able to adapt was important for survival in the jungle. In either case, â€Å"adapt†refers to making an adjustment of some kind. Adopt (Make Ones Own) The word â€Å"adopt†means to take something on as one’s own. There are numerous contexts in which this can be used, including taking on the legal responsibilities of a parent: Jenny and Jane decided to adopt the orphan child. However, adopt can also be used more broadly to describe following a course of action or appropriating an idea. For example: After reading de Saussure, Kim adopted a structuralist approach. In both cases, the key to understanding â€Å"adopt†is that someone is choosing to make something their own. Adapt or Adopt? Since these words have very different meanings, the main thing is remembering how each one is spelled. If you are having trouble with this, you might want to focus on just one of the words: if you remember that â€Å"adapt†is spelled with an â€Å"a†and means â€Å"to change,†you will then know that â€Å"adopt†(with an â€Å"o†) means to appropriate something as one’s own. But it can be easy to overlook these things, so to make sure that your writing is free from unfortunate mistakes, you can send academic papers, business reports or any other document you might need checking to the expert proofreaders at Proofed. We’ll even check a 500-word sample for free! And if you need more guidance on vocabulary, don’t forget to check out the word choice archive in our academic blog.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
History and Political Science - Critical Summary Essay
History and Political Science - Critical Summary - Essay Example In other words, Canada’s existing electoral system sets an issue of injustice giving the majority of seats to parties that do not represent the will of the voters. The particular view seems fully justified, having in mind that the actual role of elections is to reflect the citizens’ view in regard to the practices of their government; in addition, through the elections citizens can promote their claims for the replacement of persons who have the responsibility for critical governmental decisions. At the next level, it is made clear that the MMP system is often preferred because of its ability to set a balance between the traditional and modern electoral systems (Charlton and Baker 233); this means that the particular system does not lead to radical, and unexpected, changes on a country’s electoral system. The specific characteristic of the MMP system is quite important, guaranteeing the lack of political and social turbulences in the countries that it is first es tablished. Two different views are analyzed. According to the first view, supported by Hiemstra and Jansen, democracy ensures that the government of a state, where democracy applies, represents the majority of people (Charlton & Baker 234). This means, according to the above researchers, that ‘each vote counts’ (Charlton & Baker 234); also, this means that the structure of the House of Commons is aligned with the will of the majority of voters; in the context of Canada’s existing electoral system, there is no such issue (Charlton & Baker 234). The representatives of parties in House of Commons have not, necessarily, attracted the majority of votes. Moreover, it is noted that the MMP system is used in most countries internationally; there would be no reason for Canada to be excluded. Another important disadvantage of the plurality system, the Canada’s existing electoral system, is the limitation of oppositions in a country’s parliamentary body; in th is way, the accountability of the government for its decisions can become unfeasible (Charlton & Baker 236). In general, the plurality system is considered as threatening the democracy (Charlton & Baker 236) and for this reason its replacement by MMP is suggested. There is also the opposite view, supported by N. Wiseman (University of Toronto); according to N. Wiseman, who is a professor of political science, the plurality system guarantees democracy; in fact, it is noted that Canada, due to its current electoral system, is considered as ‘part of an elite group of states that are full democracies’ (Charlton & Baker 248). At the next level, Wiseman notes that the change of Canada’s existing electoral system has been already discussed; it is noted that in 1920s the specific issue was brought before the Parliament for discussion; after a thorough examination of the potential advantages and disadvantages of a PR system, it was held that the country’s electoral system should remain the same (Charlton & Baker 248). Also, reference is made to Canada’s cultural characteristics; it is explained that specific parts of the population, as for example, aboriginals are not expected to participate in elections if these are organized at national level (Charlton & Baker 253). This means that many people in Canada who are loyal to their traditions
Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 97
Assignment - Essay Example The website offered self-evaluation platform where I filled my thoughts on different issues. At the end of the trial, I realized I was strong in my vision but inferior in courage. My assessment outcomes were as follows. Vision 4.3, Ethics 3.9, Reality 3.5, Courage 3.2. The grading is on a scale of, five as the most developed and one the least developed leadership trait. According to the outcome, I am focused, understanding and intellectually creative towards meeting my goals. I am confident about new experiences and welcome change. The worst paper part is that I fear responsibility and consequences for my choices. The result of the assessments has made revolutionary changes in the way I perceive things. I for once never thought I was such a visionary person. I believe in the common good of all but never thought it was such strong. The realization that I am a person bestowed with a visionary mind has made me feel so good about myself. I fell I can become a leader and guide people, according to my vision. I feel superior when I see my high points being visionary since all great personalities I have read about in history were people of great ideas. However, my downside is weightier than my strength. How am I going to become a leader if I fear responsibility? Leadership is all about responsibility. If I have to lead, I will take the responsibility of others and shoulder them as they were my own, yet I am not strong enough. Lack of courage chills me and makes me feel belittled. I am having difficulties between advocating my vision and fighting my courage. I have a strong urge to achieve, but I fea r failure. When I look at my closest strength Ethics, I relate it to the vision and see a great leader. Leadership based on ethics is more beautiful than fairy tales. Ethics is the guiding principles of leadership (Bondas, 2006). Without ethics, one is subject to become a dictator or insensitive of others feelings. My personal values have saved me uncountable
Friday, October 18, 2019
Human resources labor relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Human resources labor relations - Essay Example In other words trade unions are more powerful than the employers at present which is not good for the market. In a heavily competitive and extremely globalised market, trade unions may reduce the competitive power of the organizations. Majority of the organizations in the current world are functioning in a democratic manner and employees can directly contact their managers for establishing their rights. It is better to form a body, consisting of the representatives from both the employer and the employees to settle the employment disputes. One big union approach is definitely better than multi-union approach. The exploitation of the employees by union leaders will be reduced considerably when single union approach implemented. Majority of the trade union problems occur because of the trade union leader’s egoism. If more unions are present in an organization, each union may put different unacceptable and illogical demands to the employer to catch the attention of the employees. One of the major disadvantages of one big union concept is the possibility of more disputes inside the union because of the differences in the political beliefs of the members. In multi-union approach, members of each union may have same political ideology and therefore internal conflicts would be
How Technology Has Increased Connectivity In The World Essay
How Technology Has Increased Connectivity In The World - Essay Example James: I agree, but the level of immorality has increased rapidly. Today, a lot of people are threatened through the cell phones; some are tracked to their homes and their property gets stolen, or even they get killed. Technology has made the world a place where secrets are no longer there. James: Because I do not like the idea of technology. People die every day when they travel from one area to another visiting their friends or relatives, plain crushes, vehicles get accidents, ships do sink, cannot you see that. Me: I see that but do not you like the idea of the world being a small place. That you can travel from here to the other country in just a few hours. In the early day, one could walk from one area to another for days and even weeks but today its easy. When I get lost for example in a place I do not know, I just make a call, and I get the necessary help. James: If you look at things like Facebook, Twitter all of these are killing our children’s mind and dreams. Students spend most of their time surfing and chatting with their friends and relatives, what’s for? They could be utilizing that time to study or even help their parents. Me: How could you say that yet they benefit from that a lot, for example, in our community we have a Facebook page where we discuss our issues. It’s a page where if a person has a problem for example drug addition, he/she comes and post the issue there, and we all discuss and give our opinion. The page has from the last 60 days helped 20 men and 12 women with different issues. James: That is good, but what about the pages created where our girls and boys share nude photos of themselves, what about the pages which preach that drug consumption is good for health, what about the pages formed to incite the people.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Are social networking sites useful for Literature review
Are social networking sites useful for recruitment(Facebook,twitter,linkedin) - Literature review Example s an act that involves finding the right people and is closely related to selection since both processes are aimed at getting employees with the right attitudes and competencies. In order to initiate recruitment process, a job must be advertised so that potential candidates can be attracted to that position (Breaugh & Starke, 2000). There are several recruitment methods that organizations use to choose their employees and they range from local newspaper adverts, billboards, recruitment agencies among others that have existed since time immemorial. The latest form of recruitment is online recruitment that entails the use of social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter and linkedln among other methods (Brown & Vaughan, 2011; Galanaki, 2002; Marler, 2009). Organizations have considerable freedom in selecting the people they choose based on their preferences, however, legislation tend to play a significant role in overseeing the recruitment process. Among the things that touches on the legality of recruitment process mainly touches on age, sex, race, and disability among others (Fu, 2007). Governments are introducing increased legislation concerning recruitment process mainly to protect the rights of its citizens against exploitation of the business community. Houghton and Joinson (2010) argues that ethical issues that surround the recruitment process are important factors that must be considered by any organization, lest they interfere with their integrity. However, in recent times, ethical dimensions of human resource have been downplayed in literature leading to, moving to emphasis on strategic it and best practice. To ensure good ethical standards, the tone set by recruitment team is very important since it represents the attitude of their organization together with its members (Decker, 2006). The growth rate of social networking sites is very high since twitter posted a growth rate exceeding 1300% within very few years of operations (Caers & Castelyns,
The Art of Watching Films Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Art of Watching Films - Essay Example But this is not as simple as it apparently looks like. Time and again in the history of cinema, the chemistry of success has eluded the most talented of filmmakers and producers. It’s been seen an umpteen number of times that films that had promised sensational performances fell flat on their faces upon release. On the other hand, many films that had initially been panned by critics managed to generate remarkable following later on. Despite this ambiguous analogy with no particular frame of reference to success, cinema is widely acknowledged to be a potent aesthetic medium, much in the same league of painting, music, literature, and drama. In defense of cinema as a visual medium of singularity, Boggs and Petrie (1999) argue that films are different from literature or other art forms in that they capture the essence of good, old-fashioned private reading just as much as the tokens of mass culture. In a way, motion pictures are compendiums of all the aesthetic and technical details associated with other independent art forms. It compounds within a single unit narrative of the novel, interplay between the audio and the visuals of the drama, synchronization of music, and textures of painting. The final outcome of such a blending is quite unique to say the least. This is because motion pictures allow for a freedom of watching as well as interpreting. There is always a mobility of expression and sense of displacement involved with films, which are conveyed through the deployment of light, sound and dialogs (p. 2). Moreover, the use of space can be regulated at will by using rapid camera movements. This also allows for alterations in perspectives for the viewers (Manchel, 1990, p. 98).Â
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Are social networking sites useful for Literature review
Are social networking sites useful for recruitment(Facebook,twitter,linkedin) - Literature review Example s an act that involves finding the right people and is closely related to selection since both processes are aimed at getting employees with the right attitudes and competencies. In order to initiate recruitment process, a job must be advertised so that potential candidates can be attracted to that position (Breaugh & Starke, 2000). There are several recruitment methods that organizations use to choose their employees and they range from local newspaper adverts, billboards, recruitment agencies among others that have existed since time immemorial. The latest form of recruitment is online recruitment that entails the use of social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter and linkedln among other methods (Brown & Vaughan, 2011; Galanaki, 2002; Marler, 2009). Organizations have considerable freedom in selecting the people they choose based on their preferences, however, legislation tend to play a significant role in overseeing the recruitment process. Among the things that touches on the legality of recruitment process mainly touches on age, sex, race, and disability among others (Fu, 2007). Governments are introducing increased legislation concerning recruitment process mainly to protect the rights of its citizens against exploitation of the business community. Houghton and Joinson (2010) argues that ethical issues that surround the recruitment process are important factors that must be considered by any organization, lest they interfere with their integrity. However, in recent times, ethical dimensions of human resource have been downplayed in literature leading to, moving to emphasis on strategic it and best practice. To ensure good ethical standards, the tone set by recruitment team is very important since it represents the attitude of their organization together with its members (Decker, 2006). The growth rate of social networking sites is very high since twitter posted a growth rate exceeding 1300% within very few years of operations (Caers & Castelyns,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
New Management Team causes delay in HR and pressures current staff Essay
New Management Team causes delay in HR and pressures current staff - Essay Example This article is related to my issue because it highlights the variety of ways in which the insufficiency of human resources caused by downsizing affects an organization. Particularly, it emphasizes how such management strategies as downsizing or delayed recruitment disturb the employees psychologically, emotionally, and physically, and how the effects go beyond them to reach the customers also. In my case, the employees are the teachers and the customers are the students. Article 2: Summary (Cameron) conducted a research upon 30 organizations to study their downsizing strategies with a view to identifying successful downsizing strategies and the implications of downsizing upon the workers’ performance. Successful downsizing requires successful management of the system of human resource that includes such aspects as employee training, reward, and performance evaluation. HR assumes the responsibility to help make this system effective by avoiding the typical top-down approach th at considers workers as a liability for the organization. HR professionals assume the main role in successful downsizing. ... Poor decisions of the management with respect to recruitment can cost an organization a lot of direct and indirect cost. BHEL’s recruitment policies were found to be good and effective since the organization conducts recruitment through big selection boards. Delay in recruitment is one of the main areas of focus of my study. This reference is particularly useful when I am evaluating the best strategies of recruitment in my research while proposing that instead of delaying the recruitment and increasing the work burden for the teachers, the new management should design effective recruitment strategies to hire the best team of teachers to take the school to the next level. Article 4: Summary (Gabdolfi) conducted a research to identify the organizational, financial, and workforce related effects of downsizing. Downsizing affects the workers psychologically and emotionally and disrupts their relations with the family. Four lessons of downsizing are preparation, specific training, management of the survivor syndrome, and counting of the costs. This paper relates to my issue because along with identifying the ways in which the teachers come under increased load and pressure of work in the absence of more teachers that need to be recruited, Gabdolfi has also highlighted the implications for the new management and proposed four lessons of downsizing that help the management make informed decisions. Article 5: Summary (Dahar et al.) conducted a quantitative study to identify the effect of quality of teacher on the students’ achievement. They found that the quality of teachers did not significantly affect the level of achievement of the students in the schools with
Monday, October 14, 2019
Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity Essay Example for Free
Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity Essay This book tells about the integrating Christianity and psychology. The author discusses integration a combining the two books of God. According to Entwistle (2004), â€Å"the book of god’s Word referred to the Bible, and the book of God’s works reflects His deeds written throughout His creation. (p. 166). †He includes five models of integration in the book which are: enemies, spies, colonialists, neutral parties, and allies as subjects of One Sovereign. The enemies model sees Christianity and psychology as enemies that need to be kept totally separate. The spies model has one discipline going into the other to take only what works for them. Psychology would enter the Christian world just to take the religious concepts that will work well with psychology. The colonialist model has one discipline colonizing or taking control and prominence over the other. Religion works with psychology as long as religion is superior to psychology. The neutral parties model has both disciplines coexisting and recognizing each other as long as they respect each others’ boundaries. Psychology recognizes that religion has good concepts to offer but it will not encroach on the religion’s domain. The allies as subjects of One Sovereign model have both disciplines working together to help people. It uses psychological and theological concepts together to gain a better understanding of the truth. According to Entwistle (2004), â€Å"God gave birth to the subject of psychology (human behavior) when he created human beings. God granted us the foundations of theology when He gave us His Word (p. 175). †The book tells us that there are two books of God: His word and His works (Entwistle, 2004). Psychology deals with God’s works and theology deals with His word. Our job as Christian counselors is to interpret both books and integrate them together so that we can use both books to help our clients. If we find something that does not make sense between both books, there is a conflict that needs to be resolved before we can use it. At this point, we need to go back and reread and study both books to see if we can find the discrepancy. Entwistle (2004) says that god gave us both books, but we have to interpret them ourselves. The problem is not with God’s books, but it is the way we interpret them. Human understanding of God’s books is based on our worldview (Entwistle, 2004). To properly integrate the two disciplines, we need to have a good understanding of both. We cannot just know theology or psychology and expect to integrate them well. We need to have a working knowledge of psychological theories and concepts as well as a working knowledge of God’s word. We need to remember, though, that our knowledge is only as good as our interpretation. God’s works have been affected by the fall into sin, and as a work of God our interpretations will be colored by the fall as well. I think this book has a lot of good ideas and concepts to it. I found it interesting to discuss the two books of God, because I had heard the term and knew what it meant, but had not really thought about what it included. I also liked the models of integration and their explanations. They were explained well enough that anyone could follow them easily. Some of the things that bothered me the most about the book and its ideas are: the idea of interpretation, the definition of integration, and where do we go from here. If we are the interpreters of God’s two books and we know that the fall and sin have colored our interpretations, how do we know if our interpretations of the books are correct? Can we interpret either book accurately? If our interpretations are wrong, can we do more harm than good to our clients? Is the definition of integration complete enough to help us know what we need to help others? When we use the current definitions of integration, do we get a complete picture of what integration means to both disciplines? With all of the models of integration, where do we go next? How do we make progress in the integration process? Can we ever integrate to a point where we can agree on most aspects of a model, or will there always be disagreement between the disciplines? These are all questions that I think are important to consider about integration. I think that integrating Christianity and psychology can benefit a Christian client by allowing us to address spiritual matters and use spiritual techniques for healing. It is important to remember that religion and psychology are both parts of God’s truth to us and can be used to help ourselves and others. When the two disciplines are integrated, we have many more options than when we use one or the other discipline separately. Finally use of both disciplines can help us reach people of faith as well as people who are not Christians, if we can use them both carefully and competently.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Henry Carey :: essays research papers fc
Henry Charles Carey One of the most highly regarded and best known economist of the early eighteen hundreds was Henry Carey. Of all the many American economists in the first half of the nineteenth century, the best known, especially outside of America, was Henry Carey. Being born in Philadelphia, Carey's views were that typically of an American. The manor, in which he opposed other economists and established his own theories, distinguished him as a prominent figure not only in his hometown of Philadelphia but in the entire United States. He rejected Malthus and Ricardo on several grounds and accused them of deviating from the views of Adam Smith. His belief in the revision of economic thought stemmed from the fact that early classical thinking, developed in Europe, was not suitable for a newly discovered country such as the United States which consisted of abundant land and scarce labour. These aspects will be viewed in detail while examining Carey's principle theories. However, before tackling the unprecedented theories of Carey, a description of the man's life and career, and writings should first be examined. The Life of Henry Carey He was born in 1793 in Philadelphia. He was the son of a self-made Irish immigrant, Mathew Carey. His father, whom was a leader in early American economic thinking, emigrated from Ireland on account of the political upheaval during the time. Henry Carey was also self taught and in 1821 at the age of twenty-eight assumed ownership of his fathers printing press. Carey who was a largely self-educated man, retired from active business at forty-two in order to devote the rest of his life to his literary career. Carey was known for his enormous published output. Many believe his quantity took away from the meaning he was trying to corroborate because it was rambling, repetitious, and diffused the message. The publications included thirteen books, about three thousand pages of published tracts, and perhaps an equal quantity of newspaper articles, editorials and correspondence covering economic and political topics. Here is a list of Carey=s most creditable works: Essay on the Rate of Wages (1835), The Principles of Political Economy (1837-1840), The Credit System of France, Great Britian and the United States (1838), An Answer to the Questions: What Constitutes Currency? What are the Causes of its Unsteadiness? And what is the Remedy? (1840), The Past, Present, and the Future (1848), The Harmony of Interest (1851), The Principles of Social Science (1857-1860), and The Unity of Laws as Exhibited in the Relations of Physical, Social, Mental, and Moral Science (1872).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Structure and Policy of the European Union Essay example -- European U
Structure and Policy of the European Union The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), is the most complex example of common policy in the European Union. Introduced from 1958 to 1968 and still in existence today, it has brought controversy, dispute and political tension within the EU and with the rest of the world. It is also a remarkable example of the movement toward the unknown realm of integration in Europe. However, subsequent reforms have been slow in arrival and have not always achieved the success expected of them. With the new difficulty of enlargement, challenges will require yet more reform of the CAP. The changing situations and context of the policy will be considered in terms of its effectiveness, as will the reforms of the 1980s and 1990s. It will be seen that there is still much in need of discussion for this enormous common policy. There were many motivations for the original formation of the CAP. Europe in 1958 was quite different to the Europe we know today. With the end of WW2 still in recent memory, there were still many effects being felt. In terms of agriculture, this was seen in the protection of farmers and nation specific rules and regulations as to production, imports and exports etc. There also remained some political mistrust between the central European countries, namely France and Germany . It was a combination of these factors that led to the incarnation of the CAP . In 1958, a large proportion of the population of Europe was employed in agriculture, and the industry accounted for a significant percentage of GDP, indeed as high as 27% of the population of France and 5% of total GDP amongst the original members (Belgium, Luxemburg, Holland, France, Germany and Italy) . The agricul... ...of the CAP and shown that in many ways it was flawed from the beginning and is only now starting to become effective. It is important that the momentum of the reforms is carried into this next chapter of the Union and is allowed to be introduced to the new members with freedom and fairness. Obviously some small adjustments will have to be made, just as they were for previous accessions , but the new nations must essentially be treated as equals. The prospects for the CAP will also improve as the sector becomes more efficient and smaller, with more land being reclaimed from farming and the increases in efficiency. The CAP was unprecedented in 1958, and will not lose its position of importance so long as the members and new candidates are willing to embrace the integration for which the CAP has always stood and move forward, without prejudice, into the 21st Century.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Dehumanization of the Jews Essay
Dehumanization is the process of making a person less human by taking away the important things in their life and what makes them who they are; not only the material things but their ideas and morals as well. The Nazi’s dehumanized millions and millions of Jews during the Holocaust. In Elie Wiesel’s recollection of his experience in the German’s concentration camps, he explained how brutal the Nazi’s could be, how they could take a person’s life away in the matter of seconds, and how they change a person’s outlook on life entirely. The Jews were dehumanized from the very beginning of the Holocaust and only grew to be worse. Dehumanization is the process of making a person less human by taking away the important things in their life and what makes them who they are; not only the material things but their ideas and morals as well. The Nazi’s dehumanized millions and millions of Jews during the Holocaust. In Elie Wiesel’s recollection of his experience in the German’s concentration camps, he explained how brutal the Nazi’s could be, how they could take a person’s life away in the matter of seconds, and how they change a person’s outlook on life entirely. The Jews were dehumanized from the very beginning of the Holocaust and only grew to be worse. The Nazi’s didn’t make anything easy for them. The Jews endured a continuous struggle that they could do nothing about. In the beginning, it all started with the German’s forcing them out of their homes and sending them to the ghettos. The Nazi’s stripped them of their rights, took away their belongings, and removed them from their daily lives. This left them with nothing. They left behind their lives. â€Å"To live? I don’t attach any importance to my life any more. I’m alone,†states an early deportee, Moshe the Beadle. (pg. 5) The Jews were ridded of all sense of security. Once they arrived at the concentration camps, they were struck with another loss of â€Å"themselves. †At the camp, they received tattoos. These tattoos were a series of numbers which represented â€Å"who†they were in the concentration camps. They were known as numbers, not people, numbers. A name is sacred. A name is who you are, without it, you’re only a being. They were people with friends and family that knew them by this name, their name. It was just another way to break away the ties of humanity. In the camps, the prisoners were treated like animals. They had to work all day long. They had to eat when they were told to eat. They had do everything they were told. If anyone misbehaved they would be shot down like dogs. Wiesel asks, â€Å"Was there a single place here where you were not in danger of death? †(pg. 37) A human is meant to be free, do as they please, and not live life in fear. The Jews weren’t allowed to have these luxuries anymore. They were worn down to nothing, which is exactly what Hitler was trying to do. Dehumanization was carried on throughout the Holocaust. The Nazi’s wanted the Jews gone. They made them flee their homes and their personal lives. They were left with nothing. They were given numbers in replace of their own name, the name that makes them the person they grew up as. They Jewish prisoners were treated like animals. They worked, hardly ate, hardly slept, and worked some more. If someone was to do the slightest thing wrong, they were shot down. The person they used to be is gone. The Jewish weren’t given a chance to fight for their lives. The Nazi’s made this impossible. They had to hold onto the little bit of hope left in their wounded hearts.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Twilight Saga 3: Eclipse Chapter 19. SELFISH
EDWARD CARRIED ME HOME IN HIS ARMS, EXPECTING that I wouldn't be able to hang on. I must have fallen asleep on the way. When I woke up, I was in my bed and the dull light coming through my windows slanted in from a strange angle. Almost like it was afternoon. I yawned and stretched, my fingers searching for him and coming up empty. â€Å"Edward?†I mumbled. My seeking fingers encountered something cool and smooth. His hand. â€Å"Are you really awake this time?†he murmured. â€Å"Mmm,†I sighed in assent. â€Å"Have there been a lot of false alarms?†â€Å"You've been very restless – talking all day.†â€Å"Allday?†I blinked and looked at the windows again. â€Å"You had a long night,†he said reassuringly. â€Å"You'd earned a day in bed.†I sat up, and my head spun. The light was coming in my window from the west. â€Å"Wow.†â€Å"Hungry?†he guessed. â€Å"Do you want breakfast in bed?†â€Å"I'll get it,†I groaned, stretching again. â€Å"I need to get up and move around.†He held my hand on the way to the kitchen, eyeing me carefully, like I might fall over. Or maybe he thought I was sleepwalking. I kept it simple, throwing a couple of Pop-Tarts in the toaster. I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflective chrome. â€Å"Ugh, I'm a mess.†â€Å"It was a long night,†he said again. â€Å"You should have stayed here and slept.†â€Å"Right! And missed everything. You know, you need to start accepting the fact that I'm part of the family now.†He smiled. â€Å"I could probably get used to that idea.†I sat down with my breakfast, and he sat next to me. When I lifted the Pop-Tart to take the first bite, I noticed him staring at my hand. I looked down, and saw that I was still wearing the gift that Jacob had given me at the party. â€Å"May I?†he asked, reaching for the tiny wooden wolf. I swallowed noisily. â€Å"Um, sure.†He moved his hand under the charm bracelet and balanced the little figurine in his snowy palm. For a fleeting moment, I was afraid. Just the slightest twist of his fingers could crush it into splinters. But of course Edward wouldn't do that. I was embarrassed I'd even had the thought. He only weighed the wolf in his palm for a moment, and then let it fall. It swung lightly from my wrist. I tried to read the expression in his eyes. All I could see was thoughtfulness; he kept everything else hidden, if there was anything else. â€Å"Jacob Black can give you presents.†It wasn't a question, or an accusation. Just a statement of fact. But I knew he was referring to my last birthday and the fit I'd thrown over gifts; I hadn't wanted any. Especially not from Edward. It wasn't entirely logical, and, of course, everyone had ignored me anyway. . . . â€Å"You've given me presents,†I reminded him. â€Å"You know I like the homemade kind.†He pursed his lips for a second. â€Å"How about hand-me-downs? Are those acceptable?†â€Å"What do you mean?†â€Å"This bracelet.†His finger traced a circle around my wrist. â€Å"You'll be wearing this a lot?†I shrugged. â€Å"Because you wouldn't want to hurt his feelings,†he suggested shrewdly. â€Å"Sure, I guess so.†â€Å"Don't you think it's fair, then,†he asked, looking down at my hand as he spoke. He turned it palm up, and ran his finger along the veins in my wrist. â€Å"If I have a little representation?†â€Å"Representation?†â€Å"A charm – something to keep me on your mind.†â€Å"You're in every thought I have. I don't need reminders.†â€Å"If I gave you something, would you wear it?†he pressed. â€Å"A hand-me-down?†I checked. â€Å"Yes, something I've had for a while.†He smiled his angel's smile. If this was the only reaction to Jacob's gift, I would take it gladly. â€Å"Whatever makes you happy.†â€Å"Have you noticed the inequality?†he asked, and his voice turned accusing. â€Å"Because I certainly have.†â€Å"What inequality?†His eyes narrowed. â€Å"Everyone else is able to get away with giving you things. Everyone but me. I would have loved to get you a graduation present, but I didn't. I knew it would have upset you more than if anyone else did. That's utterly unfair. How do you explain yourself?†â€Å"Easy.†I shrugged. â€Å"You're more important than everyone else. And you've given me you. That's already more than I deserve, and anything else you give me just throws us more out of balance.†He processed that for a moment, and then rolled his eyes. â€Å"The way you regard me is ludicrous.†I chewed my breakfast calmly. I knew he wouldn't listen if I told him that he had that backward. Edward's phone buzzed. He looked at the number before he opened it. â€Å"What is it, Alice?†He listened, and I waited for his reaction, suddenly nervous. But whatever she said didn't surprise him. He sighed a few times. â€Å"I sort of guessed as much,†he told her, staring into my eyes, a disapproving arch to his brow. â€Å"She was talking in her sleep.†I flushed. What had I said now? â€Å"I'll take care of it,†he promised. He glared at me as he shut his phone. â€Å"Is there something you'd like to talk to me about?†I deliberated for a moment. Given Alice's warning last night, I could guess why she'd called. And then remembering the troubled dreams I'd had as I'd slept through the day – dreams where I chased after Jasper, trying to followhim and find the clearing in the maze-like woods, knowing I would find Edward there . . . Edward, and the monsters who wanted to kill me, but not caring about them because I'd already made my decision – I could also guess what Edward had overheard while I'd slept. I pursed my lips for a moment, not quite able to meet his gaze. He waited. â€Å"I like Jasper's idea,†I finally said. He groaned. â€Å"I want to help. I have to do something,†I insisted. â€Å"It wouldn't help to have you in danger.†â€Å"Jasper thinks it would. This is his area of expertise.†Edward glowered at me. â€Å"You can't keep me away,†I threatened. â€Å"I'm not going to hide out in the forest while you all take risks for me.†Suddenly, he was fighting a smile. â€Å"Alice doesn't see you in the clearing, Bella. She sees you stumbling around lost in the woods. You won't be able to find us; you'll just make it more time consuming for me to find you afterward.†I tried to keep as cool as he was. â€Å"That's because Alice didn't factor in Seth Clearwater,†I said politely. â€Å"If she had, of course, she wouldn't have been able to see anything at all. But it sounds like Seth wants to be there as much as I do. It shouldn't be too hard to persuade him to show me the way.†Anger flickered across his face, and then he took a deep breath and composed himself. â€Å"That might have worked . . . if you hadn't told me. Now I'll just ask Sam to give Seth certain orders. Much as he might want to, Seth won't be able to ignore that kind of injunction.†I kept my smile pleasant. â€Å"But why would Sam give those orders? If I tell him how it would help for me to be there? I'll bet Sam would rather do me a favor than you.†He had to compose himself again. â€Å"Maybe you're right. But I'm sure Jacob would be only too eager to give those same orders.†I frowned. â€Å"Jacob?†â€Å"Jacob is second in command. Did he never tell you that? His orders have to be followed, too.†He had me, and by his smile, he knew it. My forehead crumpled. Jacob would be on his side – in this one instance – I was sure. And Jacob never had told me that. Edward took advantage of the fact that I was momentarily stumped, continuing in a suspiciously smooth and soothing voice. â€Å"I got a fascinating look into the pack's mind last night. It was better than a soap opera. I had no idea how complex the dynamic is with such a large pack. The pull of the individual against the plural psyche . . . Absolutely fascinating.†He was obviously trying to distract me. I glared at him. â€Å"Jacob's been keeping a lot of secrets,†he said with a grin. I didn't answer, I just kept glaring, holding on to my argument and waiting for an opening. â€Å"For instance, did you note the smaller gray wolf there last night?†I nodded one stiff nod. He chuckled. â€Å"They take all of their legends so seriously. It turns out there are things that none of their stories prepared them for.†I sighed. â€Å"Okay, I'll bite. What are you talking about?†â€Å"They always accepted without question that it was only the direct grandsons of the original wolf who had the power to transform.†â€Å"So someone changed who wasn't a direct descendant?†â€Å"No. She's a direct descendant, all right.†I blinked, and my eyes widened. â€Å"She?†He nodded. â€Å"She knows you. Her name is Leah Clearwater.†â€Å"Leah's a werewolf!†I shrieked. â€Å"What? For how long? Why didn't Jacob tell me?†â€Å"There are things he wasn't allowed to share – their numbers, for instance. Like I said before, when Sam gives an order, the pack simply isn't able to ignore it. Jacob was very careful to think of other things when he was near me. Of course, after last night that's all out the window.†â€Å"I can't believe it. Leah Clearwater!†Suddenly, I remembered Jacob speaking of Leah and Sam, and the way he acted as if he'd said too much – after he'd said something about Sam having to look in Leah's eyes every day and know that he'd broken all his promises. . . . Leah on the cliff, a tear glistening on her cheek when Old Quil had spoken of the burden and sacrifice the Quileute sons shared. . . . And Billy, spending time with Sue because she was having trouble with her kids . . . and here the trouble actually was that both of them were werewolves now! I hadn't given much thought to Leah Clearwater, just to grieve for her loss when Harry had passed away, and then to pity her again when Jacob had told her story, about how the strange imprinting between Sam and her cousin Emily had broken Leah's heart. And now she was part of Sam's pack, hearing his thoughts . . . and unable to hide her own. I really hate that part, Jacob had said. Everything you're ashamed of, laid out for everyone to see. â€Å"Poor Leah,†I whispered. Edward snorted. â€Å"She's making life exceedingly unpleasant for the rest of them. I'm not sure she deserves your sympathy.†â€Å"What do you mean?†â€Å"It's hard enough for them, having to share all their thoughts. Most of them try to cooperate, make it easier. When even one member is deliberately malicious, it's painful for everyone.†â€Å"She has reason enough,†I mumbled, still on her side. â€Å"Oh, I know,†he said. â€Å"The imprinting compulsion is one of the strangest things I've ever witnessed in my life, and I've seen some strange things.†He shook his head wonderingly. â€Å"The way Sam is tied to his Emily is impossible to describe – or I should say her Sam. Sam really had no choice. It reminds me of A Midsummer Night's Dream with all the chaos caused by the fairies' love spells . . . like magic.†He smiled. â€Å"It's very nearly as strong as the way I feel about you.†â€Å"Poor Leah,†I said again. â€Å"But what do you mean, malicious?†â€Å"She's constantly bringing up things they'd rather not think of,†he explained. â€Å"For example, Embry.†â€Å"What's with Embry?†I asked, surprised. â€Å"His mother moved down from the Makah reservation seventeen years ago, when she was pregnant with him. She's not Quileute. Everyone assumed she'd left his father behind with the Makahs. But then he joined the pack.†â€Å"So?†â€Å"So the prime candidates for his father are Quil Ateara Sr., Joshua Uley, or Billy Black, all of them married at that point, of course.†â€Å"No!†I gasped. Edward was right – this was exactly like a soap opera. â€Å"Now Sam, Jacob, and Quil all wonder which of them has a half-brother. They'd all like to think it's Sam, since his father was never much of a father. But the doubt is always there. Jacob's never been able to ask Billy about that.†â€Å"Wow. How did you get so much in one night?†â€Å"The pack mind is mesmerizing. All thinking together and then separately at the same time. There's so much to read!†He sounded faintly regretful, like someone who'd had to put down a good book just before the climax. I laughed. â€Å"The pack is fascinating,†I agreed. â€Å"Almost as fascinating as you are when you're trying to distract me.†His expression became polite again – a perfect poker face. â€Å"I have to be in that clearing, Edward.†â€Å"No,†he said in a very final tone. A certain path occurred to me at that moment. It wasn't so much that I had to be in the clearing. I just had to be where Edward was. Cruel, I accused myself. Selfish, selfish, selfish! Don't do it! I ignored my better instincts. I couldn't look at him while I spoke, though. The guilt had my eyes glued to the table. â€Å"Okay, look, Edward,†I whispered. â€Å"Here's the thing . . . I've already gone crazy once. I know what my limits are. And I can't stand it if you leave me again.†I didn't look up to see his reaction, afraid to know how much pain I was inflicting. I did hear his sudden intake of breath and the silence that followed. I stared at the dark wooden tabletop, wishing I could take the words back. But knowing I probably wouldn't. Not if it worked. Suddenly, his arms were around me, his hands stroking my face, my arms. He was comforting me. The guilt went into spiral mode. But the survival instinct was stronger. There was no question that he was fundamental to my survival. â€Å"You know it's not like that, Bella,†he murmured. â€Å"I won't be far, and it will be over quickly.†â€Å"I can't stand it,†I insisted, still staring down. â€Å"Not knowing whether or not you'll come back. How do I live through that, no matter how quickly it's over?†He sighed. â€Å"It's going to be easy, Bella. There's no reason for your fears.†â€Å"None at all?†â€Å"None.†â€Å"And everybody will be fine?†â€Å"Everyone,†he promised. â€Å"So there's no way at all that I need to be in the clearing?†â€Å"Of course not. Alice just told me that they're down to nineteen. We'll be able to handle it easily.†â€Å"That's right – you said it was so easy that someone could sit out,†I repeated his words from last night. â€Å"Did you really mean that?†â€Å"Yes.†It felt too simple – he had to see it coming. â€Å"So easy that you could sit out?†After a long moment of silence, I finally looked up at his expression. The poker face was back. I took a deep breath. â€Å"So it's one way or the other. Either there is more danger than you want me to know about, in which case it would be right for me to be there, to do what I can to help. Or . . . it's going to be so easy that they'll get by without you. Which way is it?†He didn't speak. I knew what he was thinking of – the same thing I was thinking of. Carlisle. Esme. Emmett. Rosalie. Jasper. And . . . I forced myself to think the last name. And Alice. I wondered if I was a monster. Not the kind that he thought he was, but the real kind. The kind that hurt people. The kind that had no limits when it came to what they wanted. What I wanted was to keep him safe, safe with me. Did I have a limit to what I would do, what I would sacrifice for that? I wasn't sure. â€Å"You ask me to let them fight without my help?†he said in a quiet voice. â€Å"Yes.†I was surprised I could keep my voice even, I felt so wretched inside. â€Å"Or to let me be there. Either way, so long as we're together.†He took a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly. He moved his hands to place them on either side of my face, forcing me to meet his gaze. He looked into my eyes for a long time. I wondered what he was looking for, and what it was that he found. Was the guilt as thick on my face as it was in my stomach – sickening me? His eyes tightened against some emotion I couldn't read, and he dropped one hand to pull out his phone again. â€Å"Alice,†he sighed. â€Å"Could you come babysit Bella for a bit?†He raised one eyebrow, daring me to object to the word. â€Å"I need to speak with Jasper.†She evidently agreed. He put the phone away and went back to staring at my face. â€Å"What are you going to say to Jasper?†I whispered. â€Å"I'm going to discuss . . . me sitting out.†It was easy to read in his face how difficult the words were for him. â€Å"I'm sorry.†I was sorry. I hated to make him do this. Not enough that I could fake a smile and tell him to go on ahead without me. Definitely not that much. â€Å"Don't apologize,†he said, smiling just a little. â€Å"Never be afraid to tell me how you feel, Bella. If this is what you need . . .†He shrugged. â€Å"You are my first priority.†â€Å"I didn't mean it that way – like you have to choose me over your family.†â€Å"I know that. Besides, that's not what you asked. You gave me two alternatives that you could live with, and I chose the one that I could live with. That's how compromise is supposed to work.†I leaned forward and rested my forehead against his chest. â€Å"Thank you,†I whispered. â€Å"Anytime,†he answered, kissing my hair. â€Å"Anything.†We didn't move for a long moment. I kept my face hidden, pressed against his shirt. Two voices struggled inside me. One that wanted to be good and brave, and one that told the good one to keep her mouth shut. â€Å"Who's the third wife?†he asked me suddenly. â€Å"Huh?†I said, stalling. I didn't remember having had that dream again. â€Å"You were mumbling something about ‘the third wife' last night. The rest made a little sense, but you lost me there.†â€Å"Oh. Um, yeah. That was just one of the stories that I heard at the bonfire the other night.†I shrugged. â€Å"I guess it stuck with me.†Edward leaned away from me and cocked his head to the side, probably confused by the uncomfortable edge to my voice. Before he could ask, Alice appeared in the kitchen doorway with a sour expression. â€Å"You're going to miss all the fun,†she grumbled. â€Å"Hello, Alice,†he greeted her. He put one finger under my chin and tilted my face up to kiss me goodbye. â€Å"I'll be back later tonight,†he promised me. â€Å"I'll go work this out with the others, rearrange things.†â€Å"Okay.†â€Å"There's not much to arrange,†Alice said. â€Å"I already told them. Emmett is pleased.†Edward sighed. â€Å"Of course he is.†He walked out the door, leaving me to face Alice. She glared at me. â€Å"I'm sorry,†I apologized again. â€Å"Do you think this will make it more dangerous for you?†She snorted. â€Å"You worry too much, Bella. You're going to go prematurely gray.†â€Å"Why are you upset, then?†â€Å"Edward is such a grouch when he doesn't get his way. I'm just anticipating living with him for the next few months.†She made a face. â€Å"I suppose, if it keeps you sane, it's worth it. But I wish you could control the pessimism, Bella. It's so unnecessary.†â€Å"Would you let Jasper go without you?†I demanded. Alice grimaced. â€Å"That's different.†â€Å"Sure it is.†â€Å"Go clean yourself up,†she ordered me. â€Å"Charlie will be home in fifteen minutes, and if you look this ragged he's not going to want to let you out again.†Wow, I'd really lost the whole day. It felt like such a waste. I was glad I wouldn't always have to squander my time with sleeping. I was entirely presentable when Charlie got home – fully dressed, hair decent, and in the kitchen putting his dinner on the table. Alice sat in Edward's usual place, and this seemed to make Charlie's day. â€Å"Howdy, Alice! How are you, hon?†â€Å"I'm fine, Charlie, thanks.†â€Å"I see you finally made it out of bed, sleepyhead,†he said to me as I sat beside him, before turning back to Alice. â€Å"Everyone's talking about that party your parents threw last night. I'll bet you've got one heck of a clean-up job ahead of you.†Alice shrugged. Knowing her, it was already done. â€Å"It was worth it,†she said. â€Å"It was a great party.†â€Å"Where's Edward?†Charlie asked, a little grudgingly. â€Å"Is he helping clean up?†Alice sighed and her face turned tragic. It was probably an act, but it was too perfect for me to be positive. â€Å"No. He's off planning the weekend with Emmett and Carlisle.†â€Å"Hikingagain?†Alice nodded, her face suddenly forlorn. â€Å"Yes. They're all going, except me. We always go backpacking at the end of the school year, sort of a celebration, but this year I decided I'd rather shop than hike, and not one of them will stay behind with me. I'm abandoned.†Her face puckered, the expression so devastated that Charlie leaned toward her automatically, one hand reaching out, looking for some way to help. I glared at her suspiciously. What was she doing? â€Å"Alice, honey, why don't you come stay with us,†Charlie offered. â€Å"I hate to think of you all alone in that big house.†She sighed. Something squashed my foot under the table. â€Å"Ow!†I protested. Charlie turned to me. â€Å"What?†Alice shot me a frustrated look. I could tell she thought that I was very slow tonight. â€Å"Stubbed my toe,†I muttered. â€Å"Oh.†He looked back at Alice. â€Å"So, how 'bout it?†She stepped on my foot again, not quite so hard this time. â€Å"Er, Dad, you know, we don't really have the best accommodations here. I bet Alice doesn't want to sleep on my floor. . . .†Charlie pursed his lips. Alice pulled out the devastated expression again. â€Å"Maybe Bella should stay up there with you,†he suggested. â€Å"Just until your folks get back.†â€Å"Oh, would you, Bella?†Alice smiled at me radiantly. â€Å"You don't mind shopping with me, right?†â€Å"Sure,†I agreed. â€Å"Shopping. Okay.†â€Å"When are they leaving?†Charlie asked. Alice made another face. â€Å"Tomorrow.†â€Å"When do you want me?†I asked. â€Å"After dinner, I guess,†she said, and then put one finger to her chin, thoughtful. â€Å"You don't have anything going on Saturday, do you? I want to get out of town to shop, and it will be an all-day thing.†â€Å"Not Seattle,†Charlie interjected, his eyebrows pulling together. â€Å"Of course not,†Alice agreed at once, though we both knew Seattle would be plenty safe on Saturday. â€Å"I was thinking Olympia, maybe. . . .†â€Å"You'll like that, Bella.†Charlie was cheerful with relief. â€Å"Go get your fill of the city.†â€Å"Yeah, Dad. It'll be great.†With one easy conversation, Alice had cleared my schedule for the battle. Edward returned not much later. He accepted Charlie's wishes for a nice trip without surprise. He claimed they were leaving early in the morning, and said goodnight before the usual time. Alice left with him. I excused myself soon after they left. â€Å"You can't be tired,†Charlie protested. â€Å"A little,†I lied. â€Å"No wonder you like to skip the parties,†he muttered. â€Å"It takes you so long to recover.†Upstairs, Edward was lying across my bed. â€Å"What time are we meeting with the wolves?†I murmured as I went to join him. â€Å"In an hour.†â€Å"That's good. Jake and his friends need to get some sleep.†â€Å"They don't need as much as you do,†he pointed out. I moved to another topic, assuming he was about to try to talk me into staying home. â€Å"Did Alice tell you that she's kidnapping me again?†He grinned. â€Å"Actually, she's not.†I stared at him, confused, and he laughed quietly at my expression. â€Å"I'm the only one who has permission to hold you hostage, remember?†he said. â€Å"Alice is going hunting with the rest of them.†He sighed. â€Å"I guess I don't need to do that now.†â€Å"You're kidnapping me?†He nodded. I thought about that briefly. No Charlie listening downstairs, checking on me every so often. And no houseful of wide-awake vampires with their intrusively sensitive hearing. . . . Just him and me – really alone. â€Å"Is that all right?†he asked, concerned by my silence. â€Å"Well . . . sure, except for one thing.†â€Å"What thing?†His eyes were anxious. It was mind-boggling, but, somehow, he still seemed unsure of his hold on me. Maybe I needed to make myself more clear. â€Å"Why didn't Alice tell Charlie you were leaving tonight?†I asked. He laughed, relieved. I enjoyed the trip to the clearing more than I had last night. I still felt guilty, still afraid, but I wasn't terrified anymore. I could function. I could see past what was coming, and almost believe that maybe it would be okay. Edward was apparently fine with the idea of missing the fight . . . and that made it very hard not to believe him when he said this would be easy. He wouldn't leave his family if he didn't believe it himself. Maybe Alice was right, and I did worry too much. We got to the clearing last. Jasper and Emmett were already wrestling – just warming up from the sounds of their laughter. Alice and Rosalie lounged on the hard ground, watching. Esme and Carlisle were talking a few yards away, heads close together, fingers linked, not paying attention. It was much brighter tonight, the moon shining through the thin clouds, and I could easily see the three wolves that sat around the edge of the practice ring, spaced far apart to watch from different angles. It was also easy to recognize Jacob; I would have known him at once, even if he hadn't looked up and stared at the sound of our approach. â€Å"Where are the rest of the wolves?†I wondered. â€Å"They don't all need to be here. One would do the job, but Sam didn't trust us enough to just send Jacob, though Jacob was willing. Quil and Embry are his usual . . . I guess you could call them his wingmen.†â€Å"Jacob trusts you.†Edward nodded. â€Å"He trusts us not to try to kill him. That's about it, though.†â€Å"Are you participating tonight?†I asked, hesitant. I knew this was going to be almost as hard for him as being left behind would have been for me. Maybe harder. â€Å"I'll help Jasper when he needs it. He wants to try some unequal groupings, teach them how to deal with multiple attackers.†He shrugged. And a fresh wave of panic shattered my brief sense of confidence. They were still outnumbered. I was making that worse. I stared at the field, trying to hide my reaction. It was the wrong place to look, struggling as I was to lie to myself, to convince myself that everything would work out as I needed it to. Because when I forced my eyes away from the Cullens – away from the image of their playfighting that would be real and deadly in just a few days – Jacob caught my eyes and smiled. It was the same wolfy grin as before, his eyes scrunching the way they did when he was human. It was hard to believe that, not so long ago, I'd found the werewolves frightening – lost sleep to nightmares about them. I knew, without asking, which of the others was Embry and which was Quil. Because Embry was clearly the thinner gray wolf with the dark spots on his back, who sat so patiently watching, while Quil – deep chocolate brown, lighter over his face – twitched constantly, looking like he was dying to join in the mock fight. They weren't monsters, even like this. They were friends. Friends who didn't look nearly as indestructible as Emmett and Jasper did, moving faster than cobra strikes while the moonlight glinted off their granite-hard skin. Friends who didn't seem to understand the danger involved here. Friends who were still somewhat mortal, friends who could bleed, friends who could die. . . . Edward's confidence was reassuring, because it was plain that he wasn't truly worried about his family. But would it hurt him if something happened to the wolves? Was there any reason for him to be anxious, if that possibility didn't bother him? Edward's confidence only applied to one set of my fears. I tried to smile back at Jacob, swallowing against the lump in my throat. I didn't seem to get it right. Jacob sprang lightly to his feet, his agility at odds with his sheer mass, and trotted over to where Edward and I stood on the fringe of things. â€Å"Jacob,†Edward greeted him politely. Jacob ignored him, his dark eyes on me. He put his head down to my level, as he had yesterday, cocking it to one side. A low whimper escaped his muzzle. â€Å"I'm fine,†I answered, not needing the translation that Edward was about to give. â€Å"Just worried, you know.†Jacob continued to stare at me. â€Å"He wants to know why,†Edward murmured. Jacob growled – not a threatening sound, an annoyed sound – and Edward's lips twitched. â€Å"What?†I asked. â€Å"He thinks my translations leave something to be desired. What he actually thought was, ‘That's really stupid. What is there to be worried about?' I edited, because I thought it was rude.†I halfway smiled, too anxious to really feel amused. â€Å"There's plenty to be worried about,†I told Jacob. â€Å"Like a bunch of really stupid wolves getting themselves hurt.†Jacob laughed his coughing bark. Edward sighed. â€Å"Jasper wants help. You'll be okay without a translator?†â€Å"I'll manage.†Edward looked at me wistfully for one minute, his expression hard to understand, then turned his back and strode over to where Jasper waited. I sat down where I was. The ground was cold and uncomfortable. Jacob took a step forward, then looked back at me, and a low whine rose in his throat. He took another half-step. â€Å"Go on without me,†I told him. â€Å"I don't want to watch.†Jacob leaned his head to the side again for a moment, and then folded himself on to the ground beside me with a rumbling sigh. â€Å"Really, you can go ahead,†I assured him. He didn't respond, he just put his head down on his paws. I stared up at the bright silver clouds, not wanting to see the fight. My imagination had more than enough fuel. A breeze blew through the clearing, and I shivered. Jacob scooted himself closer to me, pressing his warm fur against my left side. â€Å"Er, thanks,†I muttered. After a few minutes, I leaned against his wide shoulder. It was much more comfortable that way. The clouds moved slowly across the sky, dimming and brightening as thick patches crossed the moon and passed on. Absently, I began pulling my fingers through the fur on his neck. That same strange humming sound that he'd made yesterday rumbled in his throat. It was a homey kind of sound. Rougher, wilder than a cat's purr, but conveying the same sense of contentment. â€Å"You know, I never had a dog,†I mused. â€Å"I always wanted one, but Rene's allergic.†Jacob laughed; his body shook under me. â€Å"Aren't you worried about Saturday at all?†I asked. He turned his enormous head toward me, so that I could see one of his eyes roll. â€Å"I wish I could feel that positive.†He leaned his head against my leg and started humming again. And it did make me feel just a little bit better. â€Å"So we've got some hiking to do tomorrow, I guess.†He rumbled; the sound was enthusiastic. â€Å"It might be a long hike,†I warned him. â€Å"Edward doesn't judge distances the way a normal person does.†Jacob barked another laugh. I settled deeper into his warm fur, resting my head against his neck. It was strange. Even though he was in this bizarre form, this felt more like the way Jake and I used to be – the easy, effortless friendship that was as natural as breathing in and out – than the last few times I'd been with Jacob while he was human. Odd that I should find that again here, when I'd thought this wolf thing was the cause of its loss. The killing games continued in the clearing, and I stared at the hazy moon.
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