Thursday, December 26, 2019
Ornitholestes - Facts and Figures
Name: Ornitholestes (Greek for bird robber); pronounced OR-nith-oh-LEST-eez Habitat: Forests of western North America Historical Period: Late Jurassic (155-145 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 5 feet long and 25 pounds Diet: Meat Distinguishing Characteristics: Slender build; long hind legs About Ornitholestes Discovered in 1903, Ornitholestes was given its name (Greek for bird robber) by the famous naturalist Henry F. Osborn before paleontologists had grappled with the evolutionary origin of birds. Its certainly possible that this slender theropod preyed on the proto-birds of the late Jurassic period, but since birds didnt really come into their own until the late Cretaceous, its more likely that Ornitholestes feasted on small lizards and the carrion left over by larger carnivores. Whatever the case, theres not much fossil evidence to support either supposition: unlike the situation with its close cousins Coelophysis and Compsognathus, remains of Ornitholestes are few and far between, necessitating a large amount of guesswork. Ornitholestes reputation as a bird-eater has much in common with Oviraptors reputation as an egg-stealer: these were inferences drawn on the basis of insufficient knowledge (and in the case of Ornitholestes, the myth was perpetuated by a famous painting by Charles R. Knight depicting this dinosaur preparing to eat a captured Archaeopteryx). Theres still a lot of speculation about Ornitholestes: one paleontologist suggests that this dinosaur snatched fish out of lakes and rivers, another maintains that (if Ornitholestes had hunted in packs) it might have been capable of taking down plant-eating dinosaurs as big as Camptosaurus, and yet a third believes that Ornitholestes may have hunted by night, in a deliberate attempt to avoid (and outfox) its fellow theropod Coelurus.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury - 1038 Words
Throughout Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury demonstrates a different kind of censorship. He exposes an insidious censorship that is brewed from distraction. The distraction is achieved by the banning of books, claimed to be a step toward equality. But, Bradbury shows that without intellectual freedom, equality is an empty promise which leads itself to totalitarianism and rebellion. The society in Fahrenheit 451 despises book. One of the reasons why the population decided to remove published document is the popularity of competing forms of entertainment, But, the leading factor involves envy. It is clear that people don t like to feel inferior to those with higher intellectual abilities. This is evident in a conversation between Montag, the protagonist and Beatty, The captain of Montag’s fire department. As the two discuss their current society Beatty states: Colored people don t like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don t feel good about Uncle Tom s Cabin. Burn it. Someon e s written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity Montag. Peace Montag†(Bradbury 59). It is clear that the general population is living in darkness. As books became more popular literacy spread which gave the citizens enough education to be able to criticize their surrounding. These ideas however, provoked outrage in many special interest groups. Eventually, these minority groups advocate equality to the point when society finallyShow MoreRelatedFahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury719 Words  | 3 PagesThe flash point of paper, or the temperature at which paper will burst in flames, is 451 degrees Fahrenheit. In Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury, the main character, Guy Montag, is a â€Å"fireman†in a futuristic society where he and his coworkers start fires, rather than put them out. Books are banned and burned, along with the owner of the book’s house and sometimes even the owner of the book, upon discovery. Technology has taken over in a sense that social interaction between the average personRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury1952 Words  | 8 Pagesis clearly displayed in the plight of Ray Bradbury’s novel about a dystopian American society, Fahrenheit 451, which contains many ideas and bits of content that some people believed should be censored. In fact, one of the reasons that this novel was censored for displaying the dangers of censorship, which is both extremely ironic, and telling as to where this society is going. Thanks to several distributors and oversensitive parents and teachers, Fahrenheit 451 has been banned in many schools overRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury954 Words  | 4 Pages In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the author uses allegory (often misinterpreted by readers) to show the dangers of mass media consumption and the decline of reading traditional media. Many readers draw incorrect conclusions (lessons learned) from the book due to how generally the book applies its theme. Government censorship, though an important topic, is not the intended focus of the novel Fahrenheit 451. Finally, Bradbury’s original message of the book shows the beauty of traditional media andRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury1592 Words  | 7 PagesWhen writing the introduction to Fahrenheit 451, author Neil Gaiman stated that â€Å"ideas--written ideas--are special. They are the way we transmit our stories and our thoughts from one generation to the next. If we lose them, we lose our shared history†. Gaiman is absolutely correct; especially because what he is saying heavily applies to books. Books are a critical aspect in shaping humanity as a whole, they create and share a network of creative ideas, history, and overall entertainment; to loseRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury1661 Words  | 7 Pages1.) In the novel, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Montag’s view on life reverses. Two characters the influence the main character Guy Montag are the old lady whose house and books were burnt down and Mildred. The old lady was caught preserving books in her home. Firemen including Montag were ordered to burn the books. The old lady refused to leave her books, so she too was burned. She bravely gave an allusion as her last words, â€Å"Play the man,’ she said, ‘Master Ridley.’ Something, somethingRead MoreFahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury818 Words  | 4 PagesFAHRENHEIT 451 BY RAY BRADBURY Important People in Montag’s Life In Partical Fulfillment Of English 2 Ms Irina Abramov By Helen Hernandez November 9, 2012 â€Å"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them†-Ray Bradbury. In the past there were events that affected book writers. People will get together to burn books because they thought it was inappropriate or they were against their literature. Montag is a fireman in a futuristic society who would startRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury918 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Fahrenheit 451,†written by Ray Bradbury, is a futuristic, dystopian novel based upon a society secluded by technology and ignorance. In this future society, books are outlawed and firemen are presented with the task of burning books that are found in people’s homes. Montag, a fireman, finds himself intrigued with the books, and begins to take them home and read them. As the story progresses, Montag learns the truth behind why books are outlawed and flees his city to join the last remnants of age-oldRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury863 Words  | 4 PagesTh e novel, Fahrenheit 451 was written by Ray Bradbury and it took place in the dystopian future. Throughout each novel, we are able to see a major theme, which is censorship. In this essay, I will explain how this theme are explored in the story by using the literary devices. To begin with, in this novel, censorship is not given a straight description, but we can see how the author shows it through many literary elements, such as using the setting, tone and symbolisms even foreshadowing. This novelRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury943 Words  | 4 PagesIn the novel Fahrenheit 451, written in 1951 by Ray Bradbury. There are many similarities between the novel and contemporary society, including technology, family lifestyle and censorship. In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury’s main focus was on technology, such as televisions. Televisions were a big deal back in 1950, individuals were thrilled to get their hands on the new device. When it comes to Mildred, Montag s wife in Fahrenheit 451 novel. Mildred was so obsessed with televisions. She had three differentRead MoreFahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury904 Words  | 4 PagesLiving in a world with no free thought would be bland as cardboard. But, if that cardboard illuminated with fire, would it have more meaning than it did before? The answer is yes. In the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the main character, Montag, finds much meaning behind the simple element of fire. The symbol of fire is used to represent how Montag changes himself and his ideas and thoughts about fire throughout the novel. At first, Montag views fire as destructive, but enjoys burning because
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
My Broken Snow Globe free essay sample
In my freshman year of high school, I was given the task of writing an essay based on a simple quote. The quote read, â€Å"Rock bottom is solid ground, and a dead-end street is just a place to turn around.†I hadn’t put much thought into the truth behind the words until grief whittled its way into my perfect snow globe life, stirring up the rocks that had just recently sat untouched on the floor of my world. The grief that hit me like a school bus on a Saturday morning, unexpected and not welcomed, broke me. Instead of turning to God or my family, I turned to a fake smile that became pasted on my face, and to a new Haley who had no cause that drove her to accomplish anything. I placed my eventual hope of healing on something that made no sense to me, and ignored everything that God was screaming at me. We will write a custom essay sample on My Broken Snow Globe or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the moment when I let my wall come crashing down, it was the message in that quote I had heard freshman year. When I went on my first mission trip to Appalachia, Kentucky, I allowed myself to find comfort in those words that had never meant anything significant to me before. To the children of Appalachia, a house is the people who lift them up in times of struggle and who prove to be their solid ground. These kids show more faith, courage, and compassion than I have ever known was possible; these kids, with dirt-streaked faces, were my solid ground and my place to turn around. They exemplified how to have a fire for life, letting it burn away any sign of negative thoughts of the life that may have failed my expectations. They taught me to accept that my life is not the perfect snow globe that, when shaken, everything lands calmly back into place. The fact that there is a foundation in my snow globe is what matters, even if all the rocks don’t fall where I expect. Once I g ave in to the reality that my snow globe is a bit tattered and broken, I found that all I need is to put my faith in the possibility of a safe spot to make that U-turn that will turn my life around and fill me with a hope I never knew existed. Before going to Appalachia, my vision was tainted by rose-colored glasses; when the children of Appalachia forced me to look beyond them, I was able to find the cause to drive my vision. A vision is something you possess, but the cause behind the vision is what possesses you. I once read that, â€Å"The cause of Christ [†¦] puts a fire in your belly and gives you the tenacity to face challenges head-on, and the willingness to do whatever it takes.†Because of those kids, I found that nothing can stop my pursuit of the cause that had been absent all this time.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Vietnam War era
Kerry’s significance John Kerry was awarded a number of medals for his role in the Vietnam War. These medals include Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart. Kerry’s ability to lead the swift boats in the enemy territory in an effort to reduce their attack on Americans and Vietnamese civilians through gathering intelligence is considered heroic. Kerry commandeered the boats in a bid to cut off or disrupt the supply of resources to the enemy.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Vietnam War era specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Kerry’s actions during the Vietnam war that eventually led to his acquisition of the Purple Heart is a as a result of his ability to stop the actions of the enemy as evident in their offloading of war materials at a river. These enemies attempted to run thus prompting an exchange of fire subsequently wounding Kerry. This highlights Kerry’s significance as evident in his role concerned with gathering intelligence and limiting the activities of the enemy. Kerry’s significance is also evident in his ability to coordinate the actions of the American soldiers and the Vietnamese military; this is particularly evident in carefully calculated decisions that entailed timely firing at the enemy, one particular event is when a Vietnam Cong was approaching Kerry’s boat with a rocket necessitating Kerry to run after him and end his life in an effort to save the lives of rest of the crew. It is for this reason that Kerry was awarded the Silver Star. Kerry’s actions are also significant as seen in his ability alter the strategy pursued by the Americans and the Vietnamese military in an effort to deal with security threats as they occurred. Kerry’s uniqueness Kerry is unique in a number of ways. His ability to highlight the evils associated with the war in Vietnam is not only considered noble but a necessary process that makes it e asier for America to correct mistakes committed during the war. Kerry indicates that a number of civilians in Vietnam were raped, had their ears and heads cut off. This is in addition to other atrocities committed against the Vietnamese and their property. It is worth mentioning that food supplies were poisoned, domesticated animals shot at will and villages razed. In as much as Americans were interested in enhancing democracy in the region, it is worth mentioning that the locals were only interested in working in the paddy rice fields. They did not care much about communism or democracy. According to Kerry the war in Vietnam was unnecessary. It is notable that the ability of John Kerry to highlight such circumstances to the foreign relations committee without fear of victimization makes him unique in comparison to other Vietnamese war veterans.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Kerryâ⠂¬â„¢s Influence Kerry influenced the War in Vietnam as seen in his courageous decisions that made it easier to save the lives of American soldiers, while in Vietnam Kerry advocated for pacification of areas that were less volatile such as the country side. Kerry saw it convenient to allow the Vietnamese to take charge of their destiny thus calling upon the decision makers in Washington to initiate changes in strategy which will allow training of Vietnamese soldiers. This would have made it easier for such entities to take charge of their own destiny. As a civilian Kerry influenced the continuation of the war by highlighting its disadvantages thus the need to initiate measures in this respect. Kerry’s actions at home are termed as ‘civilian courage’. In conclusion Kerry’s political aspirations as portrayed by his desire to become President of the United States years ago highlights the need to correct the mistakes committed by Americans in Vietnam. This essay on Vietnam War era was written and submitted by user Marisa J. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Nectar Boutique
Nectar Boutique Nectar Boutique is an e-commerce website that sells women and children’s clothing, shoes and other accessories. It also sell household goods, although their specialty is mainly clothing. In addition to selling their products online, they have brick and mortar boutiques situated at two locations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nectar Boutique specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More That is, Claremont and Redlands in California. Nectar Boutique was founded in 2005 by David Kelly and his wife Tricia, initially starting as a designer shop, Jean Boutique, in Redlands. They started selling their products online in 2011, expanding Nectar Boutique countrywide and then worldwide under The boutique continues to grow, with the owners planning to open a new store annually (About Nectar Boutique, 2012). To purchase Nectar Boutique’s products online, all the customer has to do is log in to the bouti que’s website, The site contains all the details concerning the products for sale, including pictures, sizes, prices and payment methods and options. The customer then chooses the product he wishes to purchase and informs customer care service via e-mail or telephone. After informing customer care service on the specifications and preferences of the product, the customer provides his postal details or physical address to which she wants the product delivered. Specifications could be in terms of the color and size. The most commonly used payment method is through credit card. The customer provides Nectar Boutique with his credit card number, facilitating the payment of the product together with the shipping costs. Once this is done, the product is delivered via post or to the customer’s doorstep, depending on the distance from the nearest store (About Nectar Boutique, 2012). As a business entity, Nectar Boutique is very reliable. This is shown by the positive reviews that the boutique gets from its customers. They have fine tuned their product mix with experience in the industry stretching several years. The boutique associates only with manufacturers of brands that make the best quality products at affordable prices. Such brands provide them with products that are of high quality and of the latest fashions at affordable wholesale prices. This enables them to sell their products cheaply. One attractive feature of their products is that they sell their products both online and through physical stores. This provides customers with a wide variety of avenues to make purchases. In addition, they offer free shipping for bulk purchases exceeding a given amount. They also offer free gifts for every purchase (About Nectar Boutique, 2012).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Perhaps the only unfavorable aspect about Nec tar Boutique is that they do not have many stores located within the United States. Although they plan to expand in the future, for now customers have to contend with just two brick and mortar stores, all located in California. Moreover, the shipping charges increase for products ordered via the internet from outside the state. However, these are minor setbacks that Nectar Boutique is putting a lot of effort to overcome as soon as possible. E-commerce has some aspects that are both favorable and non-favorable. According to Fecenko and Huntley (2003), a company such as Nectar Boutique can have a difficult time convincing people to purchase their products online. This is because there is a lot of competition, with companies having to win the trust of customers before they can make any sales. Having customers access an e-commerce website is one thing, but making them provide their credit card number and make a purchase is another thing altogether. However, e-commerce enables businesses to reach more customs, since there are no geographical limitations. References About Nectar Boutique. (2012). Nectar Boutique. Retrieved from Fecenko, M. Huntley, A. M. (2003). E-commerce: corporate-commercial aspects. Toronto, Canada: LexisNexis
Saturday, November 23, 2019
buy custom Einstein’s Problem Solving Model essay
buy custom Einstein’s Problem Solving Model essay Introduction Life is full of problems, and the success of an individual significantly depends on the manner in which he or she solves these problems. Different people have different methods of solving different problems. In addition, no single model can solve all the problems. This simply implies that certain problem solving methodologies are efficient in certain problem domains. However, all problem solvers share one common characteristic, that is, they all have problem solving skills. According to Hayes (2013), problem-solving skills refer to the analytical abilities required by an individual to determine which framework or model to use in order to solve a given problem. There are various strategies, such as Einsteins problem solving, interpersonal conflict and effective communication, and the problem solving process, that can be deployed in solving problems. This paper focuses on Einsteins problem solving model to illustrate the key steps in finding a solution to a real problem. Applying Einsteins Problem Solving Model The given scenario describes a problem in which an individual faces conflicting responsibilities. He or she has to organize time effectively in order to meet the responsibilities. This way, ten steps involved in Einsteins problem solving model will be used to solve the problem represented in the scenario. Rephrasing the Problem This phase involves rewording the problem statement in few precise words (Jonassen, 2000). The term conflicting responsibilities is not precise, and therefore the individual might experience difficulty in understanding the problem. In order to solve the problem, a proper understanding is necessary. The individual has to search for ways of dealing with conflicting responsibilities. The terms ways of dealing with conflicting responsibilities can be replaced by ways of scheduling responsibilities. ccording to Jonassen (2000), words have strong implicit meaning. As a result, words play a major role in the manner in which one perceives a problem. Exposing Challenges and Assumptions All problems have at least one assumption attached. There are various assumptions linked to the problem presented in the scenario (Hayes, 2013). The first assumption is that weekday job will always last from 9 am to 6 pm. This cannot always be the case since the job might take more or less time. It can also be assumed that classes will always take place between 6 pm and 10 pm. Thus, there is the question whether other activities will be affected if classes take longer than expected. In addition, the scenario assumes that online classes will always take place regardless of various communication problems. One sibling is also assumed to live two miles away. This might not be the case because people can change location. Lastly, medical cost can fluctuate. By testing every assumption for validity, one brings more clarity to the problem at hand. Chunking Up This involves viewing the problem from a wider perspective (Hayes, 2013). Every problem is essentially a portion of a greater problem. The scenario describes a problem, which is sub-problem of another larger problem. For instance, the general viewpoint of the scenario is disorganization. By dealing with disorganization, the individual is likely to deal with conflicting responsibilities, which is the sub-problem. Conflicting responsibilities are essentially part of lack of life planning. Chunking Down This involves developing a narrow perspective concerning the problem (Hayes, 2013). According to Hayes (2013), every problem is a sub-problem of another larger problem. The problem presented by the scenario contains other examples of problems. For example, the scenario explains that the individual is likely to have high level of cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obbesity. Apparently, these health problems might be caused by having a poor lifestyle, which is linked to a long-term disorganization of life events. Finding Multiple Perspectives This involves looking at the problem from various angles. The scenario can be examined from various perspectives during this phase. In the scenario, the problem is to find ways of scheduling the activities properly so that they do not conflict. One perspective that can be taken is that of the children who either play soccer or participate in the band. Such a perspective will indicate dangers of not attending soccer or band. According to Hayes (2013), looking at the problem from various viewpoints is an effective way of having instant understanding of new overlooked directions. Using Effective Language Constructs This involves formulating multiple problem statements (Hayes, 2013). It should be noted that there is no single formula that can be used to construct all the problem statements. The individuals can assume various solutions. In the case scenario, the individual can ask himself or herself such question as How can the degree be completed within two years while taking care of the children? Another construct that can be formulated when dealing with the problem is Can the paper be postponed and done after attending the soccer tournament? Essentially, this involves framing the problem as a question that should be answered using multiple assumptions. Making the Problem Engaging The problem solving methods should be exciting in order to enable an individual to solve it (Hayes, 2013). The problem statement should not subject an individual to tight boring schedule. In the case scenario, it is possible to miss the childrens soccer tournament, and compensate the damages done to the children by taking them to picnics. This is enjoyable and exciting to both the children and the parent. Buy custom Einstein’s Problem Solving Model essay
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Based on the two uploaded journals, what is one point from this week's Research Paper
Based on the two uploaded journals, what is one point from this week's readings that stood out to you. Your comments should f - Research Paper Example It is, however, both interesting and perplexing that while the complications experienced in data integration already has available solutions like the multi-level integrated information structures (MIIS), provisions for organizational change to accommodate new technology can not keep pace. Information in a knowledge-based society is considered a resource. Among others, organizational change in terms of revision / adaption of policies and resource handling constitute the primary issues which hinder data integration for inter-organizational networks. Data experts and concerned government authorities should, therefore, forge symbiotic relationships so that the power of synergized information and technology can be harnessed for optimal benefits of both government and society. Braman, Sandra. 2009. Change of State: Information, Policy and Power. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. The definition of information policy in the past is much simpler than it is today. The United States Constitution sought to protect the right of the people to communicate and express their opinion. Along with these protective mechanisms, the right of the people to information is enforced, since the only way for societal change to take place is by communicating ideas and opinions to those who can act and make things happen. Today, the landscape is more complex than ever.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Great Depression in America Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Great Depression in America - Coursework Example The basic cause of the Great Depression was a drop in aggregate demand, which led to a decrease in output as producers as well as merchandisers observed an unplanned increase in inventories. The sources of the reduction in spending differed during the course of the Depression, however, they cumulated into a massive drop in aggregate demand. During the Depression itself, different factions gave explanations regarding the catastrophe that goes contentedly with their personal interests. The Hoover management held global fiscal forces responsible and sought to â€Å"stabilize world currencies and debt structures†. ‘New Dealers’, aimed at finding a domestic solution to the catastrophe, said that the Depression was a calamity of ‘under-utilization’, that low earnings and high costs had made it extremely complicated to acquire the commodities of the industrial financial system; and that a shortage of demand had caused the financial slump.One of the earliest significant post-war explanations came was given by economists ‘Milton Friedman’ and ‘Anna Schwartz’, in their ‘Monetary History of the United States (1963)’. They argued about what has identified as the ‘economic interpretation’. Hey claimed that Great Depression was caused by a ‘radical contraction of the currency’ (Rothbard, 2011, p. 103). This argument goes well with the ideas that Milton Friedman has supported for several years.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Children and education Essay Example for Free
Children and education Essay ?Children’s mind is considered as white sheets, so it is easy for us to write on them as we want. In fact, some experts believe that children should begin to learn foreign language at primary school. In my opinion, there are many advantages to learn a target language as a child. First of all, the most advantage is they can learn a great number of vocabularies. Take my brother an example. He began studying English when he was six years old. Therefore, he knows many thematic vocabularies. Having graduated from high school, he finds it easy to communicate with foreigners by a wide knowledge. Next, learning foreign language as child helps children to imitate rightly pronunciation of native languages. For example, my daughter in grade two learns English two days a week. She often listens to songs and stories by native’s voice. As a result, she can imitate their voice and rhythm to pronounce rightly. Last but not least, another advantage is they can remember the pattern sentences longer. They can practice some patterns by repetition method. In reality, ones are repeated so many times that they remember them deeply, and that helps them to reflect quickly in context communicate. In brief, with above-mentioned reasons, it is better for children to begin learn foreign language at primary school than at secondary school. They will achieve a wide, strong knowledge as well as their self- confident to enter a bright future. Learning a foreign language at primary school or secondary school is very necessary for children. However, some people think that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. There are a lot of controversial opinions about this problem. In my opinion, I agree with this statement because of the following reasons. Firstly, learning a foreign language at primary school helps children develop their skills better. Nowadays, children of all primary shcools in the nation have to study the foreign language, mainly English. At primary school, children have focused on learning vocabularies, how to pronounce†¦At this age, the children’s brain is developing so it is very easy for them to learn the foreign language. Moreover, the children of primary school have a lot of time and conditions to learn the foreign language because they have less subjects at school. The chidren should begin learning the foreign language at primary school because it will help them to develope their skills including reading and speaking skill. If the children begin learning the foreign language at secondary school, they will face a lot of difficulties in their study because they do not have the basic knowledge of foreign language. At secondary school, the children have to spent more time on different subjects, therefore they do not have more time to learn the foreign language. Secondly, to begin learning the foreign language at primary school helps the children to pronounce more exactly. The program of teaching and learning the foreign language at primary school and secondary school is different. If the children begin learning the foreign language at secondary school, they will study more skills such as writing, speaking, reading, listening, grammar and new words. Hence, it is not good for children to begin learning the foreign language at secondary school. Unlike the secondary school, the children of primary school only learn the vocabularies, the way of pronunciation and simple sentences. Learning the foreign language at primary school will create many favorable chances for children to prepare firm knowlegde and this hepls them to learn the foreign language at secondary school better. In conclusion, to begin learning the foreign language at primary school is better than secondary school. The children should begin learning the foreign language at primary school because this is an important period that hepls them build basic knowlegde of foreign language.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Existentialism :: Philosophy Sartre Existentialist Essays
Existentialism 'Existence precedes essence'. These are the few words that many people live by. These words describe a philosophy called Existentialism. The philosophical term, Existentialism, came from Jean Paul Sartre, a French philosopher. Jean Paul Sartre wrote 'No Exit', where he portrayed his philosophy negatively. On the other hand, Albert Camus, who wrote The Stranger, portrayed Existentialism positively through his characters. Each author uses the characteristics of Existentialism positively or negatively to define their own story as well as their characters as true Existentialists or not      Existentialism has been described as a philosophical movement especially of the 20th century that stresses the individual position as self determining agent responsible for his or her own choices. Basically a true Existentialist will create their own beliefs, take responsibility for his of her own actions, and is very honest. If they were to do something wrong, they would take responsibility for their actions and not make excuses or put the blame on someone else. Furthermore, a true existentialist believes there is no God and thus man becomes alone with only ourselves as a guide to making the decisions that define our existence. They also believe that Life has no meaning and that everything happens by chance.      Jean-Paul Sartre examines the basic themes of existentialism through his three characters Garcin, Inez, and Estelle. Garcin seems to appear an existentialist, but upon a closer look, he violates the rules time and again. Next, Inez seems to fully understand ideas deemed existential. Estelle is the third person, and does not seem to understand these ideas well, nor does she accept them when they are first presented to her. One similarity amongst the three is that they all at some point seem to accept that they are in "hell" for a reason.      Garcin is "hell" because he beat his wife and cheated on her. However, he doesn?t wish he had acted differently. He shows and proves this when he says: ?I tell you I regret nothing (p. 24).? By saying this, Garcin is taking responsibility for his own actions; hence he is following the laws of Existentialism. However, he sometimes violates these laws. For example, he is so preoccupied with the idea that he is a coward that he makes the women tell him that he wasn?t a coward and makes her tell him that he was right in doing so. He is so dependent upon this that he wouldn?
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Analysis Of Miles Davis’ “Kind Of Blue†Essay
In early 1959, jazz trumpeter Miles Davis laid down the foundation for a whole new style of jazz music. Through his â€Å"Kind of Blue†modal jazz was born. This record became a classic, at times showing its complexity through the soloing, but also allowing the educated listener to revel in the simplicity of the modes. Davis planted the seeds for this new style in his album â€Å"Milestones†but â€Å"Kind of Blue†showed that the style had matured and was more developed. From the introductory piano/bass duet to the final notes, it is clear that Davis captured something original. The album was recorded in only two sessions and went on without any prior rehearsal or music written out. Davis only provided general â€Å"sketches†of each song for the musicians, which they read and improvised over. For the task of recording, Davis put together an all-star lineup with some of the greatest jazz musicians in music history. The rhythm section was composed of Paul Chambers on bass, Jimmy Cobb on drums, and Bill Evans on piano, except for â€Å"Freddie Freeloader†, which featured Wynton Kelly on piano. To round out the band was the horn section, led by Davis himself, and completed by alto saxophonist Cannonball Adderley, and tenor John Coltrane. The individual band members were great musicians in their own respect, but when shepherded by Davis for the â€Å"Kind of Blue†sessions, the music they produced was incredible. If â€Å"Kind of Blue†is a musical journey, then surely the rhythm section is the flight crew, insuring that the passengers have a smooth ride. Throughout the entire album, the beat is kept steady, the comping never clutters or inhibits the soloist, and the chord changes are right on the money. With a tight rhythm section laying a solid foundation, Davis, Adderley, and Coltrane are free to take their solos in any direction they choose. Even from the first song, a mellow blues based tune, â€Å"So What†, we can hear the creativity at work. The interplay between Evans and Chambers in the intro is so melodious; it is hard to believe it was achieved without rehearsal. Then the signature melody line, delivered by Chambers, then answered by the horn section, kicks in before we are led into the first solo section. Davis then takes us into his modal playground and allows us to listen as he runs free. The solo makes you run the emotional gamut from sheer joy to melancholy and despair in the space of a minute. The band performs equally well on the second track, â€Å"Freddie Freeloader†and provide a melody line that many musicians use for impromptu jam sessions because of its catchiness and simplicity. It is a pleasant set up for the next tune called â€Å"Blue in Green†. â€Å"Bleu in Green†is interesting because it is not in a standard form, but in a ten-bar circular form. This provides a challenge for the soloist to follow the form, but they manage the changes beautifully and effortlessly. The next song is â€Å"All Blues†, which is another 12-bar blues, but is metered in 6/8 and has an overcast mood assisted by Davis’ use of a Harmon mute and the piece’s minor tonality. To end the record, they recorded â€Å"Flamenco Sketches†, the only song in these sessions to have two takes. All in all, â€Å"Kind of Blue†has worked its way into the hearts of millions of jazz fans with good reason. Davis has never had a tighter band behind him and every player exudes their confidence and knowledge of their instrument with every note they play. The end product is a beautiful blend of evocative solos and innovative progressions that deserve to be heard, studied and loved by anyone who appreciates good jazz.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A Modest Proposal for holding Fathers Equally Essay
Traditionally, the concept of abortion, child-rearing, home management, prostitution and even pornography are all attributed to women – women as subject. In the issue of abortion, women are more likely judged as immoral or not good parent for either aborting or not aborting her child (for certain reasons). In Child-rearing, the mothers are the very ones who are blamed if it happened that her children grew rebellious and defiant. Home management is in all likelihood tagged as women’s function. In the issues of prostitution and pornography, women are the central subjects for judgment. They are more seen as immoral as compared to how men are treated. In short, there are still unresolved problems regarding gender roles and gender biased structure of society. This essay addresses the issue of making fathers or men also accountable for the occurrence of such societal conflicts. Traditional Gender Roles By tracing our history, we could arrive at an evaluation that women and the mothers were discriminated in the society. Having a patriarchal structure of society wherein men or the fathers are labeled as superior over women or the mothers. The traditional structure inside the house was that the father was regarded as the head of the house whom has the highest authority. He has the final say in all things concerning the family. His well-established role as father was providing the needs of the family. Consequently, given such structure inside the home, the community and even the whole society became attached to that particular belief that only men or the fathers have the right to be the head or the bearer of the highest authority otherwise conflict would arise. Because of this traditional conception women and mothers were viewed as the destroyers of order and peace in the society if they would insist themselves as equal as or higher than men and the fathers. Recommendation According to Katha Pollit, the fathers should also be accountable for all the conflicts that arise inside the house, in the community, and in the society. (Barnet & Bedau, 2004) They (the fathers) are not really attributed with perfect characteristics. They have also the predisposition of doing wrong things just like the mothers. When the marriage relationship failed, the mother should not the only one whom should be blamed. The father has also part in that failed relationship. When a child grew up as disobedient and rebellious, the mother is not the only one who is responsible for disciplining her child. The father, being also a parent of his child, has the responsibility of disciplining and molding his child’s attitude. In the case of abortion, mothers are not the only persons who make the problem. The father has also a responsibility towards the pregnancy of the mother. In this contemporary period, women are asserting and fighting for their equal rights with men. They are consistent with their campaign of establishing laws that would make them equal with men. In cases of parenting and marriage relationship, it is really unintelligible to say that only women have this responsibility of taking care and disciplining the children and working out their marriage life. The father has also such responsibilities toward his children and his wife. As a conclusion, all must be enlightened with the fact that everyone has a responsibility towards each other and towards the society. Men and the fathers are not exempted from this kind of responsibility. Women or the mothers cannot manage the home without the assistance and aid of her partner, the father or her husband. Both of them are responsible for molding and guiding their children. And truly, it takes two to tango. Reference: Barnet, S. , & Bedau, H. (2004). Current Issues and Enduring Questions (7th student ed. ). Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Overview of the Rajput People of India
Overview of the Rajput People of India A Rajput is a member of northern Indias Hindu warrior caste. They live mainly in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh. The word Rajput is a contracted form of raja, or monarch, and Putra, meaning son. According to legend, only the first son of a king could inherit the kingdom, so the later sons became military leaders. From these younger sons was born the Rajput warrior caste. The term Rajaputra was first mentioned around 300 B.C., in the Bhagvat Purana. The name gradually evolved to its current shortened form. Origins of the Rajputs The Rajputs were not a separately identified group until the 6th century AD. At that time, the Gupta empire broke up and there were repeated conflicts with the Hephthalites, the White Huns. They may have been absorbed into the existing society, including leaders into the Kshatriya rank. Others from the local tribes also ranked as Rajput. The Rajputs claim descent from three basic lineages or vanshas. Suryavanshi, the Solar Dynasty, descended from Surya, the Hindu Sun-god.Chadravanshi, the Lunar Dynasty descended from Chandra, the Hindu Moon-god. They include major sub-branches of Yaduvanshi (Lord Krisha was born into this branch) and Puruvanshi.Agnivanshi, the Fire Dynasty descended from Agni, the Hindu god of fire. This lineage has four clans: Chauhans, Paramara, Solanki, and Pratiharas. These all are divided into clans who claim direct patrilineal descent from a common male ancestor. These are then divided into sub-clans, shakhas, that have their own genealogical creed, which governs the laws of intermarriage. History of the Rajputs Rajputs ruled many small kingdoms in North India from the beginning of the 7th century. They were an obstacle to the Muslim conquest in North India. While they opposed invasion by the Muslims, they also battled among each other and were loyal to their clan rather than uniting. When the Mughal empire was established, some Rajput rulers were allies and also married their daughters to the emperors for political favor. The Rajputs revolted against the Mughal empire and led to its downfall in the 1680s. In the late 18th century, Rajput rulers formed an alliance with the East India Company. By the time of British influence, Rajputs ruled most of the princely states in Rajasthan and Saurashtra. Rajput soldiers were valued by the British. Purbiya soldiers from the eastern Ganga plains had long been mercenaries for Rajput rulers. The British gave more self-rule to the Rajput princes than to other areas of India. Upon independence from Britain in 1947, the princely states voted for whether to join India, Pakistan or remain independent. Twenty-two princely states joined India as the state of Rajasthan. Rajputs are now a Forward Caste in India, meaning they do not get any preferential treatment under the system of positive discrimination. Culture and Religion of Rajputs While many Rajputs are Hindu, others are Muslim or Sikh. Rajput rulers exhibited religious toleration to a greater or lesser extent. Rajputs generally secluded their women and were seen in older times to practice female infanticide and sati (widow immolation). They are usually not vegetarians and eat pork, as well as drinking alcohol.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
6 Effective Ways to Survive Through College Finals
6 Effective Ways to Survive Through College Finals College finals are challenging, we all know that. The pressure on a student in this period is immense. But you can pull it through! To help you out, we have prepared a few college finals tips and tricks on how you can avoid stress and increase your productivity during your exams. When finals week gets closer, one can often meet students with bags under their eyes holding the fifth cup of coffee. You can almost see this stressing tension in the air. So, when the finals week is the only thing that stands between you and hot summer days of chilling and fun, its not surprising that you might feel a little overwhelmed. When feeling so, its hard for your brain to be focused and organized. Its not a rare case when students fail exams in spite of being well acquainted with the subject and because of not being able to pull themselves together. So, we are going to give you tips on how to survive finals week and stay calm. 1 Eat and Drink Well A lot of students feel like they are running out of time before final examinations. In pursuit of saving time, they commonly skip their meals and eat poorly. However, its not the best choice for you during this period because your body needs a lot of energy in order to keep you organized and productive. Before the finals, your body and your brain need a lot of nutritious components and water to stay hydrated. Your meal plan for this time should contain: Omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, trout, herring, nuts, olive oil, coconut oil) Iron (apples, pumpkin seeds) Vitamin C (oranges, lemons) Vitamin E (pumpkin, spinach) Flavonoids, caffeine (dark chocolate, coffee) Lutein and Zeaxanthin (eggs, broccoli, grapes) Drink at least 4-5 glasses of water every day to stay healthy and energized. If you face difficulties with eating healthy and inexpensive in college, our tips will be useful to you. 2 Plan and Prioritize When you have a lot of material to revise, its easy to fall into a chaotic state when you are just flipping through your books and notes. However, when you have a detailed plan, you can structure information better and remember it without mixing it up in your head. Create a plan of studying and put the most challenging exams first and dedicate more time to them. Make sure to review your notes right before the exam to freshen up your memory. 3 Follow a Schedule Having a schedule is the most important step when preparing for exams. Its quite easy to succumb to anxiety and sit with your notes till the late night. But this is not the best way to make your brain and concentration work. Get up in the morning and go to bed at the same time every day. Make the list of subjects that you are going to dedicate time on a certain day and schedule little breaks in between your study sessions to relax. For example, you can watch your favorite TV show or listen to music. This way it will be easier for you to stay focused and process the information. 4 Have a Great Sleep Pulling all-nighter is never good for you, so take naps whenever you can. During sleep, your body relaxes and accumulates energy for you to continue your studying. Moreover, good sleep for at least 8 hours a day increases your productivity and attentiveness. 5 Prepare Your Notes Even though you might think that its better to study for an extra hour, your ability to retain information at the end of late studying sessions is getting drastically low. So, there is no need to force yourself to stay up, better go to bed earlier. Structuring information helps with retaining and perceiving information better. Find the most effective way for you to remember the information and match your notes with the method that you chose. For example, people of the visual learning style will find organizing information on the paper effective. Different diagrams, infographics and educational videos on platforms like Coursera or Youtube will work the best. For people of auditory learning style podcasts and recorded lectures will be the best way to rehearse the material. So, prepare your notes and organize them in the best way for you. You might also use markers to highlight some points while you are rereading them or write down some quick thesis statements. Check out other useful pieces of advice for higher grades. 6 Exercise A lot of students find exercising very useful during intense study sessions, and this is not surprising. Besides helping you lose weight, sport releases hormones and helps your brain fight with stress and anxiety. Moreover, sometimes you just need to distract yourself from depressing thoughts and a good run or workout will do the magic. If a gym is not your cup of coffee, try out yoga, meditation or swimming. You will see that these simple activities will boost your energy and positive mood. The time of the day when you are the most productive is also essential when planning your study sessions. So, check out our tips on how to choose the best time to study for finals. These were our tips on how you can pull yourself through hard times of college finals and help your stress go away without using any medications.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Evaluate the legacy of the two world wars on the provision of 'decent Essay
Evaluate the legacy of the two world wars on the provision of 'decent housing' during the twentieth century - Essay Example This paper explores the Legacy of World War I and II on the provision of decent housing during the 20th century. Prior to the First World War, Britain’s construction and provision of housing was largely a responsibility of the private sector (Burnett 1986). It was not until the termination of the First World War that the central government and local authorities assumed more active role in house construction and utilization of land. The development of council houses diminished the role played by market forces of demand and supply on locations of houses construction. According to Taylor (1998), Birmingham city took the lead as other cities followed in the same footsteps. The provision of inexpensive housing constructed by local authorities under subsidies of the central government heightened the involvement of the public in determining how land was to be used. Market forces of demand and supply no longer influenced the utilization, misuse and non-use of land. The central government and local authority in housing provision was aimed at eradicating poverty, boosting public health and reducing social isolation. The famous â€Å"home fit for Heroes,†emerged after the First World War when honoring fighters in the war became the central political focus. Local councils built council houses to ease overcrowding and to provide quality houses for low-income tenants (Daunton 2008). The programme was initiated in nineteenth century and peaked during the mid-twentieth century, at the point when the programme included extensive suburban estates as well as urban developments characterized with tower blocks. Clapp (1994) argued that there was smaller extent of property destruction during the First World War leading to lack of urgent reconstruction programmes. However, the initial sustained thrust to build and develop cheap and subsidized houses by local authorities began in 1919 under
Friday, November 1, 2019
Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4
Business Law - Essay Example A contract is a "promise" or an "agreement" that is enforced or recognised by the law. In the civil law, contracts are considered to be part of the general law of obligations. The requirements that must be met for a contract to exist between Taite, Lewis & co and Whizz plc are as follows: -> Offer and Acceptance: - In this case, the primary requirement would be a properly constituted offer to be made by the partners of Taite, Lewis & co to Whizz PC Ltd. The offer made should be in written and should clearly state all the necessary details like pricing list, time duration and so on. Acceptance would be the agreed consent of Whizz PC Ltd on the offer being laid down by Taite, Lewis & co. -> Intention to create legal relationship: - When these two parties agrees to enter into an agreement, they must be an intention on part of the parties, to create a legal relationship, in the absence of such an intention, the agreement does not become a contract. -> Lawful Consideration: Consideration means something in return, it is an advantage or benefit moving from one party to other. In this case it would be the promise or the consent to pay  £545 for each PC to be purchased from Whizz PC Ltd. -> Capacities and Competence of the parties to contract: Both the parties involved must be competent to contract. It is highly essential to see that both the parties are qualified under the legal considerations.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Comparison And Contrast Of The Importance Of Religion And Secularism Essay
Comparison And Contrast Of The Importance Of Religion And Secularism - Essay Example In the prince Machiavelli does not direct reference to religion or secularism because his view is the well being of the community and security. He does not give so much emphasis on morality in political actions. For him moral acts were just part of instrumental in achieving political expedience. So for him the social and political consequences f acts interested him more than th moral intent of any action. For Machiavelli in human nature all actions are bound to be either good or evil. Machiavelli feels that the violation of personal morality is not justified. But quickly points out the fact that the violations of the standards of personal morality can excused in ceases of public interest. The honors are thrown upon statesmen according to Machiavelli to know when to act in the interest of the common good. Machiavelli himself was a Christian though he had attacks on the church which was nearly directed at the clerics. These attacks can never be considered as anti religious but rather o n the scandalous live of popes and their political activities. His critic on religion was mostly on Christianity since it helped the some minority to achieve political expediency and the socially undesirable ends. This led him to call for the return an original creed. He promoted the idea of social pragmatics in religion than encourage secularism. According to Machiavelli Glory is rendered to acts that are cherished and remembered by mankind. In his view finding religion involves the founding of religion, establishing commonwealths, creating literature and through process of commanding armies as well. . John Locke’s views on religion tend to align to those of Machiavelli. In the simple respect that lock views religion as an individual decision and not one imposed by the common wealth or state. According to Lock religion should only be addressed in private sphere. This has to an impression that john lock in actual sense trivializes religion not seeing not seeing the importance of having it in the public. Especially when celebrating religious activities publicly. In the treatise of government makes a categorical attack on religion labeling those who disagree with him as not being part of the body of Christ (23). Lock further notes that the authority of the church merely comes from the priests and in his view does not come from God. He further notes that orthodoxy in religious belief and adherence comes from individual belief. According to lock churches should not be involved in worldly maters and therefore it has no impact on what people do (32). Lock view on religion is that individual should find their own path and does not understand which path is the right to follow. This is in respect to the fact people follow different paths. He actually trivializes the Christian traditions by claiming that Christ mention that he is the way is not right. Since some people do not see that as right (36).Jons hn lock’s attack on Christian traditions include an attack on baptism and the holy communion. He mentions how the two traditions are in respect to individual discretion for example how others are allowed to take the Holy Communion while others are not allowed. Lock also mentions the different baptism to justify himself on individual discretion on the practices  lock presents himself as secular holding no traditional religious beliefs or practices. Quite different to Machiavelli who despite his philosophy does not parapet religious beliefs. He himself was raised and died as a Christian. This is quite different john lock who is secular in his views and perspectives. The
Monday, October 28, 2019
Alternative and Activist New Media Essay Example for Free
Alternative and Activist New Media Essay New Media Introduction            New media is the access to content by use of digital devices like phones and computers anytime and anywhere across the globe. Harries (56) believes the content of new media is being accessed in purely uncontrolled ways in real time. It is a space dominated by creativity and interaction inform of information sharing in a feedback motivated set up. The new media space is prone to manipulation and is usually networkable and highly interactive. The range of such media is large extending from internet, video programmes, CD-ROMs to multimedia just to mention a few. New media is paperless and does not include television programmes usually propagated on analogue signals, books, articles and other written media.            Wikipedia is arguably the best example of the new media according to Harries (56). It displays a great volume of digital information inform of text, videos, pictures and various links leading to their sites of location. The information therein can be altered by editors and writers to benefit those clients who may not be familiar with the language used-English. The interaction is manifest in the way feedback is accessed in the site by users. Users are also exposed to a variety of information at just a click on one site. Facebook and Wikitude are also examples in this pursuit. Users of Facebook for instance have a higher level of interaction, exchanging instant information in a bidirectional feedback mechanism. Wikitude on the other hand has a capability to show images in three dimensions, recognise such images and give a clear photographic view to realise an amplified reality.            The benefits of this trend can never be underestimated. Lievrouw (1980) says globalisation is the major impact of the new media. It has increased exchange of information amongst people all over the globe over the internet. People exchange information in form of texts, pictures, drawings, videos among other forms in such platforms that allow blogging and posting of such information on various websites. Social relationship has increased a great deal to the extent it now demeans the distance between people. Globalization is seen as a form of interaction that is not restricted by the borders of one nation but extends across the globe defying the distances over the large land and water masses of the world. What a relief over travelling that was prompted by the need for communication in the past times!            Lievrouw, however, maintains that the benefits of globalisation are experienced at the expense of a tension free public space. The new media environment creates a lot of tension amongst different faculties a cross the world. The uncontrolled communication sometimes may become a leeway for the unruly people to use such platforms for their personal gains. The information dissemination disconnects from various authorities both political and cultural. Public relationships between people can be very indented as a result of the geographical trespass. Social restrictions that existed in the past are continuously being eliminated by virtual communities that are speedily mushrooming in the online platforms.            He says the American Digital Consumer views the users of the social media as a people who are in constant exchange of pleasantries, ideas and goods online. It praises the role played by new media in the business world especially in advertisement. Although there may be arguments that the internet world does not affect the morals of a society, it is true that the moral decadence in play around the world today is all borne by this trend. Mention any sexual vice like pornographic movies and the propagator will be named internet. From the foregoing argument, it is true that the decadence in the societal morality has being caused by developments that are seen in the new media.            Sparks (275) says that the media equation asserts that people treat computers like fellow human beings. This implies that new media is also very pivotal in fostering social change in our society. According to Sparks new media has been used to communicate interact and in mobilization of many social groups around the world. The first group to use the new social media to bring changes in organisation and communiquà ©s in the year 1994 was the Zapatista army. Since then the new social media has been used in many ways around the world. The protests around the world are all based on the new media to propagate the information in one way here and there. In big organisations, protests are organised and communicated through the new media. The new media is used to educate members on the various requirements on their engagements. The democratic championship has also been made possible through this platform. The access to information is highly increas ed and hence an increased enlightening citizens. Various people take advantage of the new media to mobilise the support from grassroots levels an endeavour that was almost a dark cat in the dark over the past.            Sparks (300) also argues that even so scepticism has been part of these developments. Sceptic scholars cite imbalance in the access of the new media around the world as a hindrance to attempts aimed at broadening the base of movements. Sometimes this may result in the oppression of the minority in the same movements. Some scholars still doubt how new media may be of value to social movements not only for the ones without access of it but also for them that use it. The movements can also use the new media wrongly as in the case for constant mass action by the university students around the world. If such actions have no grounded base on democracy then their propagation on such media is of no value to the society.            National security is a priority to any government. The new media is very important role player in this field. All the information on security is stored in a data based and secured. The information can be accessed easily and at once using various data base tool by the authorities in times of need hence improving the reactions in times of security shocks. Surprisingly the recent trend of terrorism shows sophisticated use of the new media in the accomplishment of their merciless attacks on innocent citizens of various countries. New social media has become a very good platform for terrorist to organise their malicious acts. After a massacre you can hear those giving talks that are evident of claims for responsibility.            Industries also use new social media to pass across information regarding various duties. Employees within different departments can share information and ideas culminating to quality improvement in the industry. Politicians also use social platforms nowadays to rally support. Their manifestos, pictures and achievements on behalf of people can always be posted to keep people abreast of their good deeds. In summary new media has a great impact on the present societal trends. It all depends on the individuals who use it and the reason for which the use it. It is very beneficial if used well across different fields to bring positive change. References Harries, Dan. The New Media Book. London: British Film Institute, 2002. Print. Lievrouw, Leah A. Alternative and Activist New Media. Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2011. Print. Sparks, Glenn G. Media Effects Research: A Basic Overview. Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013. Print. Source document
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
Hello Mr. Schneider and classmates. Are you aware that more than 443,000 people die annually in the United States from cigarettes including deaths from second hand smoke, so why is smoking still legal? Although there are specific restrictions such as where smoking is permitted and not permitted in certain states of the U.S. it should be banned completely throughout the United States of America. By banning cigarettes it would help people who smoke and people who don’t smoke. As I said before more than 443,000 people die from cigarettes but, 50,000 of those people do not even smoke. Most of the people who do not smoke die from second hand smoke because of lung or heart disease. Nearly 20 percent of women and men smoke in the United States. Their is another variation of the cigarette called smokeless tobacco, that is thought to be better than smoking regular cigarettes In June 2010 smokeless tobacco companies had to put these warnings on their products; Warning: This product can cause Mouth cancer, Warning: This product can cause gum disease and tooth loss, Warning: This product is not a safe alternative to cigarettes, and Warning: Smokeless tobacco is addictive.These warning signs would surely bring attention to my eyes if I were using the product nevertheless putting the product into my mouth. There are many advertisements that have smoking in them either promoting them or going against them. TobaccofreeCA is a company that is highly against tobacco in the state of California. You probably have seen some of their advertisements on television. They have a new couple of commercials when they show old family footage where the people are happy, but in those commercials the people are coughing and after it says â€Å"Lost Moments.†This... ...ers started because of their friends smoking and peer pressure. I believe smoking should be banned in the U.S. not only do the harmful fumes hurt you, they affect others. Why keep a harmful product that kills not only the people that smoke but ,also anyone around them. Many cigarette smokers claim it's their body their harming but it affects everyone. Imagine how many people would still be living if they never started smoking. Many children live with parents who smoke, and imagine how many times they are made fun of because the way they smell. Cigarette smoke can't just disappear, or be covered up with products that use smelly fumes such as Lysol. Many people who try to stop give up because they think they can't give smoking up but, it is possible to stop. So do yourself a favor and don't give your hard earned money and your life to those nasty cigarette companies.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Does the Media Dictate Our Life? Essay
They will view all the notifications first before doing anything else. Such is the situation today where people are very dependent on Social media. Media can be classified into two main types old and new media. Where the old media consist mainly of newspaper while the new media consists of the television and the social media etc. While some may argue that Social media may not be dictating our lives, it is indeed true that it has taken control of our lives in many aspects from our behaviour, perceptions, culture, fashion and more. Thus I strongly believe that media plays an important role in dictating our way of living. Some may argue that media does not dictate our life to a very large extent today mainly due to the fact that people have the ability to categorize what is true and what is not such that they do not easily get influenced by what is shown in the media. Due to people’s ability to critically evaluate all that is shown on the media their lives are not dictated by the media alone but instead, they also have a say in deciding what is important for themselves. However, in reality, it is true that the media does dictate a large portion of our life today. Media plays a deciding role in many aspects of our lives starting from our perception, culture, advocacies, behaviour, environmental awareness as well as political believes. Media plays a vital role in influencing our perceptions of the public as well as the celebrities as the Media chooses what it wished to portray to the public based on what it believes the public would wish to see example Tabloid News about the latest celebrity gossips. In this process, the media has the ability to change the information that they release in order to make it more appealing to the general public. As a result, this causes people to believe the false information that is given in the media mainly because of the fact that people do not truly intent to cross check with other sources. This prevents them from being able to fully distinguish between what is and what is not reality. Moreover, since the media only focuses on sensationalising the news and not merely portraying the message to the public, it leads to the public conjuring up the wrong image about certain people or events. This proves that the media does indeed play a vital role in dictating people’s perceptions on various aspects. Also, the media has now allowed for different culture to spread around the world and has led more people to find out about the popular culture of others around the world . This has now allowed people to embrace the traditions and popular culture that is followed by people in other countries and so influencing people’s willingness and ability to embrace other cultures. For example, Korean Pop also known as K-pop is famous world wide mainly due to the Media. Media paved the way for this popular culture to travel around the world allowing people across the globe to know about it. It is not uncommon to identify a Shinee (a K-Pop band) fan among people not only in Korea but around the world. That is the extent to which media has now allowed people to learn more about others cultures. At the same time, it has also allowed people to understand more about their own culture and roots so that their own heritage is not forgotten. Anyone who wishes to find out more about their own heritage only have to type into google or youtube and they will be bombarded by various information both in terms of articles as well as videos which they could use to improve their knowledge about their own heritage. Thus media plays a vital role in allowing people to understand their own culture and also embrace the culture in other countries The media also plays a vital role in dictating peoples lives due to the fact that it is a platform for governments to spread messages to the public and it is also the platform for people to voice their opinions and raise awareness about the other political systems. Media serves as the basis through which governments may engage in propagation so as to brainwash people into believing that their ruling is the best and they could also influence people into believing that they are happy mainly through censorship where people are not aware of what is actually happening around them. An example pertinent to this would be what is happening in North Korea whether the government is engaging in propagation by controlling the censorship such that it decided what the people should view. During World War II the government decided to portray to the public to the image that the soldiers were doing well though in reality they were not doing very well. As a result, this led people having a false hope and belief that they were doing well and thus affecting their perception of what is happening around them. As a result, people were misinformed about the actual situation yet they were unaware of it as they had fully trusted what was shown in the media. Therefore, it is true that the media completely dictates people’s lives in terms of the information that they receive and thus the type of image that is being portrayed to them Also, the media is responsible for changes in people’s behaviors as well. Media in terms of television, internet, constantly portrays image of celebrities dressed in a particular way and this does to a large extent influence people to follow the same trends as they conjure up the image that that is the latest fashion. Thus results in their changing taste and preference for certain goods and services. This proves that people’s taste and preference is influenced more by what is shown on the television rather than just what they actually like. Moreover, the media can also influence people in terms of their behaviour example, media is one of the main factors for the changing crime rates, violence, sexuality and more. For example, there was a case in India where a student had stabbed his teacher as his teacher had complained to his parents that his proficiency in Hindi was poor and that he had to do something to improve it. When asked what had actually motivated him to do so, the boy had mentioned that he was influenced by a recent Bollywood film called ‘Agneepath’ which had a lot of violent scenes. He mentioned that it was only after watching that movie that he was inclined to stab his teacher. This indeed serves as evidence to show the extent to which the media in its various forms could influence people into believing that certain deeds are fine to do though in reality it may not be therefore causing them to engage in the wrong behaviour In conclusion, it is true that while people choose what to believe and what not to believe, the media ultimately plays a large role in influencing people in various aspects of their lives. It thus becomes a necessity for people to be cautious of what they should believe and what they should take with a pinch of salt. It is of great importance that people do not just blindly believe what is shown in the media but instead practice some critical thinking to decide what is really true and what is not.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Apple Inc. and the Macro Environment Essay
Economic Environment: More or less, every economic factor has an effect on the operations of Apple Inc. These may include; current economic situation (boom, recession, etc.), credit terms, inflation or deflation, strictness of interest rates, unemployment levels, stability of exchange rates, stock exchange trend, etc. Apple’s business can be affected by all these factors either positively or negatively. For example, during the inflation periods in the United States of America, the purchasing power of the people had decreased and as a result of this, the sales of Apple’s products had decreased with it. To make matters worse, The US dollar had also decreased in value, and so, Apple decided to purchase itself foreign currency to minimize the effect of inflation. This will allow for their revenue from international markets to increase. Socio-Cultural Environment: Social factors such as consumer preferences, life priorities, income groups, and perceptions about different brands have a huge impact on the sales of Apple’s products. People all over the world are well aware of its brand image. The social environment has a huge positive impact on Apple for their products are seen as an image for today’s modern individual’s life. People see it as highly reliable and innovative, however they are also seen as highly expensive and the software very limited for people who wish to use their iPhones for more than just phone calls and emails. This regrettably influences people to seek a competitor’s products for a lower price or with more features. Technological Environment: Apple currently has the spotlight as the market leader in innovation. However, what Apple fails to realize is that technology can become outdated quite quickly (sometimes over-night) and yet Apple casually cruises through the years releasing new models of products with very little hardware or software changes compared to the previous models. Their refusal to continuously bring innovative products will result in other market leaders stealing their throne. For example, Google’s Open Source Operating System, Android, has resulted in the migration of many Apple users to Android smartphones due to the reduced costs and in some cases such as with the Sony Xperia or the HTC One, their hardware specifications far exceeded that of the latest iPhone model. Political & Legal Environment: Apple has to duly adhere to all the rules and regulations for each company that they do business with such as tranquil rules and regulations, tax rates, tariffs. Etc. If they do not keep an eye on the changing government behaviors and patterns, it may be rather difficult for Apple with regards to marketing and the selling of their products and in severe cases, their products may be banned altogether. Apple also has to ensure that there is no copyright infringement in their products, or that of competitors. There have been many cases where Apple and Samsung confront each other in a legal battle over copyrighted material/ideas/names such as the rounded launch buttons in Apple’s home screen. Physical Environment: Apple is always finding ways to reduce their carbon footprint and as a result, they have a positive reputation with regards to their care for the environment. Apple has very few disagreements with environmentalists because the manufacturing process of their products usually follows all of the laws and regulations regarding the environment. Furthermore, Apple also encourages its users to dispose of harmful products such as used batteries and fluorescent backlighting systems properly at their nearest iStore. Apple’s packaging is usually made of either plastic or glass, which is easily recycled and only a few products are distributed in cardboard boxes. Apple’s data centers are also 100% powered by renewable resources! International Environment: Globalization describes the mobility of goods, services, labour, technology and capital throughout the world. Apple has increased dramatically as an international business and have harnessed globalization and used it to their advantage. For example, by using their most famous piece of Apple software, iTunes. A large variety of songs are available on iTunes and because the business has offered this on the Internet and as software has increased their sales internationally as it has become accessible internationally. The products that Apple provides are sold internationally. Stores exist all over the world, allowing the business to become an international company. Not only does the use of stores help Apple to become an international company but the use of the Internet also allows this to occur. However, by going international with their products, they have also broadened their spectrum for competition. Not every country is as passionate about Apple’s products as America is and this as a result, could have a negative effect on their sales. However due to their strong brand image and good reputation, many people around the world seek the glorious Apple Logo for their brilliant, bright, innovative products.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
#1 Business Writing Recommendation for Everything You Write at Work
#1 Business Writing Recommendation for Everything You Write at Work There are two fundamental questions that you should ask yourself before you write anything in business. Actually, you should ask yourself these questions before any kind of business communication in business, whether it takes the form of meetings, discussions, presentations, email, or major documents. This is my most important business recommendation that frames much of the work in our business writing courses. These two questions ensure that everything else about the document falls into place. It frames the essence of the communication. Skip these questions, and your document will not work in the most important way:helping your reader know or do what you seek. This is how you elicit the business response you seek. Business writing is a rhetoric entirely dependent on your audience, and it is also very results-oriented. We shouldn't be writing, or discussing, or presenting, if we don't have something to say. If you can't answer these questions, stop! There is no need write or say anything. My #1 Business Writing Recommendation Ask yourself these two important questions before you write anything at work: Question # 1 - Who is my reader? There are really two aspects to this question. 1.a - Who will actually be reading this document (or listening to your presentation or discussion)? Name them, so they are clear in your mind. Writing this down will help you frame your readers in your mind more clearly. 1.b - What is their unique perspective? (We summarize this in business writing trainingmore bluntly, and ask participants to explain "What's their deal?") Consider those readers you identified and analyze them. For example: Are they skimmers? If so, you need to consider format more, and likely include headings and white space and even graphics so it's easy skim. Are they focused on budget? Be sure you include clear cost/benefit content since that is important to them. Are they stubborn? You need to include specific, concrete facts to sway their opinion. You may also need to include some content that lets them change their opinion and still appear right. Are they a grammar perfectionist? You need to proofread very, very carefully. Are they a hot head? You may need to buffer the document, since you know they're quick to react and disengage before they read your good justifications. Are they familiar with your subject? You will need less background information, if so. Are they unfamiliar with your subject? Conversely, they will need clear background or context information. Are they committed to a particular viewpoint? If so, be sure to address how your information relates, because you know that will be their implicit question. And so on. Ask yourself what matters most to this reader. Do this, and your content will match audience needs. Skip this, and your content will likely have gaps or over-explanation or be off the mark. Question # 2 - What do I want my reader to know or do? This clarifies the purpose of your document. This question helps you guide your reader directly to the business outcome you seek. It pushes the information into the enterprise information flow. The answer to this question should be reflected in your conclusion. Make it easy for your reader to respond. This way, the document works. Do you see how these essential questions dramatically reframe every document? By considering your audience carefully and defining purpose, you will be able to provide the relevant content for your particular readers. Your readers will be able to understand or do what you are requesting. And, they will bemuch more amenable if you address their perspective. The Outcome Your document advances your business goals. Your reader is able to respond or understand the significance immediately. That is always the essential goal of all business writing. Always, be certain to ask these essential questionsfor every document you write. If you do, you can be confident you will have a framework of content that works. These simple steps change everything.
Monday, October 21, 2019
A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal The WritePass Journal
A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal Introduction A scoping report on the Beighton Extreme Sport Park proposal Introduction1. Spatial Scope1.1 Transport Links1.2 Employment2. Life-cycle of activities and Physical Presence2.1 Materials2.2 Temporal Scope2.3 Dimensions3. Assessment of Environmental and Socio – Economic Effects/ Reasons for Scoping Report3.1 Flora and Fauna3.2 Air and Noise Quality3.3 Groundwater Problems3.4 Light Pollution3.5 Sewage, Waste and Litter3.6 Socio-Economic4. Mitigating Measures 4.1 Table of Mitigation Measures and Alternatives4.2 Potential Dangers or Hazards5. Legislative and Policy Context 5.1 Introduction to EIA Policy and Context5.2 Need for EIA (Schedule 2)5.3 Need for EIA (Schedule 3)BibliographyRelated Introduction 1. Spatial Scope The proposed site for the Beighton extreme sport park is located on the A57 which is the road connecting Sheffield city centre to junction 31 on the M1. Some of the local residential areas that surround the site include: Woodhouse, Hackenthorpe and Crystal Peaks, all of which could make up some for some of the workforce. Other local places of interest which could have an impact on the site include: the Shirebrook Nature Reserve, Westfield Sports Centre and Crystal Peaks shopping centre to the south. This can be seen more clearly in figure 1 and 2 below. The plot of land is currently owned by the Sheffield City Council and the developers are LBX Holdings Ltd who is based in Newcastle. 1.1 Transport Links As I mentioned before the site is located near the M1, which is the main motorway linking the south of Britain to the north. There is a tramline that runs from Sheffield city centre to Crystal Peaks one of the neighbouring residential areas and a bit further afield on the other side of the A57 there is Woodhouse railway station which again runs into the Sheffield city centre. The site would also be easily accessible for people living in the local areas that surround the proposed site. This can be viewed better in figure 1 and 2 below. 1.2 Employment The project information (2011) states that 140 full time jobs will be necessary during a 25 year operation period. More on employment will be discussed in section 3. This image is courtesy of (2003) site accessed on (2011) from google images Figure 1. This map shows the proposed site for the sports park which is highlighted in blue. As you can see it is located directly on the A57 and is very close to residential areas. The M1 is located just off to the right of the picture. (Law) Motivation and managing diversity Second Draft  Photo courtesy of Stephen Jay (2011) Figure 2. This is an aerial photograph of the site which is circled in orange, again showing the A57 on the left and some of the residential areas surrounding the site. 2. Life-cycle of activities and Physical Presence 2.1 Materials Where possible materials will be used from local areas for the six major constructions in the proposed area. The access for the lorries bringing the materials should be fairly easy due to the M1 and A57 being so close. Particularly for the snowdome, skate park and canoe area, specialised materials will needed to be brought in to make them successful. Basic construction materials will be needed for the administration building and hotel such as; steel, timber and glass and tarmac would also be needed for the car park. The project information hand out (2011) also states that 10,000 tonnes of topsoil will also be needed for landscaping. 2.2 Temporal Scope According to the project information hand out (2011) the site will give 100 jobs for a 16 month construction phase with over 200,000 tonnes of materials being needed to complete the park. The hand out also states that these materials will be transported in 10,000 trips over a six month period assuming it is done in a six day week. 2.3 Dimensions The dimensions, materials and layout in section 2.3 of each building are given in the Beighton Extreme Sports Park project information handbook (2011) Snowdome – This building would be the largest, (2011) state that the square footage of the Xscape in Milton Keynes is 55,000m2 with a 44m roof. Beighton snowdome will be a lot smaller compared to this with only a small selection of restaurants so the dimensions will total 5,000m2 with a height of just 30m. Skate Park – This is an outdoor activity and will be 450m2; the height will be around 8m. A few bars will surround the skate park too adding to the area slightly. Canoe Park – (2011) states that their canoe run in Lee Valley is 300m long, again Beighton has a smaller area so the canoe run will only be 200m in length, with picnic areas surrounding the run and some restaurants. Coach and Car Parking – Because this is a unique project and its easy accessibility the car park will be around 18,720m2 and floodlight. This includes all the circulation, floodlighting and bay parking areas. In total there will be enough bays for 590 cars 45 of which are for disabled drivers and in addition to this 120 spaces for overspill, plus 10 spaces for coaches. Hotel – The hotel will be two floors and have a square footage of 3700m2, it will include the usual hotel amenities such as bar and two restaurants, there will also be 20 rooms on the ground floor and a further 80 on the second floor. Administration Building – This will be 180m2 and will be built out of the same materials as the hotel which is timer steel and reinforced concrete. Photo courtesy of Stephen Jay (2011) Figure 3. This is another aerial photograph giving more detail into where the proposed buildings will be constructed. 3. Assessment of Environmental and Socio – Economic Effects/ Reasons for Scoping Report 3.1 Flora and Fauna Currently the site is attempting to replant some trees and other smaller plants as shown in figure 4 below, this would ultimately be disrupted by the project. However new shrubs and trees would be planted if the site were constructed and many of the areas round the hotel, admin building and canoe run could retain the local flora and fauna. Figure 4 shows some areas of Beighton Tip that has tried to be rehabilitated with trees and plants, some of this may be lost due to the construction plans. 3.2 Air and Noise Quality The Park will undoubtedly increase traffic in the local area which in turn will increase noise and air pollution, this will partly be due to the proximity of the M1. In popular seasons such as the summer months And weekends the car park may reach its maximum capacity leading to some overspill into the local residential areas, which again would increase noise and air pollution. Because canoeing and skiing are very specialist sports and the site is not a natural habitat for either of these sports, a lot of energy will be used to pump water into the canoe run and ski slope for freezing, this process will lead to a decrease in air quality and may add to problems on a global scale. 3.3 Groundwater Problems The project handbook (2011) states that 1 tonne of snow per day will be used and that inside the snow dome the temperature will be kept at around -2 C .In order for the snow to be produced 1500litres of water will be used per day with an underground tank storing 20,000litres. This could lead to some groundwater problems on the site if the tank were to break and lose water. 3.4 Light Pollution Because the park will be open well into the night, it may cause problems for the local residential areas in terms of constant light during late hours. With the lights from the M25 so close by, the park may add significant light pollution to the local area. A strategic environmental assessment of Devon transport links (pp37:2006) identified some of the main problems linked with light pollution: Light trespass: the intrusion of light into homes Glare: unshielded bright lighting may be hazardous in a relatively small area Sky Glow: the broad orange glow that prevents appreciation of the night sky They discovered that these types of light pollution led to a loss of insects such as moths, disrupted bird migration patterns and even stunted tree and shrub growth. 3.5 Sewage, Waste and Litter Currently there is a river running through the site which for the most part is underground. This is already has been polluted which is clear from the reddish  colour which is most probably iron oxides and large amount of litter, figure 5a and b highlights this ; the construction of the site will only increase the amount of sewage in the area which could cause some problems. There is water quality testing points all over the site which are clearly visible in figure 6. Before any work can take place a lot of the rubbish and graffiti will need to be cleaned not just in the site but on some of the walkways leading to the proposed area, this is shown in figures 7 and 8. Recycling points and rubbish bins will be put in place all over the proposed site so as to limit the amount of litter when the project has been constructed. Hopefully the extreme sports park will deter vandalism and litter in the local residential areas. Figure 5a b indicates the iron oxides (on the left) and possible other pollutants that inhibit the local stream that runs through the site Figure 6 shows the water quality stations over the site Figure 7 8 highlights the litter and graffiti problems that the sites has and will need to be addressed. 3.6 Socio-Economic The site will increase traffic in the local residential areas as I have mentioned before and may cause problems in parking if the sports park is full. It could encourage people to use the local shopping centre at Crystal Peaks which in turn would improve cash flows for other local businesses and as I mentioned earlier it would also provide jobs for the local area. Hopefully with more money being pumped into the park and its local businesses improvements could be made by the council on local problems such as: litter and graffiti in other areas outside the park, better transport links, better residential facilities or improvements on current roadways. There is some competition in Xscape Castleford outside Leeds and Milton Keynes which are similar projects; however the main competitor is Sheffield Ski Village which has a dry ski slope. The proposed ski slope at Beighton uses real snow from frozen water which I believe would make it a lot more popular and with the other attractions more successful. 4. Mitigating Measures 4.1 Table of Mitigation Measures and Alternatives Problem Mitigation Alternative Car Park Overspill Reduce the size of some of the other proposed constructions and increase the size of the car park Using another site close by as extra car parking space Increased Traffic Improve local road networks such as expanding either the M1 or A57 allowing more cars on the road at one time. Encourage more bus routes or easier access to tram lines meaning people from Sheffield would use public transport over cars which would reduce traffic Relocate proposed site to somewhere less residential, which would affect less residential areas and at a site that has even better transport links which could manage the amount of traffic generated by the sports park. Flora and Fauna Loss Leave areas of current restoration as much as possible Introduce a new programme allowing restoration in other parts of the local area Sewage and Waste Build more recycling and rubbish points on the site Recycle rubbish at legally and dump other waste and legal landfill sites Air/Noise Quality Closing the park earlier and opening later, would reduce the amount of emissions and energy used, it would also decrease the noise created by the park at the later hours Using the site for other sports which require less energy and generate less noise such as indoor football, tennis etc. 4.2 Potential Dangers or Hazards With such extreme sports there are always going to be risks and possible dangers. At each of the main constructions there will be first aid equipment and in each area there will always be a certified first aider. With the local transport links to medical centres in some of the local residential areas and the A57 leading to central Sheffield there is easy access to medical attention when needed. In terms of the sports themselves, maintenance teams will need to be on site at all times ready to fix any dangerous problems, such as any malfunctions to the machines converting the water to snow or problems with the waterworks in the canoe run. 5. Legislative and Policy Context 5.1 Introduction to EIA Policy and Context Carroll and Turpin (2009) state that the need for legislation when it comes to Town and Country planning which was introduced in 1990 is because it allows developers to apply to local authorities for guidance on whether an EIA is necessary to build on a certain plot of land. They go on to explain that the projects are split into schedule 1 to 3. Schedule 1 projects always require an EIA as they are potentially polluting projects, schedule 2 only need an EIA to establish whether it meets certain criteria or exceeds any thresholds established by the government. Schedule 3 is classed as the criteria needed for screening schedule 2. Due to Beighton extreme sports park not being primarily build for any natural resource extraction or used for any waste disposal it cannot be classed as schedule 1, therefore it must be classed as schedule 2 and 3, therefore screening is needed in order to establish whether the project proposal will meet the necessary thresholds and criteria 5.2 Need for EIA (Schedule 2) All policies and legislation mentioned in section 5.2 and 5.3 was used from from looking at the (1999) the town and country planning regulations it clearly states in schedule 2, section 10 infrastructure projects part b that, ‘Urban development projects, including the construction of shopping centres and car parks, sports stadiums, leisure centres and multiplex cinemas;’. It also mentions that all areas of development that exceed 0.5 hectares will require and EIA. The size of the proposed car park is 18,720m 2 which exceeds the criteria in this section of the schedule. Still referring to schedule 2 of the town and country planning 1999 in section 12 Tourism and Leisure it states that in order for, ‘Ski-runs, ski-lifts and cable-cars and associated developments;’ to be constructed the threshold is, ‘the area of the works exceeds 1 hectare; or the height of any building or other structure exceeds 15 metres’. The proposed area of the snowdome is 5,000m2 and the height is 30m which exceeds both thresholds. Later on in section 12 it also says that, ‘Holiday villages and hotel complexes outside urban areas and associated developments;’ are also included, the proposal also shows that it exceeds these thresholds with the hotel being 3,700m2. 5.3 Need for EIA (Schedule 3) According to the Town and Country Planning 1999 the criteria for screening include, ‘characteristics of development, location of development and characteristics of potential impacts’. Included in some of these characteristics are criteria such as, ‘size of development, pollution and nuisance, the risk of accidents, having regard in particular to substances or technologies used, proximity to nature reserves and parks and the extent of the impact (geographical area and size of the affected population)’. Also these factors may be affected by the proposed project and will need to be taken into consideration for example as I mentioned earlier some of the sports are considered extreme and accidents could occur, a scoping report would be beneficial in understanding more about the possible dangerous and what can be done to prevent them. The site is also located in very close proximity to the Beighton Marsh Nature Park Bibliography Wood, C. (2003) Environmental Impact Assessment – A Comparative Review 2nd Edition, London: Pearson Press DTLR Transport Local Government Regions (2000) Environmental Impact Assessment – A Guide to Procedures, London: Telford Press Carroll, B. Turpin, T. (2009) Environmental Impact Assessment Handbook 2nd Edition, London: Thomas Telford Ltd (2011) Details on large buildings on a global scale for skyscraper enthusiasts (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) Jay, S. (2011) Photos of Beighton Tip (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) Devon County Council (2004) Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Devon Local Transport Plan 2006-11 Scoping Report (Online) Available: (15th March 2011) Coughtrie, N. (2011) Photos of Beighton Tip (9th March 2011) (2011) The Home of UK Legislation (Online) Available: (9th March 2011) Jay, S. (2011) Beighton Extreme Sports Park Project Information (9th March 2011) (2003) Map of Beighton tip and surrounding area (Online) Available: (9th March 2011)
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